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"KCBS-TV Los Angeles"
Special Assignment

Reporter Dean Griffin visited UCSD and spoke with Calit2 researcher Mike Sailor about tiny sensors to detect biohazards. "What you would like," Sailor told the TV interviewer, "is to have a [testing] lab shrunk down to the size of a chip and place it everywhere and it would only cost a few pennies."

"KCBS-TV Los Angeles"
Special Assignment

Reporter Dean Griffin visited UCSD and spoke with Calit2 researcher Mike Sailor about tiny sensors to detect biohazards. "What you would like," Sailor told the TV interviewer, "is to have a [testing] lab shrunk down to the size of a chip and place it everywhere and it would only cost a few pennies."

"San Diego Union Tribune"
State sees Net as early warning system

The paper's Sacramento correspondent, Bill Ainsworth, interviewed Calit2 director Larry Smarr at the Digital Government Conference in Sacramento, and filed this report on the institute's efforts to tap into technology in response to security threats. According to the article, many of the institute's research projects "can also help government officials prepare and prevent disasters."

The New Future

In a special print and online issue, the magazine asked Calit2 director Larry Smarr to answer three questions, including the greatest threat ("biological terrorism") and issues that will define the future ("converging exponentials of bio-X, nanotech, and information technologies/telecommunication").

Totally Wired U

"To see where technology will take us tomorrow, enroll at UC San Diego today," writes Quentin Hardy, who spent a day at Calit2 to report this profile of the institute and director Larry Smarr. Noting Calit2 plans to deploy high-speed wireless networks, supercomputers and nanotechnology labs, the magazine reports "the idea is to build the high-tech environment most of the world won't see for another decade."

"Wireless Week"
A Cultural Look At Location Technology

Peggy Albright reports that UCSD's Bill Griswold, supported by Calit2, is "leading an interdisciplinary team of researchers… to examine how location information might be used to promote spheres of commonality among students, faculty, staff and visitors to campus."

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Qualcomm Technology Offers Airborne Security

Reporter Jennifer Davies quotes Calit2 layer leader Mohan Trivedi as saying his research lab at UCSD is working on technology similar to Qualcomm's for use in automobiles and trucks: "There's a critical need for these types of security systems, Trivedi said, because 58 percent of all terrorist attacks are against the transportation infrastructure."

"San Diego Daily Transcript"
Improving Disaster Response With Emerging Internet Technologies

Calit2 director Larry Smarr writes in the newspaper's special report on Next Generation Networks: "One early activity of Calit2 is to create a variety of prototypes of early warning systems coupled to a disaster response information and telecommunications system."

"National Public Radio"
All Things Considered

In a piece about new medical devices for deployment inside the body, reporter Scott Horsley spoke with Calit2 director Larry Smarr about the future of wireless sensors to monitor health conditions.

"Network World"
Net innovation gets squeezed

In a feature about the impact on innovation from the downturn in the economy and high-tech stocks, Carolyn Duffy Marsan reports that "California's CalIT2 project… is building test beds for emerging optical and wireless technologies." She quotes director Larry Smarr saying, "In spite of a meltdown in the stock market and huge debt loads among wireless carriers in Europe, we have really seen no major backing away by industry from its support for our institute.

"International Herald Tribune"
4G Concept Taking Hold

Brad Spurgeon reports from Paris on efforts underway to define the post-3G generation of wireless networks, and quotes Calit2 division director Ramesh Rao as saying "the broad 4G issues include data speeds, network architecture and development of services for consumers."

"New Scientist"
Robots to the Rescue

Catherine Zandonella reports on a "comprehensive roadside response system being developed by Mohan Trivedi and his team at the University of California, San Diego." The British magazine highlights Trivedi's "R2D2 lookalike" robot that is "designed to be first on the scene after a traffic accident" allowing for two-way video and audio communications."

"San Diego Business Journal"
UCSD Donations Reach $121M In 2000-'01

Based on university filings for fiscal 2001, Denise T. Ward reports that Calit2 was one of the three biggest recipients of private donations at UCSD.

"T Sector Online"
High-Tech Data Center Under Way at Scripps

Web editor Amy Newman reports that an SGI supercomputer installed at UCSD as part of a partnership agreement with Calit2 will be used "on a wide variety of projects tied to Calit2's mission of extending the use of the information technology infrastructure… [including] using the data center to gather and immediately analyze real-time earthquake activity."

"North County Times"
UCSD institute paves way for wireless Internet

Staff writer Katie Burns reports that Calit2, "which might help lay the foundation of the wireless Internet, has a steady flow of investments from government and industry despite recent woes in the technology sector." UCSD division director Ramesh Rao is quoted saying wireless will be key to the future Internet: "We see the Internet, which is today largely composed of computers that are networked together, morphing together in lots of small devices in embedded systems."

"San Diego Daily Transcript"
Calit2 Reports Early Financial Support

Calit2 "is giving itself high marks on its mid-year report card," writes Jennifer McEntee. Reporting Gov. Gray Davis' signing of the 2001-2002 budget that includes $25 million for the institute, she adds that Calit2 reached $47 million in funding deals with industrial partners. Director Larry Smarr is quoted saying, "People might have thought the first thing companies would do under this financial pressure is throw overboard any money they were planning to give to educational institutions. Instead, the companies believe they are going to get a good return on this investment."

"San Diego Daily Transcript"
Institute Signs Industrial Partner

The local business newspaper reports Calit2 signed SGI Inc. (formerly Silicon Graphics) as an industrial partner, noting a co-investment already worth $210,000 in a visualization system for the institute. The story was also picked up in the Sept.17 San Diego Business Journal and the July 28 Supercomputing Online news service.

"Columbia Daily Tribune"
Local 'whiz kid' expands his vision Internet pioneer Larry Smarr lands in top tech job

Kevin Coleman reports on Larry Smarr's many successes, and about his current position as director at Calit2. He writes, "California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology is a natural evolution of Smarr’s inspiration to advance technology by combining the efforts of university, government and private industry.

"The Orange County Metro"
10 Women Making A Difference In Orange County

Debra Richardson, Chair of ICS-UCI, and Calit2 participant recognized as for her leadership and commitment.

"Chemical & Engineering News"
Investing in the Golden State

William Schulz reports on Calit2 being one of the " four multidisciplinary California Institutes for Science & Innovation (Cal ISI)--all to be located within the University of California system...Scientists carrying out the governor's plan have a word for it: visionary."

"LA Times"
Consortium Sets Sights on a 'New Internet'

Consortium sets sights on a 'New Internet.'

"UCSD Connect"
Governor Gray Davis Praises California Institutes and University of California

"San Diego Magazine"
San Diego's Star Wars: The high-tech recruiting struggle moves to the college front

Business Insights

"The Zone News"
UC Irvine and UC San Diego team for next generation wireless wonders

Tom Matrullo covers Calit2 in the Telecom & Wireless section.

"Atlanta Journal-Constitution"
TECHNOLOGY'S NEXT STEP: Sensors will move "Internet's evolution into physical world"

"San Diego Metropolitan"
The Web Browser Was Invented In Larry Smarr's Lab

Bradley J. Fikes reports on Larry Smarr's mission: "...to run a $300 million telecom research institute at UCSD and spread the word of his wireless vision for San Diego."

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