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"Before It's News"
Brainlike Computers Learn from Experience

The online news service picks up a story by John Markoff originally published in the New York Times, quoting Calit2 Director Larry Smarr on rapid advances in artificial intelligence.

L'ordinateur de demain fonctionnera comme un cerveau et apprendra de ses erreurs

This French online service offers a translation of a New York Times article quoting Calit2 Director Larry Smarr. The French title translates into English as The Computer of Tomorrow Will Work Like a Brain and Learn from its Mistakes.

"New York Times"
Brainlike Computers, Learning from Experience

"We’re moving from engineering computing systems to something that has many of the characteristics of biological computing," according to Larry Smarr, an astrophysicist who directs Calit2, one of "many research centers devoted to developing these new kinds of computer circuits." That, according to a report by John Markoff.

We Ask the Xconomists: Some Quick Predictions for the New Year

Qualcomm Institute Director Ramesh Rao predicts: The single most sobering event of the year was the large-scale loss of trust in online privacy safeguards. I think this will have far-reaching implications for IT infrastructure. I realize that this is a dark development to highlight, but the actions of Edward Snowden will unleash a new era of technology measures needed to re-engineer trust.

"Silver Is the New "
ZeroHedge: A Trip Through the Bitcoin Mines

Today, all of the machines dedicated to mining Bitcoin have a computing power about 4,500 times the capacity of the United States government’s mightiest supercomputer, the IBM Sequoia, according to calculations done by CSE Prof. Michael B. Taylor at UC San Diego. The computing capacity of the Bitcoin network has grown by around 30,000 percent since the beginning of the 2013.

"Medical Xpress"
Supercomputing Human Immunology

Medical Xpress writer Ken Fountain discusses Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's lecture at the Ken Kennedy Institute for Information Technology titled "Quantifying Your Superorganism Body Using Big Data Supercomputing."

"U-T San Diego"
UCSD wants to make a robot for you

U-T San Diego science reporter Gary Robbins interviews Qualcomm Institute Director Ramesh Rao about a UC San Diego effort to one day offer one of the top robotics programs in the country. Rao discusses how robots might help around the house, protect our privacy and "might induce us to re-examine our values sooner rather than later."

Scientific Cooperation in "The Cloud"

Elizabeth Vargas reports on a high-speed fiber optic link between CICESE and Calit2 that can "exponentially increase scientific cooperation in the cloud."

University of Hawaii Makes Key Innovation Initiative Hire

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is quoted in an article about the University of Hawaii's hiring of visualization expert Jason Leigh.

"U-T San Diego"
New UC President Napolitano visits San Diego

New University of California President Janet Napolitano singles out Calit2 as a highlight of her tour of the UC San Diego campus.

Is ‘massive open online research’ (MOOR) the next frontier for education?

A new MOOC out of UC San Diego is the first to feature "massive open online research." The Qualcomm Institute is producing the MOOC.

"Local Onliner"
TedX: The Rise of Local TED Events

Peter Krasilovsky mentions a piece in San Diego magazine that announces this year's location for TEDx San Diego: Calit2 at UC San Diego.

"Business Inquirer"
From know thyself to track thyself

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is quoted in a piece by Dr. Aggie Carson-Arenas on self-tracking.

"UC San Diego"
Liang in Residence at Qualcomm Institute

Music critic Jim Chute reports on the appointment of composer Lei Liang to be the Composer in Residence at Calit2's Qualcomm Institute at UC San Diego.

UC San Diego, UMD Researchers to Build 'WIFIRE' Cyberinfrastructure

A NSF-funded cyberinfrastructure project called WIFIRE, which is based in part at the Qualcomm Institute, will perform real-time data-driven assessment, simulation, prediction, and visualization of wildfire behavior.

Qualcomm Institute Appoints New Composer in Residence

Lei Liang, an associate professor of music at UC San Diego, is now the Composer in Residence at the Qualcomm Institute.

"Eureka Alert"
iPad App Teaches Students Key Skill for Success in Math, Science, Engineering

An iPad app designed by Calit2 affiliate Nate Delson will help students develop spatial visualization skills.

"Knoxville Times"
Local forum to cover national trends in technology and health

The Knoxville Times previews the Atlantic Meets the Pacific forum, which will be held at the Qualcomm Institute.

"La Jolla Light"
Research Report: Snapshots of the cultural life of cities

Lev Manovich's Phototrails project -- which explores the 'visual signature' of cities -- is featured in Lynne Friedmann's review.

UC San Diego Research Scientist Teams with TopCoder, NASA for Coding Challenge - See more at: http://www.noodls.com/viewNoodl/20081235/ucsd---university-of-california---san-diego/uc-san-diego-research-scientist-teams-with-topcoder-nasa-fo#sthash.H60N

A partnership between the Qualcomm Institute's Albert Lin, TopCoder and NASA invites coders to build a powerful algorithm that identifies human-built structures in Mongolia. -

"Access World Magazine"
Vision Research: Four Emerging Vision-Enhancing Technologies

The online journal from the American Foundation for the Blind, in its September 2013, recaps four critical technologies, including the Telescopic Contact Lens developed by a team led by ECE professor and Calit2 participant Joe Ford.

"The Street"
The Atlantic Meets The Pacific: Details Announced For The Third Annual Technology And Health Conference, October 2-4, 2013 In La Jolla, California

The Street announces that Calit2 Director Larry Smarr will be one of the featured speakers at this year's Atlantic Meets the Pacific conference.

"Lab Manager"
Touch Goes Digital

Lab Manager picks up our story on a breakthrough in technology that will one day make it possible to connect a sense of touch with digital audio and visual information.

"Worcester Telegram & Gazette "
The Atlantic Meets the Pacific: Details Announced for the Third Annual Technology and Health Conference, October 2-4, 2013 in La Jolla, California

Larry Smarr, director of Calit2, is one of the featured speakers at the Atlantic Meets the Pacific forum.

"Azo Sensors"
Electronic Recording of Touch Contact and Pressure Using Active-Matrix Pressure Sensor Array

Azo sensors reports on a new technological breakthrough by researchers at the Qualcomm Institute that might pave the way for recording, storing, editing and replaying 'touch' information.

"Nano Werk"
Digital systems to record, store, edit and replay human touch (w/video)

New research technology out of the Qualcomm Institute that could one day make it possible to record, store, edit and replay touch information is featured in Nano Werk.

"Science Daily"
Touch Goes Digital: Electronic Recording and Replay of Human Touch Demonstrated

Science Daily reports on a new breakthrough in technology at UC San Diego's Qualcomm Institute that could pave the way for digital systems to record, store, edit and replay haptic, or "touch" information

"Science 2.0"
Solomon's Mines Found In Israel

Tel Aviv University Archaeology Prof. Erez Ben-Yosef, a former graduate student of Qualcomm Institute's Thomas E. Levy, has proven that copper mines in Israel thought to have been built by ancient Egyptians were actually built 300 years later during the reign of the legendary King Solomon. Ben-Yosef's findings confirm those of a dig he helped conduct in 2009 while Levy's student. Despite the headline on this story, Levy notes that it is still too soon to say if the mines were controlled by King Solomon himself.

"Migration Expert"
Australian Universities Key to Knowledge Economy

"American IT Guru Prof. Larry Smarr," reports an Australian news site, "noted Australia's heavy dependence on its universities to address the skilled high-tech labour shortage." Smarr was addressing the Australian American Leadership Dialogue recently.

"Travel and Tour World"
Better Life Foundation promotes marine study in Seychelles with help from the USA

Better Life Foundation, a Seychelles Non Government Organization (NGO) has announced that it will be signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Natural Resources to carry out in-depth studies of the country’s marine environment. Researchers at the Qualcomm Institute are partnering on the study.

"Fierce Wireless"
Innovative, Tech-Enabled Tuberculosis Treatment-Monitoring System Debuts

Fierce Wireless reports on VDOT, a new therapy system designed by researchers at the Qualcomm Institute (with support from the Verizon Foundation) that ensures tuberculosis patients follow their treatment regimen.

"10 News"
New public safety network to communicate fire information in San Diego County activated

The unveiling of ASAPnet, a high-speed, public-safety communications network, today in Atkinson Hall showcased how the network has jumped from 15 to 60 connected fire stations in San Diego County's backcountry, with 10 more to go. The goal is to improve early detection of wildfires, especially in rural parts of the county. The links are built on top of UCSD's High Performance Wireless Research and Education Networks (HPWREN), led by Hans-Werner Braun.

"Daily Markets "
Innovative, Tech-Enabled Tuberculosis Treatment-Monitoring System Debuts In San Diego; National Availability Planned

VDOT, a new therapy system designed by researchers at the Qualcomm Institute (with support from the Verizon Foundation) will ensure that tuberculosis patients follow their treatment regimen.

"San Diego County News Center"
Mobile Technology Transforms TB Treatment

A new QI-developed technology makes it possible for some patients can use their smartphone video to prove they have taken their mandated tuberculosis medications.

Famous Computer Scientist Has Reached the Boss Level of Self-Quantifying: Freezing His Own Poop

According to BetaBeat, which bills itself as "The Lowdown on High-Tech," Calit2 Director Larry Smarr has reached "the boss level" of self-quantifying by freezing his own poop.

"Scoop San Diego "
New high-speed backcountry fire station broadband network unveiled

Public and private officials gathered in San Diego today to announce the activation of a dramatically expanded Area Situational Awareness for Public Safety Network (ASAPnet), bringing high-speed, wireless digital communications and new emergency response capabilities to 60 backcountry fire stations as the region nears the peak of its fire season.

New electron beam writer enables next-gen biomedical, information tech

R&D features a new electron beam writer housed in the Qualcomm Institute's Nano3 Cleanroom facility.

New electron beam writer enables next-gen biomedical and information technologies

PhysOrg.com features the Qualcomm Institute's Nano3 Cleanroom facility's new e-beam lithography writer.

"SD Metro"
New Way to Keep Tuberculosis Patients on Track With Smartphones

The SD Metro Daily Business Report features VDOT, a QI-developed technology that will help tuberculosis patients comply with their treatment regimens.

"Wall Street Journal"
UC San Diego and Verizon Foundation to Demonstrate New Therapy System on Aug. 15 That Uses Mobile Technology to Help Ensure Tuberculosis Patients Follow Critical Treatment

The Wall Street Journal reports on VDOT, a new therapy system designed by researchers at the Qualcomm Institute (with support from the Verizon Foundation) that ensures tuberculosis patients follow their treatment regimen. Video Directly Observed Therapy, which enables patients to record their daily treatments on smartphones and send them to health departments, will be demonstrated via webcast

"BBC News"
The man who freezes his own faeces

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr keeps his own feces in his kitchen freezer, alongside the leftovers, all in the name of science. Watch as a BBC reporter interviews him on location in "the house of probably the most monitored man in the world."

"Seeking Alpha"
UC San Diego and Verizon Foundation to Demonstrate New Therapy System on Aug. 15 That Uses Mobile Technology to Help Ensure Tuberculosis Patients Follow Critical Treatment

Video Directly Observed Therapy (VDOT), enables patients to record their daily treatments on smartphones and send them to health departments, which can monitor them remotely. The program was created by researchers at University of California San Diego's School of Medicine and Qualcomm Institute/Calit2.

"IEEE The Institute"
Educational Calculator Makes Students Think

The QAMA 'estimating' calculator, which was created by Calit2's 'Inventor-in-Residence' Ilan Samson at the Qualcomm Institute, is featured today in The Institute, a publication of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Rather than a traditional calculator which requires the user to use little brain power, the QAMA calculator provides the answer to a calculation only if the user enters an estimate first.

"SD Metro"
Duane Roth: A Visionary for the Innovation Industry

The SD Metro Daily Business Report quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in an item about the death of CONNECT CEO Duane Roth.

Health Data Exploration Survey Seeks Participants Who Self-Track Health

Qualcomm Institute's Health Data Exploration project has announced a call for participants in an online survey that seeks to uncover insights into how individuals, companies and researchers are using the data that are captured through digital devices such as fitness apps.

"The Scientist"

"The Scientist" features Calit2 Director and "Quantified Self" proponent Larry Smarr, who is in the midst of a quest to 'add numbers' to the sole number he was using to define himself -- the number on the bathroom scale.

Q&A with new director of NCSA

Edward Seidel will take over as Director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in January, and he credits Calit2 Director Larry Smarr for getting him interested in high-performance computing. Seidel worked for Smarr in the early 90s, when Smarr was the founding director of NCSA, located in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In an interview with the News-Gazette newspaper, Seidel is quoted as saying, "it was being a postdoc of Larry Smarr at NCSA that drew me in to scientific computing and interdisciplinary work." Since then, Seidel has worked at the NSF and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, was the founder of the Center of Computation and Technology at Louisiana, and is currently a senior VP of research and innovation at Skoltech, Russia's new interdisciplinary research university.

Infographic: Using 2 Million Instagram Pics to Map a City’s Visual Signature

Long-time participant in Calit2 and the Qualcomm Institute, Lev Manovich and his team are highlighted on the front page of Wired.com. The article notes how "patterns in your Instagram photos map your city's visual signature." Manovich is spending most of the summer in the Qualcomm Institute (pictured here in front of the institute's Vroom display system with an Instagram analysis) before heading back to his appointment as a professor of computer science at the City University of New York (CUNY). The Phototrails project analyzed more than two million Instagram images from 13 cities around the world to decipher cultural patterns. "Our approach is to use big visual data to see what they can tell us about cultural and social patterns around the world... to explore this new visual universe of social photography.

"India West"
Bera to Keynote Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture July 20

The Qualcomm Institute hosts Congressman Dr. Ameerish B. "Ami" Bera at the San Diego Indian American Society's 30th Annual Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Scholarships Awards ceremony.

"Huffington Post"
'Zero-Gravity' Fire Experiment To Test How Biofuels Burn With Help Of NASA's 'Vomit Comet'

Sam Avery, who graduated from Qualcomm Institute's Summer Undergraduate Research Scholars Program last year, led a team today on a flight aboard the NASA "Vomit Comet" to test how biofuels burn in space. Avery was also featured in the Huffington Post.

"MIT Technology Review"
Study Shows Many iPhone Apps Defy Apple’s Privacy Advice

Our colleague Yuvraj Agarwal, a CSE postdoc and outgoing executive director of the Variability Expedition, is in Taipei for MobiSys 2013. Tomorrow he delivers his paper on the app ProtectMyPrivacy, created to give iOS users information about which apps are accessing the user ID, location or other information that could encroach on the consumer's privacy -- and recommendations on how to deal with them. The story made it onto the front page of MIT Technology Review today, including a mention of Apple rejecting a pared-down version of PMP because, "We have a problem with the concept of the app." Presumably Apple is also unhappy that Agarwal and his group used jailbroken iPhones to figure out the privacy settings of the 225,000 apps they studied.

"ABC News 4"
Global Innovators at the Forefront of Technology and Health

The fourth and final day of the October 2013 The Atlantic Meets the Pacific conference will take place in the Qualcomm Institute of Calit2 at UC San Diego.

Get Buzzed When You're Blissed Out

KPBS reporter Angela Carone features Qualcomm Institute Director Ramesh Rao describing the Bliss Buzzer, a stress and wellness app he helped develop with a team of researchers.

"UT San Diego "
Top UCSD Center Named Qualcomm Institute

Science reporter Gary Robbins and business reporter Mike Freeman cover the Qualcomm Institute's Open House and new name.

Larry Smarr at TEDMED 2013

Calit2 Director Larry Smaar talks about how charting his bodily inputs and outputs in minute detail revealed the true ecology of the quantified self.

Wall-to-Wall Interactive Web: Is It Not Far Away?

A presentation on "The History and Possible Futures of the Internet" by Calit2 Director Larry Smarr was cited in an article in eWeek. In his talk, Smarr cited government funding of universities as one of the key factors that will promote the evolution of mobile and social networks.

Patients, scientists learn from microbiome data

Aditi Pai writes about Calit2 director Larry Smarr's experience studying his microbiome and the self-tracking movement.

"UT San Diego"
UCSD to rename IT Institute for Qualcomm

UT San Diego's Mike Freeman reports on the renaming of the UCSD division of Calit2, which is now the Qualcomm Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology, or Qualcomm Institute for short.

"California Council on Science and Technology"
Calit2 to Build High-speed Network for 'Big Data'

The CCST, a nonpartisan advisory group that offers expert advice to the state government, reports on the new Prism@UCSD project, which is a collaboration between Calit2 and the San Diego Supercomputer Center.

"La Jolla Light"
Multidisciplinary research institute at La Jolla's UC San Diego named in honor of Qualcomm

The renaming of the UCSD division of Calit2 -- which is now the Qualcomm Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology -- is featured by the La Jolla Light.

"La Jolla Patch"
Calit2 Gets New Name For Big Supporter -- Qualcomm Institute

The La Jolla Patch reports on Qualcomm Institute's new name.

"Lab Manager"
Viewing Research Bandwidth Through a New Prism

The online news service reprints a Calit2 news release about the NSF-funded Prism@UCSD project, including quotes from UCSD Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla, Calit2 Director Larry Smarr, and PI Phil Papadopoulos.

"UT San Diego"
Apps, DeMaio, Lambos and more

A letter to the editor of UT San Diego points out "What an incredible, interesting article that Robin Abcarian wrote" in the Los Angeles Times... and "Kudos to Ganz Chockalingam and his programmers at UC San Diego" for creating the Best Time to Cross the Border app for iPhone and Android devices.

"Los Angeles Times"
Smartphone app speeds up border crossings

Columnist Robin Abcarian reports on the genesis and value of Calit2's Best Time to Cross the Border app for iPhone and Android devices.

New network being built to support transfer of big data

The physics-oriented web service picked up the Calit2 news release announcing the development of a Prism@UCSD network to boost the capacity of bandwidth between major science institutes and departments on the UCSD campus.

"Houston Press"
Reality Bites: Robot Combat League

Art Attack writer Pete Vonder Haar reviews the first episode of Robot Combat League, which features Calit2's Saura Naderi as one of 12 'robo-tech' engineers.

Battles between Humanoid Robots Hosted on Syfy

Azorobotics, which bills itself as covering "the a to z of robotics," covers the television debut of Calit2's Saura Naderi, who is featured in a new Syfy series called Robot Combat League.

UCSD's robot baby Diego-san appears on video for the first time

Jason Falconer reports that UCSD professor Javier Movellan, from the Calit2-based Machine Perception Laboratory, has completed work with robotics makers on a robot one-year-old with a wide range of facial expressions to mimic humans while learning.

"UT San Diego"
Genius Grant Winner Blazing a New Trail

Arts critic Jim Chute reports on Claire Chase, MacArthur Award winning arts entrepreneur and co-founder of the International Contemporary Ensemble, which will perform works by Calit2 composer in residence Rand Steiger Jan. 11 at Calit2.

Community Embraces Effort to Build 3D Virtual Cell

The University of California at San Diego issued the following news release: Scientists from the University of California, San Diego, national and international research centers launched a first-of-its-kind workshop series intended to bring together investigators from a wide range of scientific fields to develop a 3D Virtual Cell. Funding for the Dec. 13-14 conference was provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

"The News Gazette"
Q&A with new director of NCSA

Edward Seidel will take over as Director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) in January, and he credits Calit2 Director Larry Smarr for getting him interested in high-performance computing. Seidel worked for Smarr in the early 90s, when Smarr was the founding director of NCSA, located in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In an interview with the News-Gazette newspaper, Seidel is quoted as saying, "it was being a postdoc of Larry Smarr at NCSA that drew me in to scientific computing and interdisciplinary work." Since then, Seidel has worked at the NSF and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, was the founder of the Center of Computation and Technology at Louisiana, and is currently a senior VP of research and innovation at Skoltech, Russia's new interdisciplinary research university.

"Telehealth & Telecare Aware"
The pill spot -- Proteus's first trial and FDA approval for the next generation PillCam

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is referenced in this article about telehealth and the difficulties in getting patients to take their prescribed medicine.

"Phys Org"
After touch screens, researchers demonstrate electronic recording and replay of human touch (w/ Video)

PhysOrg reports on new technology out of the Qualcomm Institute that could pave the way for digital systems to record, store, edit and replay information in a dimension that goes beyond what we can see or hear: touch.


UC San Diego, UMD Researchers to Build 'WIFIRE' Cyberinfrastructure

The Noodls website picks up our story on a new cyberinfrasture that will use the power of real-time data-driven assessment, simulation, prediction and visualization to help fight fires.

Verizon Communications, Inc.: Innovative, Tech-Enabled Tuberculosis Treatment-Monitoring System Debuts in San Diego

Tuberculosis patients now have a less-intrusive treatment program that will improve the likelihood that they will take all their critical medications, thanks to an innovative, locally developed treatment-adherence monitoring system that uses mobile-health technology and was designed at the Qualcomm Institute.

"San Diego Magazine"
The X Factor

San Diego Magazine writer Ann Wycoff writes about "the cult of TED" and the man behind TEDx San Diego, Jack Abbott. TEDx San Diego will take place at the Qualcomm Institute in 2013.

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