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"San Diego Business Journal"
National Institutes of Health Gives UCSD Multimillion-Dollar Grant

Heather Chambers reports on the nearly $5 million NIH grant to fund a center for computational mass spectrometry, led by Pavel Pevzner, director of Calit2's Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology.

"Associated Press"
Art exhibit takes interactivity to new level

AP article as it appears on the MSNBC website talks about allowing viewers new ways to help create art, and quotes Calit2 artist in resident Sheldon Brown, director of CRCA, who says the U.S. has been slower to embrace truly interactive art than Europe and Asia.

"ARD Tagesschau (Germany)"
Da Vinci Hidden Inside a Palazzo Vecchio Wall?

Joachim G?rtner reports from Florence, in an interview with CISA3's Maurizio Seracini taped in 2007, on the search for Leonardo da Vinci's long-lost "Battle of Anghiari"... "behind a wall that may hide the greatest mystery of art."

"Media Newswire"
Artist uses computer 'game' to explore algorithmic nature of urban development

Exhibition 'Scalable City' by Calit2 artist-in-residence Sheldon Brown to open at gallery@calit2 on Oct. 23.

"Australian Financial Review"
Call for ultra-fast network

Ben Potter reports for the weekly Australian publication on pending meetings in Canberra at which Calit2 director Larry Smarr will urge Australian authorities to invest heavily in advanced networking and visualization for the country's research campuses.

"KPBS Radio: These Days"
Pulitzer Prizewinning Composer's Work at Salk Institute

The radio program's host Tom Fudge interviews Calit2 composer in residence Roger Reynolds about "Sanctuary", to be presented Oct. 11 at the Salk Institute by Calit2, ArtPower and the UCSD Department of Music. [Click on "Listen".]

"Publico (Spain)"
La habitaci?n de los juegos

Writer Miguel Angel Criado reports on how "Californian scientists create a virtual-reality room where they can study from proteins to the stars." Photos and quotes of Calit2's Tom DeFanti and Jurgen Schulze.

"Melbourne Herald Sun(Australia)"
Universities need Internet overhaul

Calit2 director Larry Smarr "is warning Australian universities to overhaul their campus networks or risk falling behind," according to the Australian newspaper.

"Sydney Morning Herald"
Speed Up the Net or Get Left Behind

The Australian newspaper interviews Calit2 director Larry Smarr about his advocacy for much faster Internet speeds to keep Australia competitive in the global tech economy.

"San Diego Business Journal"
UCSD's StarCAVE Gives Scientists 3D View of Research

Writer Ned Randolph reports on the official launch of Calit2's StarCAVE virtual reality environment.

"Telepresence Options"
3D Virtual Reality Environment Developed at UC San Diego

Report on launch of Calit2's StarCAVE immersive environment at UC San Diego.

"Gizmodo Australia"
UCSD's StarCAVE Is a Real 3D Super-High-Def Danger Room

The Australian edition of the Gizmodo techie news service picked up the U.S. website's story about the launch of Calit2's StarCAVE virtual reality room.

3D Virtual Reality Environment Developed at UC San Diego Helps ...

Calit2 unveiled its StarCAVE virtual reality environment.

UCSD's StarCAVE Is a Real 3D Super-High-Def Danger Room

Wilson Rothman reports on the opening of the StarCAVE at Calit2, and includes a photo gallery of the virtual reality room in action.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Virtual reality takes big step

Technology reporter Jonathan Sidener reports on the official launch of Calit2's StarCAVE, and quotes Tom DeFanti and Jurgen Schulze on what makes the virtual reality environment unique.

"La Jolla Light"
High-tech exploration reveals mysteries of art history

Laura Petersen reports on the work of Maurizio Seracini and Calit2's CISA3 center with the San Diego Museum of Art to prototype a "digital clinical chart" for works of art.

"KGTV Channel 10 (ABC Affiliate in San Diego)"
10News Looks Inside UCSD's Virtual Reality Lab

Anchor Hal Clement visits Calit2 at UC San Diego and reports on the official launch of the StarCAVE virtual-reality environment. Video clip runs 2:02; Flash video required.

"Media Newswire"
Advanced Network Sciences examines foundations of communications systems

Report on the current research agenda at Calit2's Advanced Network Sciences group, with quotes from ANS co-associate director Tara Javidi.

"La Jolla Light"
Country Day dedicates arts, science center

Local newspaper reports on private school's new building that brings the arts and science together, and cites Calit2's Atkinson Hall as an inspiration.

"BBC Radio 4"
Bring on the Bandwidth

In Business editor Peter Day devotes his program to a report on the coming explosion in demand for bandwidth, and interviews experts including George Gilder and Larry Smarr, the latter during a visit to Calit2 in San Diego. Listen to the audio file.

"Voice of San Diego"
Analyze This

Writer Lea Yu reports on the boom in analytics at San Diego companies as well as at Calit2, quoting Lev Manovich, who leads Calit2's Software Studies Initiative to pioneer the use of visual analytics to predict cultural shifts.

"Market Watch"
SDR Forum Experiences Rapid Growth with the Addition of Eight New Members

Calit2 and UCSD are one of eight organizations working within the advanced wireless market that have recently joined the SDR Forum (www.sdrforum.org). The SDR Forum? is a non-profit international industry association dedicated to promoting the success of next generation radio technologies.

"Winston-Salem Journal"
Great Cover-up?

The North Carolina newspaper picks up the syndicated column of Wall Street Journal writer Robert Lee Hotz, about Maurizio Seracini and Calit2/CISA3's search for a long-lost da Vinci mural, "The Battle of Anghiari".

High End Computing Network Redesign

Members of the online computer-science community posted a series of items throughout the week, about the new proposal for a networking architecture put forward by UCSD Center for Networked Systems director Amin Vahdat.

"Electronic Design"
Engineer Seeks Cure for Common Wall Warts

Mat Dirjish reports on a research project led by Calit2's Doug Palmer, to establish a Universal Power Adapter (uPower).

"North County Times"
North County artist, jass singer pass

This obituary for UCSD emeritus professor Manny Farber notes the special event organized by Calit2's filmmaker in residence, J.P. Gorin, in 2006 to celebrate Farber's career as artist and critic.

"Muy Interesante (Spain)"
Hyperspace: Superdisplay for Science

Writer Maria Jose Casado reports on HIPerSpace, Calit2's display that ranks as the highest-resolution tiled display system in the world.

"Network World"
Could 'fat-tree' switch setup be key to trimming data center costs?

Buying faster switches might not be the only way to amp up performance across data center networks, according to researchers at the University of California, San Diego, who this week proposed a network architecture that would enable commodity Ethernet switches to deliver better performance at a lower cost than their 10 Gigabit Ethernet counterparts.

"Voice of San Diego"
From San Diego to Timbuktu, Long-Distance Surgery

Science writer Darryn Bennett wrote this feature about San Diego efforts to boost telemedicine and telehealth, highlighting numerous efforts at Calit2 and quoting UCSD division director Ramesh Rao.

"CBS News' 60 Minutes"
The Lost Leonardo da Vinci

Morley Safer reports on the quest to find "The Battle of Anghiari", a mural by Leonardo da Vinci. The feature also profiles CISA3 director Maurizio Seracini, who is leading the search. Click on link at website to watch video.

"Urbana-Champaign News-Gazette"
Trio names new supercomputer after NCSA pioneer

Don Dodson reports that "if you're going to name something after Larry Smarr, why not a supercomputer?"

"WCIA Channel 3"
Supercomputer Professor Honored

Calit2 director Larry Smarr visits Central Illinois and a privately-built supercomputer that bears his name, R Smarr, developed by R Systems, Inc. The articles links to a Flash video airing on the Illinois TV station.

"Monash Information Technology"
IT Faculty Hosts High Definition Video Seminar

The online edition of Monash University reports on the launch of a seminar series to the Australian campus over HD streaming video from Calit2, whose director Larry Smarr gave one of the early talks.

"Voice of San Diego"
Art Explores the Science of the Very Small

Science reporter Darryn Bennett reports on the new exhibition in the gallery @ calit2, featuring works by UCSD professors Adriene Jenik and Ricardo Dominguez (and Dominguez's colleagues in the *particle group*).

Telemedicine leads to better stroke treatment decisions

Report on the results of clinical trials of the STRokE DOC telemedicine system for remote evaluation of possible stroke patients.

STRokE DOC Puts Experts at the Scene

The online medical news service reports on the UCSD School of Medicine's successful clinical trials of STRokE DOC, a stroke-evaluation telemedicine, co-developed and co-funded by Calit2 at UCSD.

Video: Emergency Room Stroke Exam with a Webcam

Science writer Aaron Rowe reports on the School of Medicine-Calit2 STRokE DOC project's clinical trials.

"ABC News"
Researchers Propose $12 Computer for Developing Countries

Ashley Phillips reports from a conference at MIT, where Calit2 graduate student Derek Lomas discussed an effort to use cheap videogame consoles as entry-level educational computers for children in India and other developing countries.

Human Remote Control May Spell End for Teachers

Report on the research in the Machine Perception Lab on "intelligent tutoring systems".

"Environmental Protection Online"
UC Weather Data to Help Develop Energy Plan

The environmental news service reports on the weather station project, involving students and mentors including Calit2's Doug Palmer and Bill Hodgkiss, as well as Jacobs School professor Jan Kleissl, with partial funding from the Calit2-based Environment and Sustainability Initiative.

"San Diego Business Journal"
GreenLight Aims to Curb Power Demands for IT Systems

Writer Ned Randolph reports on the $2.6 million GreenLight project, with primary funding from NSF, to create a testbed for improving energy efficiency of computing.

"Ars Technica"
Week in Storage: home clouds, social backup and green IT

Writing in this blog, Ari Allyn-Feuer reports on the latest in storage and IT topics, including the GreenLight "green" project funded by NSF and Calit2 at UCSD.

"U.S. News and World Report"
Now That's a Wide-Screen TV

A research team at UCSD has just unveiled the largest screen system in the world: almost 32-feet wide and 7.5-feet tall with 287 million pixels of screen resolution. That's more than one active pixel for every U.S. citizen, according to the 2000 Census.

"Energy Efficiency News (UK)"
Research aims to improve energy efficiency of computing

In its Building & Design section, the environmental news site reports on the GreenLight project, funded by NSF and Calit2.

"KPBS These Days"
Do You Care Who's Watching You?

Host Tom Fudge interviewed UCSD professor Mohan Trivedi about issues of surveillance and security, notably in the context of cameras in public spaces.

"United Press International"
Scientists Working to Test Energy Efficiency

The UPI news service reports that "scientists and engineers at the University of California-San Diego said they are building an instrument to test the energy efficiency of computing systems under real-world conditions."

"Government Computer News"
NSF awards grant for energy-efficient computing study

Kathleen Hickey reports on a $2 million NSF grant to Calit2 at UCSD for the GreenLight project. The article quotes Calit2 director Larry Smarr, and Tom DeFanti, PI of GreenLight.

"CNYes.com (Taiwan)"
The Lost Da Vinci Art Work"

Writer Huang Xin reports (in Chinese) on the search for da Vinci's "Battle of Anghiari" by CISA3 director Maurizio Seracini at UCSD.

"Chronicle of Higher Education"
UC-San Diego to Explore How to Make University Data Centers Greener

In the publication's The Wired Campus section, writer Maria Jos? Vi?as reports on Calit2's GreenLight $2.6 million project, an experiment "to test and improve the energy efficiency of computing systems used for scientific research".

The Next Big Thing in Humanities, Arts and Social Science Computing: Cultural Analytics

The authors Kevin D. Franklin and Karen Rodriguez'G examine computational tools and approaches at the interface of humanities, arts and social science -- notably Lev Manovich's cultural analytics project in Calit2's Software Studies Initiative at UCSD.

"Network World"
Researchers get $2.6M to cultivate energy-efficient virtualized data center

The magazine's online service reports on Calit2's GreenLight project to build "an advanced data center to test the energy efficiency of computing systems under real-world conditions."

"Dr. Dobbs' Portal"
GreenLight Project to Improve Energy Efficiency of Computing

The software-developers' portal highlights the announcement of Calit2's GreenLight project to deploy an NSF-funded testbed for energy efficiency in large-scale computing data centers.

"iXBT.com (Russia)"
HIPerSpace Display Facility

This report in Russian is apparently based on Calit2's news release about the recently deployed HIPerSpace system becoming the world's highest-resolution computer display.

"Designer Today"
UC San Diego Unveils World's Highest-Resolution Scientific Display

The Georgia-based publication's website picked up Calit2's news release about the 286-million-pixel HIPerSpace display wall at UCSD.

"About Electronics"
World's biggest HD display system debuts

The European Electronic News service picks up the report from TechRadar.com on the launch of the HIPerSpace display at Calit2.

"ZD Net"
Supercomputers Fight Against Bird Flu

Report on research as part of the Calit2-based Pacific Rim Experiences for Undergraduates (PRIME) program in Beijing, to use cyberinfrastructure to cull for potential weapons against avian influenza.

"U.S. News and World Report"
Supercomputers Identify Potential New Drugs to Combat Bird Flu

Calit2-based Lily Cheng, a researcher in the National Biomedical Computation Resource (NBCR), is the first author on a journal article on the success of a team using cyberinfrastructure tools to identify potential compounds in the fight against avian influenza.

"U.S. News and World Report"
Supercomputers Identify Potential New Drugs to Combat Bird Flu

NSF's Leslie Fink reports in the magazine's online edition about the avian flu research at UCSD, SDSC and the PRIME program. The article links to a video produced by Calit2, featuring first author Lily Cheng, a former PRIME undergrad researcher in Beijing.

"Innovations Report (Germany)"
World's Highest-Resolution Scientific Display System

The news service picks up Calit2's news release about the launch of the expanded HIPerSpace 286-million-pixel display system.

"AOL News"
The Hunt Is On for the Hidden Da Vinci

Article based on last week's Wall Street Journal feature about UCSD's Maurizio Seracini searching for "The Battle of Anghiari" was one of the top news stories this Sunday on AOL worldwide.

"The Reader"
Breaking News

Item on Calit2.Life.

Leonardo da Vinci: Masked Masterpieces

France's arts channel, seen throughout much of Europe, aired the 80-minute documentary about Maurizio Seracini's work on two Leonardo da Vinci masterpieces -- originally aired on Britain's Channel 4 in 2006.

"Wall Street Journal"
The Search for the Hidden da Vinci

Science columnist Robert Lee Hotz reports on the search for da Vinci's "Battle of Anghiari" mural, led by CISA3 director Maurizio Seracini.

"TechRadar (UK)"
World's biggest HD display system debuts

Marc Chacksfield reports on the launch of Calit2's HIPerSpace -- the largest scientific visualization display in the world.

"Chronicle of Higher Education"
UC-San Diego Boasts World's Sharpest Video Wall

Jeffrey Young report on UCSD and Calit2 launching the HIPerSpace tiled display wall... the highest-resolution display system in the world.

The Biggest Picture

Item on use of world's highest resolution display, Calit2's HIPerSpace wall, as "the size of complex scientific data sets grows exponentially."

Hiperspace Is the World's Highest Resolution Display

Sean Fallon of the widely-watch tech blog reports on the new Calit2 HIPerSpace display sytem.

"Mother Jones"
Smart Energy = No More Wall Warts

In the magazine's Blue Marble Blog, environment correspondent Julia Whitty reports on the concept of Calit2's Doug Palmer to create a Universal Power Adapter that would save energy... and make it easier to power consumer electronic devices.

"Imperial Valley News"
Universal Power Adapter Offers Alternative to Wall Warts

The newspaper's online version picked up the Calit2 news release about Doug Palmer's plan for a Universal Power Adapter that could revolutionize the way we power our electronic devices.

Universal Power Adapter Offers Alternative to Wall Warts

The science and technology news service triggered a series of comments from readers in response to the report on Calit2's Universal Power Adapter project, led by project scientist Doug Palmer.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Take superlatives with the finest grain of salt

In a report on "local superlatives," columnist Logan Jenkins highlights the "World's Largest High-Def Display ? Constructed at UC San Diego in a joint program with UC Irvine, the two HIPerSpace screens boast a combined 440 million pixels of resolution, which is a world apart from your plasma TV."

"Daily Texan"
Scientists developing robotic teaching tools

Writer Rachel Veroff reports on technologies being developed in the UCSD Machine Perception Laboratory at Calit2, for "intelligent tutoring systems" that use facial recognition to gauge how well a student is learning.

"Xinhua (China)"
New drug candidates identified to combat bird flu

From Los Angeles, the Chinese news agency reports on an article in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry by researchers at UCSD, including lead author Lisa Cheng, who first began the research as a summer PRIME intern in Beijing while still an undergrad at UCSD. A similar article appeared in OneIndia.com at http://living.oneindia.in/health/science-study/2008/bird-avian-flu-drug-candidate-040708.html.

"HHMI Science Education News"
Professor Pevzner's Do-It-Yourself Proteomics Class

Report on Pavel Pevzner's undergraduate bioinformatics program at UCSD, funded with his $1 million HHMI fellowship. The undergraduates are pioneering a new field of proteogenomics. Pevzner directs the Calit2-based Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology.

"Kotaku.com (Australia)"
UCSD's SoftWhere 2008 -- Now with Videos

The Australian gaming news service reports on the posting of videos from the SoftWhere workshoip at Calit2.

"Media Newswire"
Summer is PRIME Time for UC San Diego Undergraduates Around Pacific Rim

The news service posts a news release about the Pacific Rim Experiences for Undergraduates (PRIME) program co-funded by NSF and Calit2.

"International Science Grid This Week"
Optical network key to next-generation e-research

Report from TeraGrid '08 on Calit2 director Larry Smarr's appeal to university campuses to "remove network bottlenecks to supercomputer users."

"Science News"
Life's Code in Soap

Calit2 and CASB participant Glenn Tesler is quotes in this article about the origin of the genetic code, written by Davide Castelvecchi. Tesler is a professor of mathematics at UCSD.

"Daily Telegraph (UK)"
Robot nannies threat to child care

Science editor Roger Highfield reports on potential dangers from robots designed to teach or care for toddlers; the article mentions that "robots are a great teaching aid," and notes that the Calit2-based Javier Movellan, of the Machine Perception Lab, has developed RUBI for early childhood education.

"Business Wire"
Premier U.S. Research Network Opens Dorr to Corporate America

Calit2 visualization director at UCSD Tom DeFanti is quoted in this article about Darkstrand, Inc.'s purchase of bandwidth on the National LambdaRail.

Bhaskar Rao: Conquering Space and Time with MIMO

Calit2 participant and UCSD electrical engineering professor Bhaskar Rao is featured in this interview with writer Jack Germain. Rao is quoted as saying that "space is the new dimension in communication."

"Technology Review"
Portable Plastic Explosives Detector

Writer Katherine Bourzac reports on the technology developed by UCSD's William Trogler, with funding support from Calit2. It's an "explosives detector that uses luminescent polymers [which] is being field-tested in Iraq.

Gizmo - a network truck

Phillip Torrone posted Calit2's Gizmo video and a short description of the project, as featured on the institute's Calit2ube channel on YouTube.

"ITPro (UK)"

Simon Bisson and Mary Branscombe report from the FiRe conference and mention Calit2 director Larry Smarr's role in the brain trust exercise to find technology solutions for responding to wildfires.

"Columbia Missourian"
Starting a New Chapter

Chancellor Brady Deaton bestowed an honorary doctorate upon Larry Smarr, a former University of Missouri graduate and a pioneer in telecommunications.

"PR Newswire"
University Research and Science Parks Create Sustainable Innovation

Calit2's Larry Smarr will deliver a keynote speech to an upcoming meeting of the Association of University Research Parks, hosted by the UCSD Science Research Park and set to take place June 16 at the Salk Institute.

"Media Newswire"
Calit2 Researcher at UC San Diego Develops Simple Technology to Help Women in Rural India

The news service picked up Calit2's release about the initiative of Calit2 researcher Shannon Spanhake to develop a low-tech solution to carrying water in rural India.

"Wired News"
Scan This: Art Imitates Tech in Surveillance Show

Hugh Hart reports on the current show in the gallery @ calit2 in Atkinson Hall, where artist Marie Sester's "Exposure" raises "questions about technology-empowered invasions of privacy."

Moving Closer to a Matrix-Style Virtual World

UCSD Calit2 participant Henrik Wann Jensen's work in computer graphics and realistic simulation of milk and skin is profiled by columnist Bryn Nelson.

"San Diego Business Journal"
SoftWhere Event Seeks to Forge a Path for Digital Arts

Michelle Mowad reports on the upcoming inaugural workshop of Calit2's Software Studies Initiative at UCSD, where scholars will "convene to study computers' role in society and business."

Creating Faster Integrated Circuits by Slowing Light

The website for physicists and other scientists reports on work done by a team at the Jacobs School of Engineering, using Calit2's Nano3 cleanroom facility to build test circuits for slowing light.

"Washington Post"
T. Rex Closer to Gizzards Than Lizards

Pavel Pevzner, director of Calit2's Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology (CASB), is quoted in this article by Rick Weiss about birds -- not reptiles -- being the closest living relatives to dinosaurs.

"SPIE Journal"
Advancing technology may finally reveal lost Leonardo work

The journal of the international society advancing an interdisciplinary approach to the science and application of light takes note of a 60 minutes piece on the work of Calit2's Maurizio Seracini.

"CBS News 60 Minutes"
The Lost Leonardo da Vinci

Report by Morley Safer about "an art detective's quest to find a lost Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece," featuring UCSD's Maurizio Seracini who leads the project. Article and video.

"Tree of Life Blog"
Calit2 and CAMERA

Blog post by UC Davis phylogenomics expert Jonathan Eisen after a CAMERA meeting and tour of Calit2 at UCSD.

"Wall Street Journal"
An Engineer Takes On the Art Experts

Freelance writer Francis Rocca reports on the efforts of Calit2's Maurizio Seracini to find a long-lost mural by Leonardo da Vinci.

"San Diego CityBEAT"
Messages to the Masses

AnnaMaria Stephens reports on a San Diego Museum of Art exhibit called "Inside the Wave," including exhibits sponsored in part by the UCSD division of Calit2.

"Chronicle of Higher Education"
Experimental Use of Blog-Based Peer Review Gives Mixed Results

Writer Jeffrey Young follows up a January article with some conclusions about UCSD (and Calit2) professor Noah Wardrip-Fruin's experiment with blog-based versus traditional 'blind' peer review of academic books.

"Newswire Today (UK)"
Renaissance Panel Revisits the Legacy of the Renaissance Ideal in Modern Technology and Innovation

Calit2's Maurizio Seracini will be one of the speakers April 7 on the Renaissance panel that is part of the 26th annual Conference on Computer Human Interaction (CHI 2008).

"Scientist Live (UK)"
Aiding Drug Discovery

Quotes Pavel Pevzner, director of Calit2's Center for Algorithmic and Systems Biology.

"NPR Morning Edition"
High-Tech Hunt Aims to Find Missing Da Vinci Mural

Rome correspondent Sylvia Poggioli reports on the search for the "Battle of Anghiari" mural by UC San Diego-based Maurizio Seracini. [Online article and streaming audio]

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Instructor gives lessons via Web cam from India

Education writer Tanya Sierra profiles a course taught from India by Calit2 researcher Derek Lomas, on developing technologies for developing countries.

"KGTV 10News (ABC)"
UCSD Develops High-Tech Campus Security Measures

Calit2's Doug Palmer and its Gizmo technology is mentioned in this video and web article about campus emergency-response systems at UC San Diego.

"Business Wire"
Five High-Performance Broadband Projects to Receive CENIC 2008 Innovations in Networking Awards

The Calit2-affiliated CineGrid project is one of five winning groups awarded CENIC Innovations in Networking awards today.

"Daily News & Analysis"
Distance learning, Bond style

Uttara Choudury reports for the international news service on a course at UCSD, hosted by Calit2, taught from Mumbai, India, by lecturer Derek Lomas, a researcher with the California institute.

Un film sulla ricerca della Battagli di Anghiari di Leonardo

Report in Italian on the agreement for National Geographic Society to work with Calit2's CISA3 and the City of Florence on the Battle of Anghiari project. [Includes 3-minute Flash Video report, also in Italian]

"Xinhua News Agency"
U.S. institutions establish multi-disciplinary center to study human origins

The Chinese news agency reports on the UCSD center with Salk Institute that will be supported on the IT side by Calit2 and San Diego Supercomputer Center.

"ANI News Agency"
Mystery of Da Vinci's lost masterpiece close to being cracked

As reprinted in the Thaindian News online service, the news agency reports on the latest efforts of Calit2's Maurizio Seracini to discover a long-lost Leonardo da Vinci mural. The ANI story also appeared on TheCheers.org international news agency at http://www.thecheers.org/news/World-news/news_14396_Mystery-of-Da-Vincis-lost-masterpiece-close-to-being-cracked.html.

"Daily Telegraph (UK)"
Mystery of Leonardo's lost work 'almost solved'

Malcolm Moore reports from Rome on the effort to find the "Battle of Anghiari" mural, led by UCSD's Maurizio Seracini.

"La Nazione"
La ricerca dell Battaglia di Anghiari raccontata in un documentario

The city of Florence and National Geographic Society announced a 5-year agreement, including plans for a TV documentary about the Anghiari project led by UCSD CISA3 director Maurizio Seracini.

"Corriere Fiorentino (Italy)"
Battaglia di Anghiari, scoperti i colori di Leonardo: si cerca il blu intenso

Reporter Chiara Dino reports on the announcement of an agreement with National Geographic, to support a project led by CISA3 director Maurizio Seracini, to find the long-lost Leonardo masterpiece, the "Battle of Anghiari". (In Italian)

"City of Florence News Release"
La Battaglia di Anghiari di Leonardo da Vinci: Il Progetto di Ricerca, Le Innovative Tecniche Diagnostiche: Il Lavoro del Comitato Scientifico per Portare Alla Luce Il Grande Capolavoro

Update on the project to uncover da Vinci's lost masterpiece, the Battle of Anghiari mural, a scientific search led by Calit2's Maurizio Seracini and co-funded by the Friends of CISA3 at UCSD. (in Italian)

"The Hindu (India)"
Teaching students in California from Mumbai

A researcher from Calit2, Derek Lomas, is teaching a course from Mumbai, India -- although the students participate from a conference room in Atkinson Hall on the UCSD campus.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Roger Reynolds' newest work

Calit2's HD concert video filmed at the November world premiere of "Sanctuary", by institute composer in residence Roger Reynolds, is previewed. The screening takes place Feb. 28 in the Calit2 Auditorium.

"Daily Telegraph (UK)"
Hi-tech Indiana Jones hunt for Leonardo da Vinci secrets

New York correspondent Philip Sherwell makes Maurizio Seracini, CISA3 and UCSD the center of his feature on efforts to discover lost historic "wonders" of the world. Also included: a 2-minute video clip from CISA3 on the search for the "Battle of Anghiari".

"Der Spiegel"
T-Ray Technology Strips People and Frescoes

Angelika Franz writes that a team of scientists at University of Michigan wants to approach CISA3's Maurizio Seracini to participate in the Anghiari project to test their teraherz scanner.

"The Guardian (UK)"
The Da Vinci Detective

The newspaper's TV columnist reports on the showing of "The Da Vinci Detective" on the Discovery Channel... about Calit2's Maurizio Seracini, director of CISA3.

"International Science Grid This Week"
CineGrid: lend some power to your pixels

This article focuses on one participant in the CineGrid project: RENCI, based in North Carolina, which has developed a tele-immersion room that serves as its node on CineGrid.

"Highlands Today"
Scientists Converge on Archbold Station

Reporter Bill Rettew covers the GLEON 6 meeting of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network, a group co-founded by Calit2's Peter Arzberger, a member of the GLEON Steering Committee.

"East Bay Business Times"
511 service personalizes traffic data

David Goll reports on competition for the Bay Area's 511 service from Calit2's California Wireless Traffic Report; quotes Traffic Report developer Ganz Chockalingam.

"The Daily Pennsylvanian"
Blogging, to make a print text better

Report on UCSD professor Noah Wardrip-Fruin's decision to post his next book on a blog, to get input from other researchers in the editing process -- a plan that has raised eyebrows in the academic publishing industry.

"bizSanDiego Magazine"
Another Blossoming Tech Sector

Andrea Siedsma reports on telemedicine and telehealth projects at Calit2, and quotes Calit2's Ramesh Rao, Philip Rios and others.

"CONNECT Newsletter"
Research Trends for 2008

Calit2 UCSD acting director Bill Hodgkiss ticks off some of the key research areas for the institute this year, including cyberinfrastructure-enabled science.

New Giant Joystick

The popular art blog -- based in Italy -- features an article about the gallery@calit2's first exhibit, a 9-foot-tall interactive Atari joystick, by artist Mary Flanagan.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Soon everyday items will join networked world

Calit2 division director Ramesh Rao is quoted in Jonathan Sidener's feature about the revolution in new wireless technologies that will impact the consumer.

LSU CCT Highlights Distributed Computing in Mardi Gras Event

Larry Smarr to speak at 15th Mardi Gras Conference hosted by the Louisiana State University Center for Computation and Technology.

"Australian Life Scientist"
OzIPortal ignites global collaboration

Computerworld's Darren Pauli reports on a partnership between Calit2 and University of Melbourne under which research scientists, doctors and academics will be able to share more research and technology through the OzIPortal.

Australia to US trans-Pacific 1Gbps link boosts research

Matt Chapman reports that UCSD and the University of Melbourne "have created a dedicated fibre-optic link to allow video-conferencing with no interference from other traffic."

"Sydney Morning Herald"
Super broadband hint

Political editor Peter Hartcher reports that a new super-broadband link between Calit2 and the University of Melbourne may push Australia to deploy more fiber optic to the nation's homes and offices. Calit2's Larry Smarr is quoted.

"The Australian"
Ultra Broadband Conquers Distance

Calit2 at UCSD and University of Melbourne launch the OzIPortal for long-distance, super-broadband collaboration. Quotes Calit2's Larry Smarr as saying the "key to the project was bringing together the research capability with political leaders keen to make a commitment." Also published on Australian IT.

University of Melbourne Initiates Australia's Ultra-Resolution Global Collaboration Laboratory

The Australian edition of the website picked up the report on launch of the OzIPortal, a super-broadband network for visualization and conferencing between Melbourne and Calit2 in San Diego.

"Australian Broadcasting Company"
Aust needs super fast broadband to compete: expert

National security correspondent Leigh Sales reports on the launch of a super-broadband video link between the University of Melbourne and Calit2. Calit2 director Larry Smarr is quoted as saying, "the thing I am most encouraged about has been the national debate at the highest level in Australia. Very few countries have been engaged in that."

"The Age"
Fast data link for researchers

Correspondent Paul Ramadge reports from San Diego, which hosted the Australian-American Leadership Dialogue. "World-best collaborative research between Australian and United States universities has taken a giant leap forward," he writes, following the launch of a 1 Gbps data connection dubbed the OzIPortal. Includes link to a video interview with Calit2 director Larry Smarr: http://media.theage.com.au/?rid=34687 (Windows Media only).

"ZDNet Australia"
1Gbps 'superbroadband' helps unis research

Suzanne Tindal reports from Australia on the combination of "high resolution screens with a 'superbroadband' connection to help researchers collaborate across the globe." The system was inaugurated between Calit2 and the University of Melbourne this week.

Melbourne, San Diego researchers link via video wall

Stephen Withers reports that the University of Melbourne's new OptIPortal visualization wall, connected to Calit2 in San Diego over a super-broadband network, was demonstrated to senior politicians on both sides of the Pacific.

Ultra-high resolution video link wows researchers, politicians

Andrew Collins reports that "leading Australian scientists and politicians gathered at Melbourne University today to launch the ultra-high-resolution OptiPortal scientific videoconferencing link." The demonstration linked Calit2 -- creator of the OptIPortal technology -- and Melbourne.

"Sydney Morning Herald"
Super-fast broadband links researchers

A powerful new broadband tool, 250 times faster than a standard broadband connection in Melbourne, has been used to link Australian researches to Calit2 at the University of California, San Diego.

"ABC News (Australia)"
Aust broadband will fail to compete globally, expert says

"One of the United States' top technology gurus," Calit2 director Larry Smarr, "is warning that Australia will not be able to compete in the global economy if it does not greatly improve its broadband Internet capabilities." Includes a link to ABC radio interview with Smarr by Leigh Sales.

"Smart Company (Australia)"
Broadband catch-up a global market imperative

Amanda Gome previews the launch of a video broadband capability between the University of Melbourne and UCSD. Calit2's Larry Smarr is quoted as saying, "If your Internet to your people to your small businesses is not as fast as competitors in Korea, Singapore, the U.S., Europe -- you are putting all of those Australlians at a disadvantage."

"Brisbane Times"
Broadband with 250 times more kick

The newspaper reports that "a powerful new broadband tool, 250 times faster than a standard broadband connection in Melbourne", was used to link researchers at the University of Melbourne and UC San Diego's Calit2.

"KPBS Radio"
Finding Common Groun at the Australian-American Leadership Dialogue

Peter Cowhey, dean of UCSD's School of International Relations and Pacific Studies and a Calit2 participant, is interviewed by Tom Fudge during the AALD meetings at IR/PS and Calit2.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Students design robotic rescuer

Technology reporter Bruce Bigelow reports on the Gizmo project, which is developing robotic devices to implement wireless connectivity at disaster sites.

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