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"El Pais"
The era of 'baby data'

Reporter Karelia Vazquez features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a story about a new trend in digitally monitoring babies.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Lei Liang makes paintings sing

UT reporter James Chute profiles Calit2 composer-in-residence Lei Liang and his performance of "Hearing Landscapes,” a cutting-edge, multimedia presentation that he premiered at the Qualcomm Institute in April.

Florentine basilica gets high-tech physical

PhysOrg features a project by two QI Ph.D. students to digitally 'diagnose' the Baptistery of St. John for structural integrity using a variety of multispectral imaging tools.

High-Tech Tools Map Baptistery of St. John

Using Lidar technology, ultra-high-resolution photography, and thermal imaging techniques, Mike Hess and Mike Yeager of the University of California, San Diego, created a 3-D digital model of the interior, exterior, and façade of the Baptistery of St. John.

"Controlled Environments"
Graphene-based Technique Creates World’s Smallest Crack

A team of nanoengineers led by UCSD nanoengineering professor Darren Lipomi has discovered a new process of creating nanogaps through the use of graphene.

"SD Metro"
Daily Business Report April 23 2015

SD Metro reports on Qualcomm Institute's opening of Innovation Space for Industry and Startups

"CNET in Spanish"
Indiegogo campaign seeks to bring back Selena digitally

Campaña de Indiegogo busca resucitar a Selena digitalmente. ¿Lo logrará?
Claudia Cruz reports on a startup, Acrovirt LLC, which wants to use UCSD technology to bring back a digital version of the late singer Selena, if it can begin by raising $500,000 on Indiegogo.

"Times of San Diego"
Virtual Reality: How Close to Being Real

Reporters Leonard Novarro and Rosalynn Carmen interview QI research scientist about the future of virtual reality.

"SD Metro"
Qualcomm Institute Launches Innovation Space

The Qualcomm Institute has launched an Innovation Space where qualified faculty startups, industry partners or national laboratories can lease office or lab space inside the research institute’s headquarters building on the campus of UC San Diego.

"Imperial Valley News"
What Is It About Yoga?

Two QI studies looking at the effects of yoga on the body's physiology are featured.

"Fox 8 New Orleans"
The Mobile Healthcare (mHealth) Bible: 2015 - 2020 ....

Calit2 is mentioned in a story about the future of mobile health (mHealth).

"Dell Big Data"
Calit2 is Using HPC to Unlock the Secrets of Microorganisms

Over the past several years, Calit2 Director Larry Smarr has been exploring how advanced data analytics tools can find patterns in microbial distribution data. Inside HPC features one of Smarr's presentations.

"La Jolla Light"
LET'S REVIEW: Open Studios 2105, UCSD grad students ....

A review of Open Studios 2015 features the work of Heidi Kayser, who will be part of an upcoming IDEAS performance series at the Qualcomm Institute.

"San Diego Newscape"
High-Performance Big-Science Pacific Research Platform ....

Attendees at the CENIC 2015 Annual Conference, “Shaking Things Up,” will be introduced to the Pacific Research Platform, a cutting-edge research infrastructure that will link together the Science DMZs of dozens of top research institutions via three advanced networks: CENIC’s Cal

"Fast Company"
Take a Stroll Down Broadway Through Hundreds of Thousands...

QI-affiliated researcher Lev Manovich is quoted in a story on an art installaion that mashes social media and open data to provide a unique look of Broadway in New York City.

"MobiHealth News"
Calit2 awards $200,000 to five data sharing projects

Reporter Aditi Pai announces that Health Data Exploration (HDE) has awarded a total of $200,000 to five projects that aim to use aggregated personal health data to advance research. Some of the projects involve big digital health names like Fitbit, RunKeeper, and PatientsLikeMe.

"Becker's Health IT & CIO Review"
University of San Diego awards $200,000 to health database..

Reporter Elizabeth Earl announces that a data sharing initiative at the University of California San Diego has awarded $200,000 to five health data aggregation efforts.

"La Jolla Light"
LET'S REVIEW: A Loud Silence, Deaf artists explore sound

Will Bowen reviews "LOUD silence," the latest exhibition at the gallery@calit2.

"National Geographic"
There's No Plague on the NYC Subway. No Platypuses Either.

In a discussion of a study that found traces of the bubonic plague in New York City subway stations, Ed Yong cites the work of microbiologist and Qualcomm Institute affiliate Rob Knight, who showed the prevalence of false positives using the example of platypus DNA.

"Control Design for Machine Builders"
Student-Built Ruku Robot Encourages Others to Join STEM Fiel

Katherine Bonfante write about the student-designed Ruku Robot, which can solve a Rubiks Cube in a matter of seconds and was created in the QI Fabrication Lab.

"Real Estate Rama"
Architects, AIA Foundation and Association of Collegiate....

A partnership with Active Living Research, the Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems at Calit2/Qi, and the School of Medicine at the University of California San Diego uses smart wearable wireless sensors to track how individuals react to changing conditions.

"Government Technology"
Could Better Health Be all in the Wrist?

QI's Kevin Patrick is mentioned in a story about wearable health technology and how the data that emerge from such devices is changing the way we think about healthcare.

"The Washington Post"
The frustrating hunt for Genghis Khan’s long-lost tomb ....

Reporter Terrence McCoy covers a paper published by Calit2 researcher Albert Yu-Min Lin and colleagues on their hunt to find the lost tomb of Genghis Khan.

"Daily Mail"
Has Genghis Khan's Tomb Been Spotted From Space?

Richard Gray reports on a paper published in the journal Public Library of Science One, in which Calit2 researcher Albert Lin and his team claim to have identified 55 potential archaeological sites that could be home to the remains of Genghis Khan.


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