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Joshua Kit Clayton

Date: May 10, 2005
Issues of Heterogeneity and Integration
Location: 432 Computer Science Building, UC Irvine

Joshua Kit Clayton

Date: May 09, 2005
Joshua Kit Clayton
Location: 216 Music and Media Building, UC Irvine

Alexander Wolf

Date: May 06, 2005
Content-Based Networking: A New Communication Service
Location: McDonnell Douglas Engineering Auditorium, UC Irvine


Date: May 06, 2005
Information Flow Decomposition for Network Coding
Location: Center for Magnetic Research auditorium, UCSD


Date: May 06, 2005
Opportunistic Wireless Communication
Location: Center for Magnetic Recording Research auditorium, UCSD


Date: May 04, 2005
Digital Ethnography: The Empowering Potentials of New Media toward Preservation & Historical Dislocation
Location: Social Science Bldg room 107, UCSD

Hamid Ekbia

Date: May 04, 2005
Network Organizations: From Theory to Practice
Location: Calit2 Building, Room 3008, UC Irvine

IBM Almaden Labs

Date: May 03, 2005
Non-Magnetic Data Storage Principles, Potential and Problems
Location: CMRR Auditorium, UCSD
*Live Webcast

Robert McEliece

Date: April 29, 2005
3rd Annual Shannon Memorial Lecture
Location: CMRR Auditorium, UCSD
*Live Webcast


Date: April 28, 2005
From Start-up to Cisco
Location: University Club, UC Irvine