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"Corriere Fiorentino (Italy)"
Battaglia di Anghiari, scoperti i colori di Leonardo: si cerca il blu intenso

Reporter Chiara Dino reports on the announcement of an agreement with National Geographic, to support a project led by CISA3 director Maurizio Seracini, to find the long-lost Leonardo masterpiece, the "Battle of Anghiari". (In Italian)

"City of Florence News Release"
La Battaglia di Anghiari di Leonardo da Vinci: Il Progetto di Ricerca, Le Innovative Tecniche Diagnostiche: Il Lavoro del Comitato Scientifico per Portare Alla Luce Il Grande Capolavoro

Update on the project to uncover da Vinci's lost masterpiece, the Battle of Anghiari mural, a scientific search led by Calit2's Maurizio Seracini and co-funded by the Friends of CISA3 at UCSD. (in Italian)

"The Hindu (India)"
Teaching students in California from Mumbai

A researcher from Calit2, Derek Lomas, is teaching a course from Mumbai, India -- although the students participate from a conference room in Atkinson Hall on the UCSD campus.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Roger Reynolds' newest work

Calit2's HD concert video filmed at the November world premiere of "Sanctuary", by institute composer in residence Roger Reynolds, is previewed. The screening takes place Feb. 28 in the Calit2 Auditorium.

"Daily Telegraph (UK)"
Hi-tech Indiana Jones hunt for Leonardo da Vinci secrets

New York correspondent Philip Sherwell makes Maurizio Seracini, CISA3 and UCSD the center of his feature on efforts to discover lost historic "wonders" of the world. Also included: a 2-minute video clip from CISA3 on the search for the "Battle of Anghiari".

"Der Spiegel"
T-Ray Technology Strips People and Frescoes

Angelika Franz writes that a team of scientists at University of Michigan wants to approach CISA3's Maurizio Seracini to participate in the Anghiari project to test their teraherz scanner.

"The Guardian (UK)"
The Da Vinci Detective

The newspaper's TV columnist reports on the showing of "The Da Vinci Detective" on the Discovery Channel... about Calit2's Maurizio Seracini, director of CISA3.

"International Science Grid This Week"
CineGrid: lend some power to your pixels

This article focuses on one participant in the CineGrid project: RENCI, based in North Carolina, which has developed a tele-immersion room that serves as its node on CineGrid.

"Highlands Today"
Scientists Converge on Archbold Station

Reporter Bill Rettew covers the GLEON 6 meeting of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network, a group co-founded by Calit2's Peter Arzberger, a member of the GLEON Steering Committee.

"East Bay Business Times"
511 service personalizes traffic data

David Goll reports on competition for the Bay Area's 511 service from Calit2's California Wireless Traffic Report; quotes Traffic Report developer Ganz Chockalingam.

"The Daily Pennsylvanian"
Blogging, to make a print text better

Report on UCSD professor Noah Wardrip-Fruin's decision to post his next book on a blog, to get input from other researchers in the editing process -- a plan that has raised eyebrows in the academic publishing industry.

"bizSanDiego Magazine"
Another Blossoming Tech Sector

Andrea Siedsma reports on telemedicine and telehealth projects at Calit2, and quotes Calit2's Ramesh Rao, Philip Rios and others.

"CONNECT Newsletter"
Research Trends for 2008

Calit2 UCSD acting director Bill Hodgkiss ticks off some of the key research areas for the institute this year, including cyberinfrastructure-enabled science.

New Giant Joystick

The popular art blog -- based in Italy -- features an article about the gallery@calit2's first exhibit, a 9-foot-tall interactive Atari joystick, by artist Mary Flanagan.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Soon everyday items will join networked world

Calit2 division director Ramesh Rao is quoted in Jonathan Sidener's feature about the revolution in new wireless technologies that will impact the consumer.

LSU CCT Highlights Distributed Computing in Mardi Gras Event

Larry Smarr to speak at 15th Mardi Gras Conference hosted by the Louisiana State University Center for Computation and Technology.

"Australian Life Scientist"
OzIPortal ignites global collaboration

Computerworld's Darren Pauli reports on a partnership between Calit2 and University of Melbourne under which research scientists, doctors and academics will be able to share more research and technology through the OzIPortal.

Australia to US trans-Pacific 1Gbps link boosts research

Matt Chapman reports that UCSD and the University of Melbourne "have created a dedicated fibre-optic link to allow video-conferencing with no interference from other traffic."

"Sydney Morning Herald"
Super broadband hint

Political editor Peter Hartcher reports that a new super-broadband link between Calit2 and the University of Melbourne may push Australia to deploy more fiber optic to the nation's homes and offices. Calit2's Larry Smarr is quoted.

"The Australian"
Ultra Broadband Conquers Distance

Calit2 at UCSD and University of Melbourne launch the OzIPortal for long-distance, super-broadband collaboration. Quotes Calit2's Larry Smarr as saying the "key to the project was bringing together the research capability with political leaders keen to make a commitment." Also published on Australian IT.

University of Melbourne Initiates Australia's Ultra-Resolution Global Collaboration Laboratory

The Australian edition of the website picked up the report on launch of the OzIPortal, a super-broadband network for visualization and conferencing between Melbourne and Calit2 in San Diego.

"Australian Broadcasting Company"
Aust needs super fast broadband to compete: expert

National security correspondent Leigh Sales reports on the launch of a super-broadband video link between the University of Melbourne and Calit2. Calit2 director Larry Smarr is quoted as saying, "the thing I am most encouraged about has been the national debate at the highest level in Australia. Very few countries have been engaged in that."

"The Age"
Fast data link for researchers

Correspondent Paul Ramadge reports from San Diego, which hosted the Australian-American Leadership Dialogue. "World-best collaborative research between Australian and United States universities has taken a giant leap forward," he writes, following the launch of a 1 Gbps data connection dubbed the OzIPortal. Includes link to a video interview with Calit2 director Larry Smarr: http://media.theage.com.au/?rid=34687 (Windows Media only).

"ZDNet Australia"
1Gbps 'superbroadband' helps unis research

Suzanne Tindal reports from Australia on the combination of "high resolution screens with a 'superbroadband' connection to help researchers collaborate across the globe." The system was inaugurated between Calit2 and the University of Melbourne this week.

Melbourne, San Diego researchers link via video wall

Stephen Withers reports that the University of Melbourne's new OptIPortal visualization wall, connected to Calit2 in San Diego over a super-broadband network, was demonstrated to senior politicians on both sides of the Pacific.

Ultra-high resolution video link wows researchers, politicians

Andrew Collins reports that "leading Australian scientists and politicians gathered at Melbourne University today to launch the ultra-high-resolution OptiPortal scientific videoconferencing link." The demonstration linked Calit2 -- creator of the OptIPortal technology -- and Melbourne.

"Sydney Morning Herald"
Super-fast broadband links researchers

A powerful new broadband tool, 250 times faster than a standard broadband connection in Melbourne, has been used to link Australian researches to Calit2 at the University of California, San Diego.

"ABC News (Australia)"
Aust broadband will fail to compete globally, expert says

"One of the United States' top technology gurus," Calit2 director Larry Smarr, "is warning that Australia will not be able to compete in the global economy if it does not greatly improve its broadband Internet capabilities." Includes a link to ABC radio interview with Smarr by Leigh Sales.

"Smart Company (Australia)"
Broadband catch-up a global market imperative

Amanda Gome previews the launch of a video broadband capability between the University of Melbourne and UCSD. Calit2's Larry Smarr is quoted as saying, "If your Internet to your people to your small businesses is not as fast as competitors in Korea, Singapore, the U.S., Europe -- you are putting all of those Australlians at a disadvantage."

"Brisbane Times"
Broadband with 250 times more kick

The newspaper reports that "a powerful new broadband tool, 250 times faster than a standard broadband connection in Melbourne", was used to link researchers at the University of Melbourne and UC San Diego's Calit2.

"KPBS Radio"
Finding Common Groun at the Australian-American Leadership Dialogue

Peter Cowhey, dean of UCSD's School of International Relations and Pacific Studies and a Calit2 participant, is interviewed by Tom Fudge during the AALD meetings at IR/PS and Calit2.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Students design robotic rescuer

Technology reporter Bruce Bigelow reports on the Gizmo project, which is developing robotic devices to implement wireless connectivity at disaster sites.

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