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Albert Lin

March 3, 2009
Remote Sensing for the Lost Tomb of Genghis Khan
Speaker: Dr. Albert Yu-Min Lin, Calit2, Valley of the Khans Project
[event info]
[webcast archive]

Larry Bock, Founder, San Diego Science Festival

March 3, 2009
Calit2 at the San Diego Science Festival
Calit2 Participates in First-Ever San Diego Science Festival
Speaker: Larry Bock, Art Ellis, Craig Venter, Nicole Garcia, Mayor Jerry Sanders, Lt. Gov. John Garamendi, Press Conference Speakers
[web article]
[video]Length: 1:25

Dirk Bergemann, Yale Economics

February 20, 2009
Robust Mechanism Design: A Survey of Recent Work
Speaker: Dirk Bergemann, Yale University, Professor of Economics
[event info]

Einstein robot

February 12, 2009
It's All Relative: UC San Diego's Einstein Robot Has 'Emotional Intelligence'
Calit2 Participates in First-Ever San Diego Science Festival


February 10, 2009
Shedding Light on a Renaissance Master
Shedding New Light on a Renaissance Master
Speaker: Maurizio Seracini, Director, CISA3 and, SDMA's John Marciari and Derrick Cartwright
[web article]

Larry Smarr address green IT conference

January 29, 2009
Greening the Internet Economy
Speaker: Larry Smarr, Director, Calit2 et al.
[web article]
[event info]
[webcast] Length: Multiple

Scott Page, Univ of Michigan

January 23, 2009
Unpacking the Wisdom of Crowds
Speaker: Scott Page, University of Michigan, Professor of Complex Systems, Political Science and Economics
[event info]
[webcast] Length: 1:18:42

Amin Vahdat, Director, UCSD Center for Networked Systems

January 14, 2009
CNS: Technologies and Frameworks for Robust, Secure Networked Systems
Speaker: Amin Vahdat, UC San Diego, Director, UCSD Center for Networked Systems
[event info]
[webcast] Length: 9:52

Lev Manovich

January 9, 2009
Cultural Analytics Research at UC San Diego
Supercomputing to Help UC San Diego Researchers Visualize Cultural Patterns
Speaker: Lev Manovich, Software Studies Initiative at Calit2, Director
[news release]
[video]Length: 5:40

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