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"Jacobs School Newsletter"
California, Industry Meet Financial Commitments to Calit2

This edition of the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering newsletter reports that "despite the downturn gripping most high-technology companies, industrial partners and California lawmakers are making good on their commitments to finance" Calit2. The article also named ten new partners since the institute's launch in December 2000.

An Interview with Chiaro Networks' Steve Wallach

At Supercomputing 2002, the high-performance computing news service's editor-in-chief Alan Beck interviewed the Chiaro executive about how his company's new optical router fits into the Calit2-led OptIPuter project.

"TheMarker.com (Israel)"
Chiaro Beats Cisco, Juniper to U.S. OptIPuter Grid Contract

The Hebrew-language tech news service notes that the deal with Calit2 represents a major victory for Chiaro Networks, "the most extensively financed startup in Israeli history."  

"Haaretz Daily (Israel)"
Chiaro Beats Cisco, Juniper

The newspaper's English-language edition profiles Chiaro Networks, the company set to deliver its Enstara optical router to the OptIPuter project led by Calit2.

Chiaro Girds 'Router' for the Grid

The online optical-networking site's senior editor Phil Harvey reports on the technology that Calit2 is deploying at UCSD as partits OptIPuter project, with the unveiling of the first optical router made by Chiaro Networks.

"Bloomberg News"
California Supercomputer to Feature Optical Lines, NYT Says

Based on a New York Times report, San Francisco-based David Russell notes that Calit2 will use a router from Chiaro Networks. The campus-wide machine to be deployed at UCSD "will differ from many computers because the communications lines will be faster than the processors."

"Straits Times"
Optiputer will share info at the speed of light

The Singapore daily picked up the New York Times story on Calit2's announcement "highlighting a radical departure in the design of the fastest computers."

"Network World"
High-end routers emerge

Writer Jim Duffy notes that Chiaro Networks' entry in the core router market is "shipping and deployed now at the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology next-generation grid network, OptIPuter."

"New York Times"
Supercomputer to Use Optical Fibers

Writer John Markoff reports on Calit2's plan to use an optical router, designed by a Chiaro Networks, "as the heart of a campus-wide supercomputer that will be woven together with optical fibers".

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
UCSD to take part in study of schizophrenia

Staff writer Cheryl Clark reports on a new $10.9 million grant to a group of nine institutions led by UC Irvine and UCSD, where scientists including Calit2 participant Mark Ellisman will study schizophrenia by sharing brain images over a high-speed version of the Internet.

"KUSI News"
KUSI's Rod Luck visited SDSU's Visualization Lab

Video clips of Rod Luck's visit to SDSU's Visualization Lab and his talk with co-director Bob Welty.

John Wooley Discusses How Biotech Companies Can Partner with UCSD

The weekly newsletter of San Diego's biotech trade association, BIOCOM, reports on a briefing by John Wooley, UCSD associate vice chancellor and Calit2 layer leader for Digitally Enabled Genomic Medicine (page 5).

"The Scientist"
OptIPuter boots up

The British magazine quotes Calit2 director Larry Smarr as saying the NSF-funded OptIPuter project is necessary for large-scale e-science applications because the "chunks of data are so big, that trying to get them across the shared Internet is just not possible."

"Electric Vehicle Online Today"
UCI's ZEVNET Project Chosen for Transportation Award

In its Oct. 28 edition, the magazine's Benjamin Fulford showcases an experiment in sensor networking in the California desert undertaken by UCLA computer science professor Deborah Estrin, who sits on Calit2's Advisory Board.

Sensors Gone Wild

In its Oct. 28 edition, the magazine's Benjamin Fulford showcases an experiment in sensor networking in the California desert undertaken by UCLA computer science professor Deborah Estrin, who sits on Calit2's Advisory Board.

"Orange County Business Journal"
Architecture and Engineering: Special Report

The architect's rendering of the lobby of the Calit2 building at UCI was used to lead off this special report, on page 26 of the September 23, 2002 issue. Johnson Fain Partners were the architects for the building design. (Page reprinted by courtesy of the Orange County Business Journal.)

"Associated Press"
Commuting on the fast tack

Sacramento correspondent Jim Wasserman quotes Mohan Trivedi, Calit2's layer leader for intelligent transportation and telematics at UCSD, in a report on various ways in which "California pioneers high-tech methodology to unclog its roadways."

"T Sector"
Telecom Blues?

In its October edition, the magazine's cover story carries an in-depth interview with five local insiders--including Calit2 director Larry Smarr and former UCSD Jacobs School dean Bob Conn--on the long-term outlook for the telecom industry. Full, uncut version of the interview is available online.

"T Sector"
The Air Apparent

Writer Tim Ingersoll profiles roll-out of the Wi-Fi network on the UCSD campus, including the CyberShuttle experiment, and quotes extensively from Ramesh Rao, UCSD division director of Calit2, on the outlook for Wi-Fi versus 3G technology. Subscription required.

"T Sector"
Clearing the Path at Calit2

This report by Andrea Siedsma on the start of construction on the institute's new building includes an illustration showcasing the wireless "free zones" that will allow "radio frequency signals to flow into, out of and through the building." Subscription required

"UCSD Guardian"
UCSD Researchers Win $1.8 million in Discovery Grants

The campus newspaper reports that the state grants will fund four new research projects to be carried out by Calit2 and the Center for Wireless Communications

"Chicago Tribune"
$13.5 million virtual computer aims to link researchers

Writer Jon Van reports that the OptIPuter project could "yield new insights in a wide range of fields, similar to when scientists first got access to supercomputers about two decades ago.

"San Diego Metropolitan"
Frontier Science Drives San Diego's Biotech Industry

In the August issue, writer Bradley Fikes reports on advances in bioinformatics at Calit2 and the San Diego Supercomputer Center, noting that the frontier in biotechnology is moving "away from direct observation to computer modeling."

"New York Times"
National Science Foundation Announces Grant Winners

Technology writer John Markoff reports on the biggest information-technology awards, including the UCSD-led OptIPuter project; Jacobs School professor and Calit2 director Larry Smarr is quoted as hailing "the government investing big bucks in optics at the very moment that Wall Street has destroyed optical networking."

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Area Researchers Win $30 Million in Grants

Reporter Bruce Lieberman notes that UCSD "is the leader or major partner in four of the seven largest national projects the foundation will fund through its Information Technology Research program... UCSD alone captured more than $22 million."

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
UCSD Researchers Win Project Grants

The paper's Business Briefing column reports that 12 researchers at the UCSD's Jacobs School have won more than $1.8 million in state-funded UC Discovery Grants for four new research projects to be carried out through the Center for Wireless Communications and Calit2.

"San Diego Metropolitan"
Daily Business Report

The magazine's online edition details faculty members who are teaming up on four projects in wireless and optical communications with support from industry and $1.8 million in matching UC Discovery Grants.

"T Sector"
UCSD's Jacobs School Gets $1.8 Million to Fund Communications

The magazine's online edition reports on grants from the state that "will match corporate dollars to pay for wireless and optical research" at the Center for Wireless Communications and Calit2.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
A New School of Thought at UCSD

Staff writer Eleanor Yang reports on the opening of UCSD's Sixth College, led by Calit2 education layer leader Gabriele Wienhausen, noting that the undergraduates in "arts, culture and technology" were given PDAs (part of the ActiveCampus project led by CSE professor and Calit2 interfaces and software systems layer leader Bill Griswold).

"2002 Game Career Guide"
UCI's Celia Pearce Quoted on Education for Game Development Career

Celia Pearce, Research and External Relations Manager for the New Media Arts layer at UC Irvine, is quoted in the 2002 Game Career Guide published in August by Game Developer Magazine.

"Associated Press"
San Diego Scientists Applying Research to Homeland Security

AP reporter Seth Hettena's story, picked up by North County Times in its Sept. 6 edition, highlights the work of UCSD researchers, including Jacobs School interim dean Frieder Seible (photo) and structural engineer professor Gil Hegemier.

"Financial Times"
Technology Worth Watching: Detector for Warfare Agents

The London-based newspaper summarizes findings published in the October edition of "Nature Materials" magazine, based on development of "intelligent dust" to detect chemical and bio-warfare agents by Calit2 researchers Michael Sailor and Sangeeta Bhatia.

"San Diego Daily Transcript"
UCSD gets Funding for Security Projects

The paper reports on three new federally-funded research projects in the Jacobs School's computer vision lab of Calit2 layer leader Mohan Trivedi, "for three separate research projects designed to aid Homeland Security agencies."

"KFMB-TV Channel 8 (CBS)"
UCSD Shows Off Anti-Terror Technology

Reporter Steve Price's piece covers the broad range of technologies under development at UCSD for homeland-security.

"KNSD-TV Channel 7 (NBC)"
Homeland Security

Suzanne Rico reports from the homeland-security briefing at UCSD, quoting experts including Calit2's Ramesh Rao. Video courtesy of KNSD. [Video] Length: 2:34

"XETV-TV Channel 6 (Fox)"
Scientific Security

Jasper Desi reports on new technology to respond to mass emergencies, including quotes from researchers affiliated with Calit2. Video courtesy of Fox6. [Video] Length: 2:00

"KBNT-TV Channel 17 (Univision)"
Lucha contra el terorismo a UCSD

Reporter Claudia Mendoza profiles UCSD research on homeland security for this Spanish-language television station, with quotes from San Diego Supercomputer Center director Fran Berman and Calit2's Ramesh Rao. In Spanish (with English subtitles). [Video] Length: 1:34
Video courtesy of KBNT.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"

Writer Bruce Lieberman's front-page story reports that researchers from Calit2, UCSD and other institutions--"San Diego's arsenal of scientific talent"--are "contributing to the fight against terrorism."

"The Daily Transcript"
Dust-sized Chips Can Detect Bio Attack

The paper reports on an upcoming story in "Nuclear Materials" about Calit2 researcher and UCSD chemistry and biochemistry professor Michael Sailor's development of so-called "smart dust" chips of silicon treated chemically to detect biological or chemical hazards in the air or water.

"San Diego Metropolitan"
Bertram Wins IEEE Award

The magazine's online Daily Business Report notes that Jacobs School professor Neal Bertram has won the IEEE's award for information storage advances, for his working on the underlying physics of magnetic storage devices.

"North County Times"
A New Science Is Born

Brad Fikes reports on the leadership role that San Diego, UCSD, and Calit2, are playing in the new field of bioinformatics and bioengineering.

"San Diego Metropolitan"
Frontier Science Drives San Diego's Biotech Industry

In the August issue, writer Brad Fikes reports on thriving research in bioinformatics at UCSD, Calit2 and the San Diego Supercomputer Center, including the work of Bioengineering professors Shankar Subramaniam and Andrew McCulloch.

"T Sector Online"
UCSD Prof Wins Electronics Industry Prize

The online service notes that Calit2 researcher Peter Asbeck becomes only the third California researcher to win the IEEE David Sarnoff Award since it was instituted almost 50 years ago.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
The fading future

In a report on how visions of life-changing technology are succumbing to economic downturn, writer Jennifer Davies quotes Calit2 director Larry Smarr on why innovation is thriving in universities with federal dollars.

"Business Week"
The High Hurdles Facing Wi-Fi

The article mentions Calit2's Always Best Connected research and quotes the institute's UCSD division director Ramesh Rao.

"San Diego Daily Transcript"
Wireless in San Diego

Writer John Patrick Ford reports on Calit2 director Larry Smarr's keynote speech and other views of the wireless market during a recent conference on "Evolving Markets in Telecommunications."

"NewsScan Daily"
Design In Privacy Makes Sense

Privacy advocate Simson Garfinkle calls the scope of Calit2's endeavor "breathtaking" but also urges the institute to factor privacy concerns into its "living laboratories."

"UCI News"
Calit2 Moves Forward

UC Irvine highlights current Calit2 activity and profiles Lorrie Minkel, financial manager for the institute's UCI division.

"UCSD Perspectives"
Safety in Digital Numbers

In its Summer 2002 issue, the magazine profiles cutting-edge research into the use of computer vision and other technologies for auto safety, done in the lab of Calit2 layer leader Mohan Trivedi.

Engineering Vehicle Safety

On July 3, at 8 p.m. PDT, UCSD-TV will air a 20-minute report on auto safety research projects in the lab of Calit2 layer leader Mohan Trivedi.

"802.11 Planet.com"
CyberShuttle: Mobile Hotspot on Campus

Writer Cheryl Meyer quotes Calit2 UCSD division director Ramesh Rao on the UCSD Wi-Fi-equipped commuter bus that allows riders to send e-mail, download files and surf the Web.

Roadtripping in Search of the Technological Future

In its June 24 issue, magazine writer Eryn Brown recounts 33 days on 8 campuses--including UCSD, where she highlighted Calit2 projects.

Wireless: The Next Quarter Century

Magazine editor Arik Hesseldahl asked Calit2 director Larry Smarr and four other visionaries for their views of the future of wireless on its 30th anniversary.

"UCSD Connect"
A Big Deal for San Diego Technology

In UCSD Connect's Newsletter, Brian Blazevic writes about the groundbreaking of the Calit2 and new CSE building which occurred on May 31, 2002.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Institute Launched at UCSD

Writer Samule Autman reports that Gov. Gray Davis helped break ground on a building to house Calit2, " an institute that [Davis] and business and academic leaders hope will further transform California's economic and technological landscape."

"San Diego Business Journal"
Intelligent Sensor Networks

In a report on a UCSD Connect conference about sensor networks, writer Brad Graves quotes Calit2 director Larry Smarr's prediction that "biological sensors [will be] planted in people's bodies measuring things such as metabolism."

"Scripps Institution"
John Orcutt Elected to APS

Scripps scientist John Orcutt, a member of Calit2's Environment and Civil Infrastructure layer, has been elected to the prestigious American Philosophical Society.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
UCSD'S fantastic progeny

In its May 11 edition, the paper ran a feature story by Kathryn Balint on the visit of science-fiction writers to campus. The writers--all UCSD alumni--visited projects under the auspices of Calit2.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Technology Trailblazers

A feature about Calit2 was the paper's main Sunday cover story. Sacramento correspondent, Bill Ainsworth, called it an investment in "the economic future of the region and possibly the nation." The series also featured a profile of director Larry Smarr, and in Monday's paper, a Q&A with Smarr. [Profile] [Q&A]

"UC Office of the President"
Gov. Davis Signs Funding

According to a release from the UC Office of the President, Gov. Gray Davis signed legislation to provide $308 million in lease-revenue bonds to build California Institutes for Science and Innovation buildings, including Calit2 sites at UC San Diego and UC Irvine.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Oceans Watch

Scripps Institution of Oceanography scientist Detlef Stammer contributed this article about the COMPAS ocean and climate modeling project, a partnership that includes Calit2, IBM and the San Diego Supercomputer Center.

Internet2 Dance Performance

UCI professor Lisa Naugle, an academic participant in Calit2's New Media Arts layer, recently organized a distributed dance performance, combining live performances at UCI and New York University. As Shellie Nazarenus reports, music and video were transmitted in both directions over Internet2.

Shared-Use Car Project

UCI professor Will Recker, campus Calit2 layer leader for Intelligent Transportation and Telematics, takes the wraps off California's largest shared-use station car initiative. Shellie Nazarenus reports the ZEV-NET project combines the Internet, fuel cells, electric vehicles, research and shared-use together to solve complex problems like traffic congestion, air pollution and oil dependency.

"Los Angeles Times/Chicago Tribune"
Warming to Wi-Fi

In a report on the future of 802.11b, so-called "Wi-Fi" wireless, technology writer Jon Van says the Calit2-sponsored CyberShuttle "that marries 3G and Wi-Fi may provide a glimpse of this hybrid future."

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Venture capital firm hires dean to oversee fund

Writer Bruce Bigelow reports on Calit2 industry partner Enterprise Partners' hiring outgoing UCSD Jacobs School dean Bob Conn, effective July 1, noting Conn's role in formation of the institute.

"MIT Technology Review"
Grid Computing

In the publication's 3,700-word report on grid computing, the May 2002 cover story, M. Mitchell Waldrop quotes Calit2 director Larry Smarr extensively on the prospects for "a new kind of utility that offers supercomputer processing on tap."

"Los Angeles Times"
Bus Ride on the Information Superhighway

Interviewing Calit2's Ramesh Rao and others, staff writer Anica Butler reports that "UC staff and students on a campus shuttle stay connected while they try out new technology allowing faster mobile Internet access."

"Associated Press"
News Briefs from S. California

The news service reports that the "UCSD shuttle project is one of several conceived" by the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, a partnership between UCSD, University of California, Irvine and several private-sector companies to promote advances in telecommunications and information technology in California."

"Wireless NewsFactor"
Cyber Bus Gives Students High-Speed Wireless Ride

UCSD and Calit2 have "added a cyber shuttle that provides 2 Mbps... wireless access to passengers being ferried around campus and to a nearby train station," reports Brian McDonough.

"Chronicle of Higher Education"
'CyberShuttle' Offers Wireless Internet Access to UC-San Diego Commuters

Calit2's Ramesh Rao and other researchers call the high-speed Web-enabled vehicle "a glimpse into the future of ubiquitous computing," reports Florence Olsen.

"Ars Technica"
1xEV: 3G to the Max

This online PC enthusiast's resource showcases a detailed but engaging 5-part account of testing Qualcomm's 3G wireless technology, by John Kleint, a summer 2001 undergraduate Calit2 Fellow.

"San Diego Union Tribune"
UCSD bus riders make speedy Net connection

Bruce Lieberman reports on the high-speed Web-enabled bus, calling it "one of several conceived by [Calit2], which is pioneering the new technology.

"Environment News Service"
Visualization Center

The online news service features the Calit2 Visualization Center at Scripps in a report titled 'Earth Data Screened as 3-D Wall to Wall Images,' noting that the 3-D visuals dramatize data showing the impact of global warming on Earth's climate and oceans.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Region called resource in battle against terrorism

Calit2 "is developing new ways to use the Internet so that scientists, emergency personnel and public officials can better share information during a crisis," reports science writer Bruce Lieberman on anti-terrorism battle in San Diego.

"T Sector Online"
State Budget Woes Threaten Calit2 Funds

On March 21, the California Assembly adjourned until early April, without taking a vote on legislation that would commit the state to issuing lease-revenue bonds to raise $50 million for Calit2. That amount would represent the rest of California's capital commitment to financing construction of the institute's planned buildings at UC San Diego and UC Irvine. As T Sector's Amy Johnson Conner reporting for the online news service ahead of the adjournment, the Assembly is largely divided along party lines.

Visualization Center

Calit2 director Larry Smarr is quoted on NBC's San Diego TV station about the launch of the new visualization facilities at UCSD and San Diego State University.

Visualization Center

In this report for the CBS affiliate in San Diego, reporter Shawn Styles profiles the new Calit2 Visualization Center at Scripps--and how it can be used to follow seismic activity.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Nerve-gas Project

Writer Jeff Ristine mentions Calit2 in this report on the work of UCSD chemist Michael Sailor, on sensors that "ultimately could lead to a new generation of cheap, portable nerve-gas detectors."

"North County Times"
Visualization partnership could help fight disasters

In a feature about the new visualization centers linking the two universities, staff writer Bradley J. Fikes reports that Calit2 "is considering broadening the UCSD/SDSU partnership into a crisis management system for the San Diego area."

Immersive Environments

VREfresh featured the launch of Calit2's Visualization Center at Scripps as its lead story. The online publication covers advanced interactive projects run by the European Commission's Interactive Technologies program.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Visualization center is giving scientists a heads-up on quakes

The paper's science writer Bruce Lieberman reports on the Calit2 linkup between UCSD/Scripps and SDSU, "connecting experts separated by geography so they can simultaneously analyze huge amounts of data."

"Business Week"
The Next Web

In a Special Report on development of the Semantic Web led by Tim Berners-Lee of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to replace the World Wide Web, technology reporter Otis Port quotes Calit2 director Larry Smarr and UCSD/San Diego Supercomputer Center faculty participant Chaitan Baru.

"OC Register"
3 UCI artists chosen for Whitney exhibit

Calit2's Robert Nideffer, assistant professor of studio art, UC Irvine, is one of 3 UCI artists chosen for Whitney exhibit. Nideffer will show his Internet piece titled "Proxy."

"UCSD Anza"
Earthquake near Calexico

Friday, February 22, a 5.29 quake was felt near the town of Calexico. The UCSD Anza group (led by Frank Vernon, research seismologist at SIO and Calit2 participant) operates a broadband seismograph network. Their web site posts maps on current seismic activity as well as recorded data from previous earthquakes.

"San Diego Business Journal"

In a full-page profile, reporter Brad Graves says Calit2 director Larry Smarr sees himself on a life-long program of learning.

"MIT Technology Review"
Q&A with Larry Smarr

In its March issue (due on newsstands Feb. 26), the publication carries a 2,500-word Q&A with the Calit2 director, calling Smarr "a master facilitator, bringing people and institutions together to work on key technological challenges."

"San Diego Metropolitan"

More than 400 computer science and engineering freshmen at UCSD are sporting wireless-enabled Hewlett-Packard Jornada PDAs as part of a social and educational experiment, reports the San Diego Metropolitan in the San Diego Scene column of the magazine's February issue.

Researchers Take a Spin on Future Web

The online technology news service reports on Calit2's partnership with the Southern California Next-Generation Internet initiative, and quotes CalNGI's Mike Vildibill as saying Calit2's participation brings a different perspective, particularly in wireless communications--"a cornerstone of the next-generation Internet."

"UCSD Anza"
Earthquake near Julian

Sunday, February 3, a 4.0 quake was felt near the town of Julian. The UCSD Anza group (led by Frank Vernon, research seismologist at SIO and Calit2 participant) operates a broadband seismograph network. Their web site posts maps on current seismic activity as well as recorded data from previous earthquakes.

"NBC San Diego"
Computerized Biometrics

In a recent report on the NBC station in San Diego, reporter Vic Salazar interviewed Calit2 UCSD transportation layer leader Mohan Trivedi about new technology under development for computerized facial recognition and other types of biometrics.

"Mpulse Magazine"
Making Waves in San Diego

In the January issue of the online magazine sponsored by Calit2 industry partner Hewlett-Packard, Rick Mathieson calls San Diego a "world-class Mecca for wireless innovation," and notes that it is "no surprise" that the Jacobs School of Engineering and Center for Wireless Communications have made UCSD "one of the world's most prominent centers for wireless technology development."

"Business Now TV"

In early January, the syndicated TV program Business Now featured Calit2 and director Larry Smarr in a report on one of the institute's industry partners, TeraBurst Networks. The report aired on ABC-owned stations.

"The T Sector"
Calit2: Newsmaker of 2001

In its annual Tech Newsmakers issue, the San Diego-based publication named Calit2 the newsmaker of the year in the "community" category, noting that "the business and community press followed the Institute's progress throughout 2001." Jacobs School of Engineering dean Bob Conn (right) was cited for his role in bringing Calit2 to San Diego and Irvine.

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