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"Pacific Standard"
Corridors of the Mind

Emily Badger reports on the marriage of neuroscience and architecture, and cites the work of Calit2-funded researchers including UCSD professor Eduardo Macagno that uses the StarCAVE virtual reality environment to help architects understand how the brain reacts to design.

"Humans Invent"
The scientific quest to find the lost Da Vinci

Writer Leo Kent reports on the latest about the search for Leonardo da Vinci's The Battle of Anghiari mural by CISA3 founding director Maurizio Seracini -- a search that is on hold pending a more hospitable political situation in Italy.

"La Jolla Patch"
'The Atlantic Meets the Pacific' Event Kicks Off Sunday at UCSD

The La Jolla Patch features the annual "The Atlantic Meets the Pacific" event hosted by the Atlantic magazine and UC San Diego, which features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr as a guest speaker.

The Anita Borg Institute's Grace Hopper Celebration 2012 Seeks to Answer Question -- "Are We There Yet?"

Melodika, a music blog, profiles the 2012 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Calit2 was a Gold Academic Sponsor of the conference.

"Eclipse Developers Journal"
The Anita Borg Institute's Grace Hopper Celebration 2012 Seeks to Answer Question -- "Are We There Yet?"

Article mentions Calit2, which was a gold academic sponsor of this year's Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.

The Anita Borg Institutes Grace Hopper Celebration 2012 Seeks to Answer Question -- "Are We There Yet"

The Danish media outlet PremiumPresse mentions Calit2 in an article about the 2012 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Calit2 was a gold academic sponsor of the event.

"Webhosting Geeks"
$ 50,000 to solve the puzzle

The Croatian website Webhosting Geeks translates an article that originally appeared on the Calit2 website about Manuel Cebrian's quest to solve the DARPA Shredder Challenge.

How Technology Is Helping People To Get And Stay Healthy

In a story about digitally enabled technology for healthcare, RedOrbt profiles Calit2 Director Larry Smarr, who uses various devices to monitor his health.

"Fox 8 Cleveland"
Tracking Your Body with Technology

The Cleveland Fox News affiliate runs a story by Elizabeth Landau that originally appeared in CNN on Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's efforts to track his health using a suite of digital tools.

"CNN Health"
Tracking your body with technology

In a series on "Mobile Society," CNN's Elizabeth Landau features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr, who uses a suite of digital tools to track his health 24/7.

New server cooling technology deployed in pilot program at Calit2

The online science news site reports on the deployment of Flometrics technology at Calit2 UCSD to test a new cooling system that mimics the circulatory system.

"Supercomputing Online"
Calit2 deploys new cooling technology in pilot program

Tyler O'Neal reports on Calit2 decision to deploy a new server cooling technology developed by Flometrics, Inc.

"The Florence Newspaper"
Research on Leonardo's Battle of Anghiari Put on Hold

Florence Mayor Matteo Renzi halts further work on the CISA3-led search for the lost mural, The Battle of Anghiari, by Leonardo da Vinci, due to lack of support from Italian Minister of Cultural Heritage.

"IEEE Spectrum"
Ultimate Self-Tracker: Larry Smarr

IEEE Spectrum contributor Emily Waltz writes vignettes about five early adopters of quantified health -- and two of the five are from Calit2. She dubs Calit2 director Larry Smarr the Ultimate Self-Tracker, noting that he has built a computational map of his body that makes electronic medical records look like ancient hieroglyphics. She also profiles UCSD Ph.D. student Ernesto Ramirez, from the Calit2-based Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems.

U.S. Semiconductor Systems Research Collaborations Center

The Korean news service ETNews reports that Calit2 and the Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI) cut the ribbon Aug. 28 on a new cooperative research center focused on semiconductor systems research. In meetings attended by a delegation of top research officials from various Korean institutions, the dedication event included a talk on biotechnology by Hamilton Smith, the 1978 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, who is now a scientist at The Scripps Research Institute.

"National Geographic"
Explorers Take Flight

National Geography photo essay, Explorers Take Flight, features 13 explorers and the aerial technologies they used -- and two of them were deployed by Calit2 researchers Albert Lin (an octocopter) and Tom Levy (helium balloon) on CISA3 projects co-sponsored by the National Geographic Society.

Q&A: The self-experimenter who intends to change medicine

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is the focus of a SmartPlanet Q&A on self-study and how it might dismantle the medical system as we know it.

The self-experimenter who intends to change medicine

SmartPlanet's Christie Nicholson interviewed Calit2 director Larry Smarr for piece titled "The self-experimenter who intends to change medicine." She reports that Smarr is working on a “computational model of the human body,” and in the Q&A about the quantified health movement, she asks "why he believes this sort of self-study will dramatically dismantle the medical system as we know it."

"Voice of San Diego"
San Diego Researchers Unpeel a da Vinci Mystery

Arts and culture reporter Kelly Bennett reports the latest on the search for the Leonardo da Vinci mural, The Battle of Anghiari, based on a talk by CISA3 assistant director Alexandra Hubenko to the Meeting of the Minds event in August. [Includes link to video]

"Information Age"
Intel researching security of embedded systems in cars

The magazine's online edition reports that Intel's McAfee cybersecurity unit has created a team to investigate on-board automobile security vulnerabilities. Last year research led by Calit2 academic participate Stefan Savage described a long list of ways to interfere with cars' on-board systems.

"Telecare Aware"
'Quantified Selves' run amok in Orange County, California

This blog about telecare and telehealth links to an article in the OC Register that mentions Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's quest to track nearly every aspect of his health using biometric devices.

Cloud and big data give scientists unprecedented access to essential climate insights

ZDNet reporter Dana Gardner has filed a lengthy report about Calit2's Ocean Observatories Initiative, which Gardner calls 'fascinating.' Project Manager Matthew Arrott and Managing Systems Architect Michael Meisinger, both of Calit2, are featured in the story.

"The Value of Openness"
Know Thyself. Quantify Thyself.

The 'Patients Like Me' website features a blog post about the Quantified Self movement, featuring QSer and Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

"Financial Times"
What lies beneath

In an FT Weekend feature article, writer Alice Fishburn talks with Calit2 and CISA3 researcher Maurizio Seracini at UC San Diego about past and current projects using multispectral imaging to uncover secrets about works of art and historic structures, including Leonardo da Vinci's lost mural, The Battle of Anghiari. Fishburn interviewed Seracini after his TEDGLOBAL talk recently in Edinburgh, Scotland.

"The Orange County Register"
Is health tracking the next big thing?

OC Register reporter Ian Hamilton profiles Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in his piece on the coming "revolution" in the way people look after their health. Calit2's Ernesto Ramirez of the Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems is also featured in the story.

"Dagens Nyheter (Sweden)"
The Battle for Leonardo's Lost Fresco

Foreign correspondent Peter Loewe reports in the largest Swedish daily newspaper on the latest efforts to jump-start the search for a lost Leonardo da Vinci mural by Calit2 and CISA3 researcher Maurizio Seracini and his team from UC San Diego.

"Direct2Dell (Dell\'s coporate blog)"
Planetary Computing and the Unavoidable Tidal Wave of Data

Dell corporate blogger Stephen Spector cites an Atlantic article about Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a post about Dell's Cloud Computing Think Tank.

QAMA: The only calculator a student should ever use

ZDNet reporter Christopher Dawson calls the QAMA estimating calculator -- created by Calit2 inventor-in-residence Ilan Samson -- "truly one of the coolest, most thoughtful, welcome bits of ed tech to hit math classrooms in a very long time."

Starting August 12, Experience going Into The Wilderness from new dynamic perspectives

Calit2 Tour and Gallery Coordinator Trish Stone is featured in an article about upcoming works at Angles Gate Cultural Center beginning Aug. 12.

"Caravaggio400 (Italy)"
La prima Medusa del Caravaggio. Nuove certezze su un'opera poco conosciuta

In a book review by Michele Cuppone on the Caravaggio400 blog, Calit2 and CISA3 researcher Maurizio Seracini is mentioned in connection with his discovery that a circular painting by Caravaggio, thought to be a copy, was actually the original work known as the Medusa.

"San Diego Reader"
The Center for Research in Computing and the Arts gets Cut at UCSD

San Diego Reader's Bobby Bray reports on the closure of Calit2's Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, following a 40-year stint at UC San Diego.

"Il Sole 24 Ore"
The Smart Home is Becoming the Platform

Italy's Il Sole 24 Ore mentions Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's quest to quantify his health in a story about 'smart homes.'

"La Jolla Light"
Scientists find lack of single protein results in persistent viral infection

La Jolla Light science columnist Lynne Friedmann reports on a new kind of 'estimating' calculator, called QAMA, which was developed by Calit2 Inventor-in-Residence Ilan Samson.

Why zombies, robots, clowns freak us out

Elizabeth Landau reports on the work of UCSD cognitive scientist Ayse Saygin on the uncanny valley, where humans become uncomfortable with robots that seem too human-like. Saygin's fMRI study is partially support under a 2010 Calit2 Strategic Research Opportunities (CSRO) grant.

"Communications of the ACM"
The Measured Man

On the website of the Communications of the ACM, the Technews section picked up the feature article that first ran in The Atlantic about Calit2 director Larry Smarr's work in the field of quantitative (personal) health monitoring. Video included.

"Huffington Post"
Designing Geopolitics

In her blog in the Arts section, Carla Leitao recaps Designing Geopolitics, the second in a series of events organized by the Calit2 Center for Design and Geopolitics, which took place June 2 at Calit2. D:GP is led by prof. Benjamin Bratton.

Marconi Society 2012 Symposium to Explore "Technologies and Applications Driving the Future of Communications" Read more: http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2012/07/10/6426762.htm#ixzz22olZirbx

Larry Smarr, director of Calit2, will speak at the 2012 Marconi Society Symposium at UC Irvine.

"Yahoo! Finance"
Marconi Society 2012 Symposium to Explore “Technologies and Applications Driving the Future of Communications”

The 2012 Marconi Society Symposium will feature as one of its speakers Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

"Forbes Magazine"
QAMA: The Calculator That Makes You Better at Math

Forbes reporter Alex Knapp calls the QAMA calculator, which was created by Calit2 inventor-in-residence Ilan Samson, "a calculator designed to reverse the last several decades of education by actually improving students’ intuitive understanding and appreciation of math skills."

"U-T San Diego"
On the Hunt for Leonardo's Lost Masterpiece

U-T San Diego arts reporter Jim Hebert mentions CISA3's work to find a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci in his story about 'Divine Rivalry,' a new play at the Old Globe Theatre.

Top Universities in Southern California

About.com cites UCSD as one of the top universities in Southern California, and specifically mentions Calit2.

"New England Cable Network"
Sharing data by crowdsourcing

A news video about crowdsourcing features Calit2 researcher and National Geographic Explorer Albert Lin, who is using crowdsourcing to help find the tomb of Genghis Khan.

Computing pioneer Larry Smarr and his quantified self

BoingBoing writer David Pescovitz cites an in-depth article in The Atlantic that features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's quest to quantify his health.

How Video Game Tech May Help Improve Medical Imaging

Slate writer David Sydiongco cites an Atlantic magazine story that features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

"Wall Street Journal "
The Morning Download: Why Facebook Still Matters to CIOs

Every week, CIO Journal offers a glimpse into the mind of the CEO, whose view of technology is shaped by stories in management journals, general interest magazines and, of course, in-flight publications. This week, an Atlantic story about Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is featured.


"The Atlantic"
The Measured Man

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr, an astrophysicist turned computer scientist, has a new project: charting his every bodily function in minute detail. Atlantic writer Mark Bowden writes says "what he’s discovering may be the future of health care."

The Atlantic Merges Digital, Print With QR Code-Like Extras

Larry Smarr is mentioned in an article about QR codes that link readers of the Atlantic (which features Smarr in its July/August issue) with videos and other multimedia content.

"KLTV Atlanta"
The Atlantic and UC San Diego Announce 2nd Annual 'The Atlantic Meets the Pacific' Conference, October 7-9, 2012

The second annual Atlantic Meets the Pacific conference will feature a number of high-caliber speakers, as well as several behind-the-scenes tours, including a tour of the Calit2 media lab.

Watch NG Explorer Albert Lin Announce Google Science Fair Finalists

Calit2 researcher Albert Lin, who is also a National Geographic Emerging Explorer, announced the results of the Google Science Fair Finalists in a live stream cited by Fangaroo.

"Government Health IT"
Tapping big data for early identification of preventable conditions

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is mentioned in Government Health IT's story on how 'big data' can serve as a major contributor to improving health and avoiding preventable conditions by tracking patient-level data.

"SUBSEA World News"
USA: Four Scripps Researchers Receive Defense Funding

Calit2 affiliate Bill Hodgkiss is one of four researchers from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography to receive defense funding for his 128-element vertical hydrophone array.

"UT San Diego"
Qualcomm Life Names New Advisory Council

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is among the 25 health and technology professionals to be named to the advisory council of Qualcomm Life, which is selling a hub device and software platform for connecting wireless health care devices.

"Science 2.0"
From Towel Day To SpaceX And Transparency Grenades

Scientist and science-fiction writer David Brin blogs about his experience participating in the gallery@calit2's Drones@Home conference.

UC San Diego researchers in Florence explore new ways to search for lost Leonardo mural

PhysOrg cites the CISA3 hunt to find a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci as evidence of "the increasingly global reach of UC San Diego."

Q&A: San Fran innovation officer Shannon Spanhake

Cincinnati.com's EnterChange interviews former Calit2 alumna Shannon Spahnake, who is now the deputy innovation officer for the city of San Francisco.

"Mobility TechZone"
InterDigital Innovation Challenge Finalists Announced

Mobility TechZone announces the finalists of the InterDigital Innovation Challenge, a partnership with Calit2 to seek out innovations in the wireless field.

InterDigital, Inc. : InterDigital Innovation Challenge Finalists Announced

Trading publication 4-traders reports on the finalist of the InterDigital Innovation Challenge, a competition hosted by Calit2 to seek out wireless innovations.

"La Jolla Light"
Communications world spins Doug Ramsey in pursuit of technology/business news

Calit2 Communications Director is featured in a Q&A with the La Jolla Light.

Mellon Foundation Support New Software Tools for Humanities Researchers

With support from a $477,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, researchers at Calit2 will develop new software for analyzing large visual data sets and integrate it into SEASR/Meandre, a technology platform designed for humanities research.

"San Diego Reader"
Drones at Home

San Diego Reader reporter Bobby Bray profiles this weekend's Drones at Home symposium, which will explore issues related to the domestication of drones.

"UC San Diego Guardian"
Send in the Drones

Hiatus Editor Ren Ebel reports on the gallery@calit2's current exhibition, "Drones at Home."

"UC San Diego Guardian"
Gaining (Remote) Control

Ren Ebel of the UCSD Guardian profiles the gallery@calit2's "Drones at Home" Symposium.

"The Los Angeles Times"
Happy 150th, land grant universities! Love, Prez Abe

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is mentioned in an article by L.A. Times reporter Patt Morrison about an event marking the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act, which broadened the reach and grasp of higher education for more Americans.

First Heralded Single Photon Generated from Silicon

Researchers from Calit2 were part of an international consortium to generate single photons using a tiny, chip-scale device constructed from silicon.

"Interactive Intelligence"
UC San Diego Leads Researchers to Demonstrate First Single-Photon Generation from a Silicon Chip

An international consortium of researchers -- including researchers from Calit2 -- has overcome an important barrier to the generation of single photons using a tiny, chip-scale device constructed from the most widely used material underpinning modern electronics: silicon.

"Laser Focus World"

An international consortium of researchers -- including those from Calit2 at UCSD -- has overcome an important barrier to the generation of single photons using a tiny, chip-scale device constructed from the most widely used material underpinning modern electronics: silicon.

"Der Spiegel (Germany)"
Der ueberwachte Koerper (Monitored Bodies)

The German magazine writer Philip Bethge interviewed and profiled Calit2 director Larry Smarr on the subject of quantified health -- the new trend to use devices and even genomics to monitor personal health.

"Soapbox Science"
Tool Tales: The Calit2 Research Intelligence Project

Calit2 Chief of Staff Jerry Sheehan writes a guest post for the Nature.com blog about the Calit2 Research Intelligence Portal.

"North County Times"
SCI-TECH: UCSD establishes Arthur C. Clarke center

Bradley J. Fikes reports on the new Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination, which will be headed by Calit2/CRCA affiliate Sheldon Brown.

Four Xconomists in the News this Weekend, Including Two XSITE Keynoters

Robert Buderi of the Boston-based Xconomy site mentions Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a brief about the Quantified Self movement.

"Workday Minnesota"
David Noble Lecture: Ricardo Dominguez

As part of the Untold Stories program of the Saint Paul Public Library, UCSD and Calit2 professor Ricardo Dominguez will deliver the 18th David Noble Lecture. Dominguez co-founded the Electronic Disturbance Theater and various virtual sit-in technologies.

"infoTech Spotlight"
Dr. Robert Hecht-Nielsen Joins KUITY Corp. Scientific and Technology Advisory Board

Calit2 academic participant Robert Hecht-Nielsen turns up in this TMC.net publication, which announces his new position on the board of a leading provider of operational risk and valuation advanced analytics.

"Financial Tech Spotlight"
InterDigital Updates on Innovation Challenge

The TMC.net product provides an update on the InterDigital Innovation Challenge, which, with the help of Calit2, seeks wireless innovations.

"La Prensa San Diego"
New Service Helps Travelers Brave Long Wait Times at U.S. Border Crossings

A new app developed by Calit2 researchers will help relieve long border waits by telling drivers the best time to cross the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada.

"Mobility TechZone"
InterDigital, Calit2 Complete 1st Phase of InterDigital Innovation Challenge

Mobility TechZone reports on the first phase of the Calit2/InterDigital Innovation Challenge, which received 15 entries from universities in the U.S. and Canada.

"Homeland Security NewsWire"
New app cuts travelers wait times at U.S. border crossings

A new app developed by Calit2 researchers will reduce wait times at U.S. border crossings by providing drivers with the best time to cross.

"NDTV Gadgets"
What 23 years of e-mail may say about you

In article that originally appeared in the New York Times, Calit2 Director Larry Smarr briefly discusses his efforts to 'quantify' his health.

"Mexidata Info"
Improved Service Gauges US Border Crossing Wait Times for Motorists

A story about a new app that helps motorists figure out the best time to enter the United States at crossings from Mexico and Canada is reprinted on the Mexidata site.

"Deccan Herald "
What years of email may say about you

An article that originally appeared in the New York Times and which quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr reappears in Bangalore, Maine's Deccan Herald.

First Phase of InterDigital -- Calit2 "Innovation Challenge" a Success

The first phase of the Calit2/InterDigital Innovation Challenge attracted 15 entries from leading universities in the U.S. and Canada.

First Phase of InterDigital – Calit2 “Innovation Challenge” a Success

The InterDigital Innovation Challenge, a joint collaboration with Calit2, has successfully completed its first phase and will now move into the final round.

First Phase of InterDigital – Calit2 "Innovation Challenge" a Success

The Danish finance publication reports on the InterDigital Innovation Challenge, a joint collaboration with Calit2 that seeks wireless innovations and will now move into its final round.

App helps border crossers brave long wait times

PhysOrg.com picks up Calit2's release about a new app that helps motorists figure out the best time to enter the United States at crossings from Mexico and Canada.

Challenges and Opportunities in Big Data from Industry and Academia Panel

Alexander Olesker reports that UCSD biomedical informatics chief Lucila Ohno-Machado told a government panel on Big Data that patients should donate their health data just like they donate tissue or organs, with informed consent.

"News Blaze"
Faculty Researchers Share Their Experiences Turning Discoveries Into Marketable Products

Four faculty researchers from UCSD, including Calit2's Rene Cruz, discussed the challenges they faced with technology transfer at a dinner celebrating the 10th anniversary of the von Liebig Center.

"Gansu Daily"
Australian Government to ban Huawei tender broadband network

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is mentioned in an article about Australia's decision to prohibit a Chinese company from bidding on its national broadband network.

Australian Government to ban Huawei tender broadband network 2012-03-26

The Chinese publication includes a quote by Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a story about Australia's decision to ban a Chinese company from bidding on its broadband network.

San Diego Tech Roundup: Flud, Verve, and a “Swiss Cheese” Job Market

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr, who will speak at the upcoming Rock Stars of Innovation Summit in San Diego, is mentioned in Xconomy.com reporter Bruce Bigelow's round-up of the latest local tech news.

‘Breakthrough’ in Quantified Health Sets Stage for Innovation Summit

Xconomy.com reporter Bruce Bigelow mentions Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in an article on the upcoming Rock Stars of Innovation Summit. Smarr is to be one of the speakers at the Summit.

"Laboratory Equipment.com"
Endoscopic Probe Suggests Location of Lost da Vinci Painting

The website devoted to laboratory equipment reports on the endoscopic camera Calit2 researcher Maurizio Seracini and his team are using to try to find a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

CAL FIRE Using Webcams To Assist With Fire Detection and Attack

This online and video report highlights the partnership among UC San Diego, CAL FIRE, and San Diego County that is helping the CAL FIRE/San Diego County Fire Authority to monitor rural areas of San Diego county for wildfires. The project, known as FireSite, is using webcams deployed by HPWREN and Calit2.

"Mobility TechZone"
Mexico-California Advanced Network Project Wins CENIC's 2012 Innovations in Networking Award for High-Performance Research Applications

A Calit2-led Mexican/American advanced network project enabling high-performance international collaboration has been honored by the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) as recipients of the 2012 Innovations in Networking Awards for High-Performance Research Applications.

"Fierce CIO"
Mexico-California Advanced Network Project Wins CENIC’s 2012 Innovations in Networking Award for High-Performance Research Read more: Mexico-California Advanced Network Project Wins CENIC’s 2012 Innovations in Networking Award for High-Performance R

A Calit2-led project to enable high-performance international collaboration between the U.S. and Mexico has won a CENIC award.

"Spero News"
Data support theory on location of lost Leonardo da Vinci painting

Spero News reports on the latest efforts by CISA3 researcher Maurizio Seracini and his team to find a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

"PRI\'s The World"
Finding da Vinci's Lost Art

The Palazzo Vecchio in Florence -- where researchers from Calit2/CISA3 are searching for Leonardo da Vinci's "Battle of Anghiari" -- is the answer to the popular "GeoQuiz," a mainstay of the PRI radio program, "The World." (Link includes an audio clip and slideshow).

"The Telegraph"
Leonardo Da Vinci: nothing to find but disappointment

Telegraph reporter Mark Hudson questions the premise behind a CISA3/Calit2 hunt for a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

"Science Codex"
Data support theory on location of lost Leonardo da Vinci painting

Evidence uncovered by Calit2/CISA3 researchers appears to support the theory that a lost Leonardo da Vinci painting existed on the east wall of the Hall of the 500, behind Giorgio Vasari's mural "The Battle of Marciano."

"Fox5 San Diego"
Researchers may have found lost Da Vinci

Fox5 reporter Perette Godwin covers Calit2/CISA3's announcement that researchers have uncovered evidence suggesting they might have found the location of a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

"Financial Review"
Silicon Valley breaches gene sequencing frontier

Financial Review picks up a story originally written by the New York Times' John Markoff, in which Larry Smarr is quoted.

"Science Codex"
Data support theory on location of lost Leonardo da Vinci painting

Science Codex reports on the recent discovery by Calit2/CISA3 researchers of evidence that suggests a painting by Leonardo da Vinci is hidden behind another mural.

"Science Daily"
Data Support Theory On Location of Lost Leonardo Da Vinci Painting

Science Daily covers Calit2/CISA3's announcement that researchers have uncovered evidence suggesting they might have found the location of a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

"California Science and Technology News"
Lost Leonardo Da Vinci Painting?

Evidence uncovered by Calit2/CISA3 researchers appears to support the theory that a lost Leonardo da Vinci painting existed on the east wall of the Hall of the 500, behind Giorgio Vasari's mural "The Battle of Marciano."

"KPBS Culture Lust"
New Finding in Search for Lost da Vinci

Culture Lust blogger Angela Carone reports on the recent discovery by Calit2/CISA3 researchers of evidence that suggests a painting by Leonardo da Vinci is hidden behind another mural.

Battaglia di Anghiari, ecco le prove dell'esistenza dell'affresco di Leonardo

An article in the Italian publication Focus.it includes a video about the technologies involved in Calit2/CISA's hunt for a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

"Los Angeles Times"
UCSD researchers say they may be homing in on lost Leonardo fresco

A report in the L.A. Times' L.A. Now column describes evidence found by a Calit2/CISA3 team in their hunt for a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci, as well as the resulting controversy.

Innovator tracks everything his body does

Biosingularity picks up a profile on Calit2 Director Larry Smarr that originally appeared in the UT San Diego.

"Impact Lab"
The health insurance industry could be destroyed by a $1000 test

Impact Lab picks up a story that originally appeared in the Washington Post (Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is quoted).

Gene sequencing falls to $5,000

A story that originally appeared in the New York Times is picked up by TheSpec. The story quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

"Yahoo! Noticias"
Display addresses unmanned aircraft impact on Mexico border

A story by reporter Eduardo Santana profiles "Drones at Home," the current exhibition at the gallery@calit2.

"Washington Post"
How a $1,000 test could destroy the health-insurance industry

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is quoted in Ezra Klein's "Wonkblog" post about the ways genetic testing will change the health insurance industry.

Cost of Gene Sequencing Falls, Raising Hopes for Medical Advances

In a story that originally appeared in the New York Times, writer John Markoff quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a story about gene sequencing and the emerging era of personalized medicine.

"The New York Times"
Cost of Gene Sequencing Falls, Raising Hopes for Medical Advances

New York Times Technology reporter John Markoff quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in an article on the role computing is playing in low-cost gene-sequencing.

Mexico-California Advanced Network Project Wins CENIC’s 2012 Innovations in Networking Award for High-Performance Research Applications

Calit2 and CICESE are working with CENIC and its counterpart in Mexico, the Corporación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de Internet (CUDI), to expand available bandwidth linking researchers between the two research hubs.

"U-T San Diego"
Innovator tracks everything his body does

U-T reporter Gary Robbins profiles Calit2 Director Larry Smarr, who uses a suite of biometric devices to monitor his body in the name of science.

"American Scientist"
Innovator Tracks Everything His Body Does

American Scientist links to a story that originally appeared in the UT San Diego about Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's efforts to quantify his health.

"California Council on Science and Technology"
Calit2 Director Sees Healthcare on Cusp of Breakthrough

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is featured in an article from the California Council on Science and Technology about the digital transformation of health and healthcare.

Workshop Explores Potential of New Memory Technologies

PhysOrg reports on the upcoming Non-Volatile Memories Workshop, which is co-sponsored by Calit2.

"One News Page"
How Larry Smarr's data obsession changed his health

One News Health picks up a story about Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's quest to 'quantify' his health.

Connect and Xconomy Present: The Rock Stars of Innovation 1 Stop Tour

Xconomy San Diego reporter Bruce Bigelow previews the "Rock Stars of Innovation" VC conference, which will feature Calit2 Director Larry Smarr as a speaker.

"Nothing But the Harry Truth"
Demoing High Technology at Calit2

UCSD political science major Harrison Gill blogs about his "awesome" experience touring Calit2 as part of Calit2 Open Tours.

The Patient of the Future

A blog about 'the convergence of biology with nanotechnology and information technologies' posts about MIT Technology Review's story on Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

"The Tree of Life"
(Data driven life)^10 featuring Larry Smarr

In his blog, UC Davis Professor Jonathan Eisen writes about Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's quest to quantify his health.

"M.I.T Technology Review"
The Patient of the Future

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's quest to quantify everything about his health led him to a startling discovery, an unusual partnership with his doctor, and more control over his life.

How one quantified-self patient is working to transform health care

Scope, which is published by the Stanford School of Medicine, links to what it calls a "fascinating profile" of Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in MIT Technology Review

"Quantified Self"
Quantified Self and the Future of Health

Ernesto Ramirez of Calit2 and Quantified Self blogs about the Future Health event he hosted at Calit2.

InterDigital Launches Engineering Competition in Collaboration with Calit2

TMC.net's Madhubanti Rudra reports on the InterDigital Innovation Challenge, a partnership with Calit2.

"Quantified Self (blog)"
Quantified Self and the Future of Health

Calit2s Ernesto Ramirez, who is also a Community Organizer for Quantified Self, covers the "Future of Health" event at Calit2's UCSD division.

"San Diego Daily Transcript"
UC San Diego, InterDigital launch new tech contest

The Daily Transcript announces the Calit2/Interdigital-led InterDigital Innovation Challenge.

InterDigital and Calit2 Launch InterDigital Innovation Challenge

Ulitzer announces a new partnership between wireless company InterDigital and Calit2: The InterDigital Innovation Challenge.

InterDigital and Calit2 Launch InterDigital Innovation Challenge

InterDigital and the UCSD division of Calit2 announce the launch of the $175,000 InterDigital Innovation Challenge.

InterDigital, Inc. : InterDigital and Calit2 Launch InterDigital Innovation Challenge

InterDigital and the UCSD division of Calit2 announce the launch of the $175,000 InterDigital Innovation Challenge.

"San Diego Source"
UC San Diego, InterDigital launch new tech contest

InterDigital and the UCSD division of Calit2 announce the launch of the $175,000 InterDigital Innovation Challenge.

"San Diego Reader"
UCSD Announces Alumni Honorees

Reader reporter Dave Rice announces UCSD's 2012 Alumni Honorees, who include Calit2 research scientist Albert Lin.

"Scripps Translational Science Institute"
Future Health at Calit2

STSI profiles the Future Health event, a Calit2-hosted discussion featuring a number of luminaries from the Quantified Self movement.

"San Diego Reader"
Visiting Artist: Gail Wight

San Diego Reader reporter Bobby Bray profiles artist Gail Wight, who will speak at the Calit2 Auditorium Feb. 2, 2012.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
His focus is on ancient mines, not just Solomon’s

Union-Tribune reporter Pat Flynn chronicles the recent work of Tom Levy, who is the associate director of CISA3 at Calit2.

"Philadelphia Inquirer"
Global contest will lead to help during heart attacks

An article by Philadelphia Inquirer reporter Marie McCullough mentions Calit2-affiliated research scientist Manuel Cebrian, who is leading a team effort to find automated external defibrillators in the Philadelphia area using crowd-sourcing.

New Technologies to Patient Care: The Promise and the Peril

Newswise announces the UCSD Patient Safety Conference, which will include 'a look at the future with Calit2.'

"The Kavli Foundation"
Recipe for a Robot: What it Takes to Make a Social Robot

The Kavli Foundation, which is "dedicated to the goals of advancing science for the benefit of humanity and promoting increased public understanding and support for scientists and their work," features research by Calit2's Ayse Saygin in a feature about social robots.

"National Geographic Daily News"
Google Science Fair Opens Today!

National Geographic blogger Andrew Howley features Calit2 explorer Albert Lin on his story on the Google Science Fair, which opens today. Lin is one of the judges for the fair.

"Hindustan Times"
How cell phones may help in weight loss

The Indian newspaper reports on a study out of Calit2's Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems that will evaluate the use of cell phone text messages to remind participants to make wise nutritional choices throughout the day.

Soon, Cell Phones Could Help Lose Weight

MedIndia.com picks up a story about a new study out of Calit2's Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems that will study the effects of cell phones in the battle against obesity.

Cell phones may soon help you shed those extra kilos

A new study by researchers with Calit2's Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems are studying cell phone technology as a means of helping with weight loss.

'ConTxt' study to evaluate whether cell phone technology can help with weight loss

An article about a study by Calit2's Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems to examine how cell phone technology can lead to weight loss turns up in BioPortfolio.

Can text messages help you lose weight?

UT San Diego's Gary Robbins reports on a new study by Calit2's Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems to see if cell phone use has a measurable effect on weight loss.

"Armenian Medical Network"
Pick Up the Cell Phone, Drop the Pounds

The Armenian Medical Network picks up an article about a new study out of Calit2’s Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems that will examine the effect of cell phone technology on weight loss.


"North County Times"
Cell phones as weight-reducers: Study seeks volunteers

NCT writer Bradley J. Fikes features Calit2's Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems and UCSD's Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, which are expanding a previous study aimed at finding out if cell phone technology can help with weight loss.

Cell phones may soon help you shed those extra kilos

Researchers with Calit2′s Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems (CWPHS) and the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, at University of California, San Diego are expanding a previous study aimed at finding out if cell phone technology can help with weight loss.

"North County Times"
Cell phones as weight-reducers: Study seeks volunteers

North County Times staff writer Bradley Fikes reports on the ConTxt study being led by researchers at the Calit2-based Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems.

Pick up the cell phone, drop the pounds

PhysOrg picks up a story about ConTxt, a new study out of Calit2’s Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems that will examine the effects of cell phone use in mitigating obesity.

"The Guardian"
Art historians say they have found evidence of hidden Leonardo da Vinci

Tom Kington of the Guardian reports from Florence on the announcement by Calit2/CISA3 researchers that they might have discovered evidence of a hidden painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

"Discover Magazine"
Health insurance remains (and will remain) relevant

Discover blogger Razib Khan cites a New York Times story on gene sequencing that quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr. Khan questions the idea that genomics might render health insurance irrelevant.

"Voice of San Diego"
Arts Report: The Mystery Behind the Masterpiece

Voice of San Diego reporter Kelly Bennett features Calit2/CISA3's search for a lost Leonardo da Vinci painting in her Arts Report.

"The Hindu Business Line"
What does your inbox say about you?

Anne Eisenberg's New York Times story about quantifying personal data is reprinted in the Business Line and mentions Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

"Scientific Computing"
Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination Created

The new Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination, which will be headed by Calit2/CRCA affiliate Sheldon Brown, is announced in Scientific Computing.

"San Diego Source (The Daily Transcript)"
2012 Athena Pinnacle Award Nominees -- Educator

Two Calit2 affiliates -- Gabriele Wienhausen and Saura Naderi -- have been nominated for the 2012 Athena Pinnacle Award in the Educator category.

Students to demonstrate smart camera trap at new engineering competition

PhysOrg reports on a new camera trap developed by UCSD undergrads for the National Geographic/Calit2 Explorers in Engineering program.

"The Art Metropolis"
CRCA 40th Anniversary Rocks Calit2

A collage of images from CRCA's 40th anniversary are featured on the Art Metropolis blog.

Qualcomm Life Announces Members of New Advisory Council

InfoTech reports on the members appointed to a new Qualcomm Advisory Council. Among them is Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

"Boston Globe"
Researchers put selves under the microscope

Writer Carolyn Y. Johnson reports on scientists studying their own genomes and she quotes Calit2 director Larry Smarr as saying, "I think you're going to have a revolution... that will lead to a golden age of new diagnostics and therapies."

"Boston Globe"
Researchers put selves under the microscope

Boston Globe writer Carolyn Johnson reports on researchers putting selves under the microscrope. It's happening in Boston as well as San Diego, with the advent of the quantitative health movement. Johnson reports Calit2 director Larry Smarr, who "while tracking his own body in detail, detected a signal that turned out to be emerging Crohn's disease."

"Al Jarida"
Medicine's Digital Nurse: Self-monitoring techniques for measuring body functions day and night

The Kuwaiti newspaper Al Jarida features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a story that originally appeared in Germany's Der Spiegel about Smarr's journey to quantify his health data.

"San Diego Biotechnology Connection"
Amid U.S. pertussis outbreak, San Diego battling ‘whooping cough’ with health text messaging

Reporter Rex Graham interviews Calit2 affiliate Kevin Patrick for a story (and video) on how text messaging is being used to increase immunizations in 1-year-olds.

"WCSH 6 Washington"
Crowdsourcing is a growing social media trend

Calit2 researcher and National Geographic Explorer Albert Lin is featured in a video news clip about crowdsourcing. Lin is using crowdsourcing to help find the tomb of Genghis Khan.

"Real Clear Science"
How Larry Smarr Discovered His Own Crohn's Disease

Real Clear Science posts a video that originally appeared in The Atlantic magazine, which features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

Tech Making Man Into God

A story that originally appeared in the Lancaster, Pa. Sunday News cites an Atlantic piece that features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr and his quest to quantify his health using biometric sensors.

"U-T San Diego"
Search for lost painting ties into play

Arts reporter Jim Hebert of the U-T San Diego describes a presentation by Calit2 researcher Maurizio Seracini and his team on their quest to find a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

"The Value of Openness"
Know Thyself. Quantify Thyself.

The 'Patients Like Me' website features a blog post about the Quantified Self movement, featuring QSer and Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

"The American Ceramic Society"
Big Data getting big attention from NIST and mainstream press

In a story about 'big data,' ACerS writer Eileen De Guire features a photo of the Calit2 HIPerSpace Wall.

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