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Crowd divides $50K

An article about Calit2's attempt to win the DARPA "shredder challenge" by enlisting thousands of volunteers on the internet.

"San Diego CityBeat"
Meet San Diego's Quantified Selfers

Calit2-affiliated researcher Ernesto Ramirez is featured in an article by CityBeat reporter Kinsee Morlan on San Diego's Quantified Self movement.

"TMC News"
UCSD Students Touch the Future in Collaboration with Museum of Photographic Arts

An article about UCSD students in the PRIME program who built a digital interfaces and displays under Calit2 staff for use in the Knowledge Capital Trial Event in Osaka, Japan.

"FOH Online"
44th AES Audio Networking Conference Set for Nov. 18-20; Audinate is Co-Sponsor

FOH Online reports on the AES Audio Networking Conference, which took place at Calit2.

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Hosts Packed Career Fair with Nearly 2,600 Attendees

A description of the Grace Hopper Women in Computing Career fair, at which Calit2 was a gold sponsor.

"Creative Mac"
Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Hosts Packed Career Fair With Nearly 2,600 Attendees at the Largest Gathering of Technical Women in the World

An article about the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing career fair, which had a record turnout and featured Calit2 as a major sponsor.

"La Jolla Patch"
Man and Machine Collaborate to Create Art

The La Jolla Patch reports on Harold Cohen, founder of the Calit2-affiliated Center for Research in Computing and the Arts, who is exhibiting a selection of paintings created in collaboration with AARON at the UC San Diego gallery@calit2

"La Jolla Light"
UCSD PRIME students drive collaboration with Museum of Photographic Arts

Chris Palmer reports on a Calit2-designed touch screen interface for a table that allows exhibit visitors to manipulate digital copies of photographs at the San Diego Museum of Photographic Arts.

"Macleans Magazine (Canada)"
Are we ready for driverless cars?

Charlie Gillis reports that car companies are increasingly taking safety out of driver hands and letting computers do the work. Article quotes UCSD professor Mohan Trivedi from the Laboratory for Intelligent and Safe Automobiles, a Calit2 partner.

"University of California"
Anniversary leveraged to raise critically-needed funds

An article about UCSD's 50th anniversary and the much-needed funds raised by that milestone. UCSD was also named first in the nation for “what colleges are doing for the country” and hosted the Clinton Global Initiative University.

How Led Zeppelin + Franz Schubert = Writing

Wired Science Blog writer David Dobbs cites a report by Calit2 Communications Intern Chris Palmer in his column about a talk he gave at ScienceWriters 2011.

SDSC, Calit2 awarded $1.4 million NSF grant for new bioinformatics tools

Researchers at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2)have been awarded a $1.4 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF. Researchers will develop new tools to help manage ever-growing data sets used in next-generation DNA sequencing.

Affordable Health Care Visionary to Appear at Innovation Conference

The Davenport, Iowa-based news channel reports on The Atlantic Meets the Pacific forum, which featured several Calit2-affiliated speakers.

Car Talk: LISA develops smart cars to make safer drivers

PhysOrg reports on a behavioral research study underway in UC San Diego’s Laboratory for Intelligent and Safe Automobiles (LISA), which is led by Calit2's Mohan Trivedi.

"Scientific Computing"
Moneta System Points to the Future of Computer Storage

Scientific Computing reports on Moneta, a first-of-its kind, phase-change memory solid state storage device that provides performance thousands of times faster than a conventional hard drive and up to seven times faster than current state-of-the-art solid-state drives. Moneta was developed, in part, by Rajesh Gupta of Calit2.

"La Jolla Patch"
National Geographic Explorers to Share Adventure Tales at UCSD

The 'hyper-local' La Jolla Patch advances a Calit2-sponsored event that will bring two accomplished UCSD explorers to UCSD.

Meet the new nerds

Columnists Neil Senturia and Barbara Bly make the case that UCSD's Eitaan Yaakobi and other Young Marconi Scholars are 'the new nerds': Outgoing, charming, attractive, articulate, and athletic with diverse social interests and hobbies. Yaakobi is a researcher with the Calit2-affiliated Center for Magnetic Recording Research.

"Campus Technology "
UC San Diego Gets Big Picture with 'OptIPortable' Video Walls

Dian Schaffhauser of Campus Technology reports on Calit2's new Vroom, a virtual room made entirely of NEC displays.

"La Jolla Light"
UCSD links with The Atlantic for 'frontiers' forum

The La Jolla Light advances The Atlantic Meets the Pacific forum, which will be held at premiere venues around UCSD, including Calit2.

"Space Daily"
UC San Diego's HPWREN aids in recent supernova discovery

Space Daily, which bills itself as "your portal to space," reports on a recent discovery of a supernova that was enabled by the Calit2-affiliated HPWREN project.

"La Jolla Light"
Panelists ponder survival of Internet during La Jolla forum

Science writer Lynne Friedmann reports on the Marconi Society Symposium and its featured topic: "How Will the Internet Survive?"

"Innovations Report"
UC San Diego's HPWREN aids in recent supernova discovery

The Calit2-affiliated HPWREN project is mentioned in this article about a recent supernova discovery.

"La Jolla Light"
UCSD links with The Atlantic for 'frontiers' forum

The La Jolla Light advances "The Atlantic Meets the Pacific" forum, which will take place in October at several premiere UCSD venues, including Calit2.

"NBC San Diego"
Local Scientists Spot ‘Supernova of a Generation’

NBC San Diego reporter Lauren Steussy reports on a partnership between the Palomar Observatory and UCSD's HPWREN project, which is affiliated with Calit2, to locate a supernova just as it was exploding.

UC San Diego's HPWREN Aids In Recent Supernova Discovery

Zimbio writer posts an article about a recent discovery of a supernova within hours of its explosion, which was made possible, in part, by the Calit2-affiliated HPRWREN project.

"HPC Wire"
UC San Diego Research Network Aids in Recent Supernova Discovery

HPCWire, which covers "the fatest computers in the world and the people who run them," reports on the Calit2-affiliated HPRWREN's involvement in the recent discovery of a supernova within hours of its explosion.

At UCSD Internet forum, 'gee whiz' meets 'realists'

San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Pat Flynn reports on the Marconi Symposium held at the UCSD division of Calit2, which addressed the question "How Will the Internet Survive?"

"Taipei Times"
In Search of hidden treasure

The Taipei Times runs a story that originally appeared in the New York Times about Calit2's Maurizio Seracini, who may be soon ending his 30-year quest to find a lost masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci.

"The Indiana Gazette"
Experts try to solve real-life Da Vinci code

The Indiana Gazette picks up on a story about Calit2 researcher Maurizio Seracini and his decades-long quest to find a lost masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci.

"The South African Art Times"
NYTimes: Looking for Leonardo, With Camera in Hand

In a piece that originally appeared in the New York Times, reporter Rachel Donadio tells the tale of Calit2 researcher Maurizio Seracini and his quest to find a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

"SF Gate"
Mystery of lost Leonardo piece may hinge on camera

The SF Gate reprints a story that originally ran in the New York Times about Calit2 researcher Maurizio Seracini's quest to find a lost masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci

"KPBS News"
UCSD Professor Teaches Computers to Listen to Music

KPBS reporter Neiko Will explains research being conducted by Calit2-affiliated electrical engineering Professor Gert Lanckriet, who is teaching computers to automatically play music based on the user's location and activity.

Twitter co-founder to speak at new UCSD forum

A new forum co-organized by UCSD and the Atlantic Magazine (and held, in part, at Calit2) is the focus of San Diego Union-Tribune science writer Gary Robbins piece. "The Atlantic Meets the Pacific" Forum will feature Twitter co-founder Evan Williams, self-help guru Deepak Chopra and other notable speakers.

"Mission Times Courier"
Deepak Chopra, Twitter co-founder among guests to present at UCSD Symposium

The Mission Times Courier calls the "Atlantic Meets the Pacific" forum, which is co-sponsored by The Atlantic magazine and UCSD (and held, in part, at Calit2) one of the 'most coveted symposiums."

Local explorers comb world's oceans, deserts, mountains

Calit2-affiliated researcher (and National Geographic Explorer) Albert Yu-Min Lin is featured in San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Mike Lee's story on local explorers

Aidan Dwyer's Fibonacci solar array may not be feasible after all

Calit2-affiliated researcher Jan Kleissl calls young Aidan Dwyer's solar array impressive, but points out a flaw in its design.

"The New York Times"
Looking for Leonardo, With Camera in Hand

New York Times reporter Rachel Donadio describes Calit2 researcher Maurizio Seracini's decades-long quest to find a lost masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci.

"News Blaze"
UCSD Health Sciences Partners with Pfizer to Speed Drug Delivery

News Blaze reports on a new collaboration between Pfizer and UCSD Health Sciences to speed up the process of drug discovery. Several of the researchers involved are affiliated with Calit2.

UCSD Health Sciences partners with Pfizer to speed drug delivery

Several researchers from UC San Diego, including some from Calit2, will join Pfizer's Centers for Therapeutic Innovation, an innovation collaboration designed to speed the process of drug discovery

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
UCSD exploring why robots creep people out

Union-Tribune Science reporter Gary Robbins writes about Calit2 researcher Ayse Saygin's study of the human brain and its reaction to the 'uncanny valley' phenomenon.

"North County Times"
TECH: UCSD researchers improve light-based photonic chips

North County Times reporter Bradley J. Fikes covers a new development from several photonics researchers, including Calit2's Shaya Fainman, who have discovered a way to improve light-based "photonic" microprocessors so they can handle information far more efficiently than electronic chips.

"Archaeology Excavations"
Archaeologists Use a Hacked Kinect to Create 3D Scans of Dig Sites

The blog, which covers research related to archaeological excavation, reports on a new device, fashioned from the Kinect gaming system, which will allow Calit2 researchers to scan archaeological dig sites in 3D.

"Discover Magazine"
Archaeologists Trade in Their Primitive Tools for a Kinect

Discovery magazine blogger Joseph Castro compares Calit2 researchers to Indiana Jones in a story about a new Kinect hack for scanning archaeological dig sites.

Archaeologists create 3D models with Kinect

China's XinhuaNet reports on a new device, fashioned from a hacked version of Microsoft's Kinect, that will help archaeologists make 3D scans of dig sites.

Archaeologists create 3D models using Kinect

Hong Kong news source Sina.com reports on a new device created by Calit2 researchers that transforms a Kinect gaming system into a 3D scanner for archaeological dig sites.

Archaeologists Now Use Kinect to Build 3-D Models During Digs

Gizmodo picks up our story about research being conducted at Calit2 to turn a Kinect gaming device into a high-tech 3D scanning tool for archaeological dig sites.

Xbox Kinect to be used in archaeological survey

Ubergizmo's Tyler Lee reports on Calit2 researchers Jurgen Schulze and Daniel Tenedorio, who have modified a Kinect gaming system to take 3D scans of people, objects and even archaeological dig sites.

Archaeologists hack Kinect into 3-D scanner

MSNBC.com calls a new Kinect hack by Calit2 researchers a "triumph." The handheld 3-D scanner is capable of virtually replicating people, objects and even archaeological dig sites.

"The History Blog"
Archaeologists hack Kinect to make handheld scanner

The History Blog calls the collaborative potential of a new Kinect hack by Calit2 researchers Jurgen Schulze and Daniel Tenedorio "mind-boggling" and says that the Calit2 StarCAVE "looks like something Angela should be using on (the forensic crime investigation TV show) 'Bones.'"

Archaeologists Use a Hacked Kinect To Create 3-D Scans of Dig Sites

Fangaroo popular science reporter Rebecca Boyle reports on the Arkinect, a hacked Kinect game system that can create 3D scans of people, objects and even archaeological dig sites.

Kinect hacked for use in archaeological prospecting

The Argentina-based technology blog Geekzone reports on a new Calit2 hack that transforms a Kinect gaming device into a 3D scanning tool for archaeologists.

"Gizmodo Australia"
Archaeologists Now Use Kinect to Build 3D Models During Digs

The Australian version of the Gizmodo tech blog picks up our story about research duo at Calit2 who have hacked into a Kinect gaming device to fashion it into a high-tech tool for archaeological digs.

"Elektor "
Kinect is portable 3D scanner

The Dutch technology blog Elektor reports on a new device developed by Calit2 researchers that transforms a Kinect gaming system into a high-tech tool for archaeological digs.

Archaeologists eschewing traditional whip/leather jacket combo for Kinect controllers

The tech blog with a cult-following calls the Calit2-developed Kinect hack "the latest must-have piece of technology in the archaeological world."

"Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence"
Researchers Modify Kinect Gaming Device to Scan in 3-D

A blog affiliated with the famed visionary Ray Kurzweil reports on a new device developed by Calit2 researchers that transforms a Kinect gaming system into a 3D scanner for archaeological digs.

"Fast Company"
Kinect Hacked for 3-D Scanning of Archaeology Site

Fast Company reporter Kit Eaton calls Calit2's plan to use a hacked Kinect gaming device to take 3D scans of archaeological dig sites 'decidedly futuristic" and "the most cultural use" of the game machine yet.

"Bio-IT World"
Gordon Puts Flash into Data Intensive Supercomputing

Bio-IT world, which reports on "indispensable technologies driving discovery, development and clinical trials,' quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a story on the San Diego Supercomputer Center's new Gordon supercomputer.

"Next Big Future"
Researchers turn Kinect game into a 3D scanner

The Next Big Future blog picks up our story on the Arkinect, a a modified version of the Kinect gaming device that can take high-quality, low-cost 3D scans of archaeological dig sites.

Researchers turn Kinect game into a 3D scanner

PhysOrg picks up our story on Calit2 researchers Jurgen Schulze and Daniel Tenedorio, who have modified a Kinect gaming system to take 3D scans of people, objects and even archaeological dig sites.

"3D Roundabout"
Calit2 Uses 3D CAVEcam to Capture 3D Surround Images of the Temples at Luxor

3D Roundabout, the online trade magazine for stereoscopic 3D content creation, delivery and display, reports on Calit2 Director of Visualization Tom DeFanti's excursion to Luxor to capture 3D CAVEcam imagery.

"Wired UK"
Exploring the uncanny valley of how brains react to humanoids

Wired UK blogger Mark Brown reports on Calit2-affiliated researcher Ayse Saygin's work to pinpoint exactly what goes on inside the brain during the 'uncanny valley' phenomenon.

Your Brain on Androids

eBioNews, a bio-info resource system, runs Inga Kiderra's piece on the work of Calit2-affiliated professor Ayse Saygin's research into what goes on in the brain when a human is subjected to the 'uncanny valley' phenomenon.

Your brain on androids

Today.az, which "covers Azerbaijan inside and outside," runs UCSD writer Inga Kiderra's story on research by Calit2-affiliated researcher Ayse Saygin, who is examining the neurological response to the 'uncanny valley' phenomenon.

"San Diego Reader"
Robot Hats

Reader writer Dave Rice reports on a group of schoolgirls who have created animatronic hats for Opening Day at the Del Mar races as part of Calit2-led engineering workshop.

"Product Design & Development"
Your Brain on Androids

For its Industry news section, Product Design & Development reports on research by Calit2-affiliated researcher Ayse Saygin, who is examining what happens inside the human brain during the 'uncanny valley' phenomenon.

Your Brain on Androids

ScienceDaily, an online source for research news, covers Calit2-affiliated scientist Ayse Saygin's research into the neurological underpinnings of the 'uncanny valley' phenomenon.

"Innovations Report"
Your brain on androids

Innovations Report, a forum for science, industry and business, picks up Inga Kiderra's piece on the what goes on inside the human brain as it experiences the 'uncanny valley.'

CAVE-CAD Software Will Help Mine Human Brain to Improve Architectural Design

TMC.net picks up our story on new software designed by Calit2 researchers that monitors human neurological and physiological responses to architecture.

Appearance and Motion are at Odds

MediLexicon picks up our story on Calit2-affiliated researcher Ayse Saygin's efforts to study what goes on inside the human brain as it experiences the 'uncanny valley' phenomenon.

"News Blaze"
Your Brain on Androids

New Blaze reprints are story on Calit2-affiliated researcher Ayse Saygin's study on what goes on inside the human brain during the 'uncanny valley' phenomenon.

"Homeland Security Newswire"
Sensors printed on wetsuits detect explosives, other hazards

Calit2-affiliated researcher Joseph Wang has successfully printed thick-film electrochemical sensors directly on flexible wetsuit material, paving the way for nano devices to detect underwater explosives or ocean contamination

Brain, Eye Responses in Virtual Reality Simulator to Improve Architectural Design

medGadget reporter Gene Ostrovsky picks up our story on Calit2-developed CAVE-CAD software, which makes architectural design more efficient by allowing users in 3D immersive environments to immediately make and respond to design modifications.

"Innovations Report"
Flexible, Printable Sensors Detect Underwater Hazards

Innovations Report, "a forum for science, industry and business," alerts readers to a new breakthrough by Calit2-affiliated nanoengineer Joseph Wang, who has developed a method for making materials and circuits so flexible they can be pushed, pulled and contorted -- even underwater -- and still function properly.

Flexible, printable sensors detect underwater hazards

Physorg.com, a clearinghouse for news on science, physics, technology and nanoscience, reports on a new development from the lab of Calit2-affiliated Professor Joseph Wang, who has developed a method for making materials and circuits super-flexible.

"Archaeology Daily News"
At the Feet of the Pharaohs: Capturing the Majesty of Luxor in 3D

Our story about Tom DeFanti's proof-of-concept excursion to capture 3D CAVEcam footage of Luxor turns up in Archaeology Daily News.

"The Art of Counting"
3-D recording of Egyptian monuments being performed by University of California specialists

The Art of Counting, a blog about the "discovery of patterns, trends and messages in art throughout history," excerpts our story about Calit2 Director of Visualization Tom DeFanti's excursion to Luxor to capture 3D CAVEcam imagery.

Flexible, Printable Sensors Detect Underwater Hazards

Newswise carries our story on Calit2-affiliated UCSD Nanoengineering Professor Joseph Wang, who is proving that he can make materials and circuits so flexible that they can be pulled, pushed and contorted – even under water – and still keep functioning properly.

"News Blaze"
Flexible, Printable Sensors Detect Underwater Hazards

Our story about Calit2-affiliated professor Joseph Wang's breakthrough in nanotechnology turns up on News Blaze.

"Infoshop News"
Crossing the desert: the art and tech of the transborder immigrant tool

Samara Steele reports on the Transborder Immigrant Tool developed by the Calit2-affliated b.a.n.g. lab.

At the Feet of the Pharaohs: Capturing the Majesty of Luxor in 3-D

eBioNews reports on Calit2 Visualization Director Tom DeFanti's excursion to Luxor, Egypt, where he captured 3D CAVEcam images of the ancient world heritage site.

At the Feet of the Pharaohs: Capturing the Majesty of Luxor in 3D

Discovery's team coverage site -- which farms content to treehugger.com, Discovery News and Planet Green -- picks up our piece on Calit2 researcher Tom DeFanti and his proof-of-concept excursion to Luxor.

"San Diego Newscape"
At The Feet Of The Pharaohs: Capturing The Majesty Of Luxor In 3D

The San Diego news aggregator picks up our story on Calit2 researcher Tom DeFanti's mission to capture 3D imagery of the temples at Luxor, Egypt.

"University of Muhammadaiyah Malang"
At the Feet of the Pharaohs: Capturing the Majesty of Luxor in 3-D

The University of Muhammadaiyah Malang online press republishes our story on Calit2 research scientist Tom DeFanti's quest to capture 3D CAVEcam imagery of Luxor, Egypt.

"Science Daily"
At the Feet of the Pharaohs: Capturing the Majesty of Luxor in 3-D

Calit2 researcher Tom DeFanti embarks on a proof-of-concept expedition to see if the 3-D CAVEcam -- two Lumix GF1 cameras carefully calibrated to take simultaneous right and left images -- would be functional in the super bright, hot and dusty conditions of the Nile River Valley

"La Jolla Light"
UCSD undergrad’s collaboration with National Geographic leads to internship

The Light publishes Calit2 intern Chris Palmer's story about UCSD undergrad Alan Turchik's collaboration with National Geographic.

At the Feet of the Pharaohs: Capturing the Majesty of Luxor in 3D

myScience, which bills itself as "the portal for research and innovation," runs Calit2's report on Tom DeFanti's challenging mission to capture 3D imagery of the temples at Luxor, Egypt.

"Archaeology News Network"
Capturing the Majesty of Luxor in 3D

The archaeology blog e-runs our piece about Calit2 Director of Visualization Tom DeFanti's proof-of-concept excursion to capture 3D imagery of the temples at Luxor.

"Web Newswire"
UC San Diego Receives NSF Support for Wildfire Modeling and Prevention

Web Newswire reports our piece on a one-year grant from the National Science Foundation, which will allow Calit2 researchers to develop a technical framework and computer models that will simulate the conditions that can spark a wildfire in San Diego’s ‘backcountry’.

Vistec brings nano-fab e-beam litho tool to UC San Diego

A new e-beam lithography tool, funded in part by Calit2, will perform basic and applied research fabrication, starting with nano-photonics for intra-chip communication, tissue engineering, and nano-magnetic data storage.

"American Pharmaceutical Review"
California University Orders Vistec Electron Beam Technology for Nano Research

The Nano3 cleanroom facility at Calit2 will soon be equipped with an e-beam lithography tool for nano- and microfabrication.

"Electro IQ"
Vistec brings nano-fab e-beam litho tool to UC San Diego

A new e-beam lithography tool that will perform basic and applied research fabrication will be installed at the Nano3 facility at Calit2.

"Global SMT & Packaging"
California University orders Vistec Electron Beam Technology for Nano Research

A new high-performance e-beam lithography tool will be installed at Calit2's Nano3 nanotechnology and microfabrication facility.

"Fox News"
TV Smell-o-vision May Be Closer Than You Think

Fox reports on new research conducted in part by Calit2-affiliated researcher Sungho Jin, which has demonstrated that it is possible to generate odors using a device that attaches to a television.

"News Blaze"
Wildfire Modeling and Prevention

News Blaze runs our story on a National Science Foundation-funded project at Calit2 that will use a technical framework and computer models to help prevent wildfires.

"New York Post"
HD! 3D! Now it's smell-o-vision: Smell-o-vision TV in our future

Calit2-affiliated researcher Sungho Jin and his colleagues have demonstrated that it's possible to equip televisions with a device that can generate aromas.

California University Orders Vistec Electron Beam Technology for Nano Research

Thrupoint, which offers technology and consulting services, picks up our story on a new e-beam lithography tool recently purchased by Calit2's Nano3 facility.

UCSD Order Electron Beam Lithography System from Vistec

Azonano.com, "the A to Z of nanotechnology," reports on a new Vistec e-beam lithography tool that will soon be installed in Calit2's Nano3 facility.

UC San Diego Orders Vistec Electron Beam Technology for Nanotechnology Research

Nanowerk reports on the Calit2 Nano3 facility's purchase of a Vistec e-beam lithography tool, which will enable basic and applied research for hundreds of academic and industrial users.

Researcher: Smell-capable TV 'doable'

Research conducted in part by Calit2-affiliated engineer Sungho Jin shows that it's possible to generate odor in a compact device that can fit on the back of a TV.

"Storage Newsletter"
New Directions in Storage Technology

Storage Newsletter, a clearinghouse for news on the worldwide data storage industry, picks up our story on the Center for Magnetic Recording Research, which is home to several Calit2-affiliated faculty.

"Hugh\'s News"
Phase Change Memory Data Storage Demonstrated

Hugh's News, a blog providing 'news, technology, analysis and insight,' reports on the new, super-fast Moneta solid-state storage device developed by a group of researchers at UCSD, including Calit2 Associate Director Rajesh Gupta.

New Directions in Data Storage Solutions

PhysOrg.com, one of the leading web-based science, technology and research news services, picks up our report on the UCSD Center for Magnetic Recording Research.

"Imperial Valley News"
Phase Change Memory-Based Moneta System Points To The Future Of Computer Storage

Reporter Catherine Hockmuth covers news out of UCSD that researchers have developed a super-fast phase-change memory solid-state storage device.

Move over flash: Here comes phase-change memory

Bob Brown reports on a phase-change memory solid state storage device developed by Calit2 Associate Director Rajesh Gupta and his colleagues. The device provides performance thousands of times faster than a conventional hard drive and up to seven times faster than current state-of-the-art solid-state drives.

"10 News San Diego "
Morning Report

10 News anchor Bill Griffith reports on the new Moneta solid-state storage device developed by a group of researchers at UCSD, including Calit2 Associate Director Rajesh Gupta.

Conference highlights interdependence of border communities

San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Sandra Dibble covers the Political Equator event, which was organized in part by Calit2-affiliated professor Teddy Cruz of the Center for Urban Ecologies.

"Science Daily"
Phase Change Memory-Based 'Moneta' System Points to the Future of Computer Storage

The clearinghouse for research news reports on a super-fast phase change memory-based storage system developed, in part, by researchers from Calit2.

"Innovations Report"
Phase change memory-based 'moneta'system points to the future of computer storage

A team co-led by Calit2 Associate Director Rajesh Gupta has developed a first-of-its-kind phase change memory solid state storage device called Moneta.

"HPC Wire"
Phase Change Memory-Based 'Moneta' System Points to the Future of Storage

A team co-led by Calit2 Associate Director Rajesh Gupta has developed a first-of-its-kind phase change memory solid state storage device called Moneta.

Phase Change Memory-Based 'Moneta' System Points To The Future Of Computer Storage

red Orbit reports on the new Moneta solid-state storage device developed by a group of researchers at UCSD, including Calit2 Associate Director Rajesh Gupta.

Teddy Cruz Leads Walking Conference at Border

KPBS' Angela Carone and Maureen Cavanaugh spotlight the Political Equator 3 conference, which was co-organized by Calit2-affiliated professor and architect Teddy Cruz.

Phase-change memory solid state device points to future of computer storage

Nanowerk reports on Moneta, a phase-change memory solid state device developed by a team co-led by Calit2 Associate Director Rajesh Gupta.

Future in Review, Calit2 Global Lambdagrid Map, Larry Smarr

Video post of a speech by Calit2 Director Larry Smarr at a Future in Review (FiRe) conference.

"San Francisco Business Times"
Art of Science Learning Conference: San Diego, June 14-15

An article in the Business Times highlights the Art of Science Learning Conference, which will take place at the UCSD division of Calit2 June 14-15.

"The New York Times"
Jack Wolf, Who Did the Math Behind Computers, Dies at 76

Times reporter Douglas Martin pens an obituary about Calit2-affiliated engineer and computer theorist Jack Wolf, who died last week.

"San Diego Citybeat"
From Bike to Work Day to Quint's new spot

Citybeat advances the world-premiere of Jay Drose's "The Southern Question" at the Calit2 theater at UC San Diego.

"Inovacao Tecnologica"
Computational tools are reshaping scientific research

The Portuguese-language publication expands on a story originally published in The New York Times ("Digging Deeper, Seeing Further: Supercomputers Change Science") which featured several Calit2-affiliated researchers.

"San Diego Jewish World"
Anne Ratner among UCSD Chancellor's Medal honorees

A recap of the UCSD Chancellors Medal winners includes Richard Atkinson, a major donor to Calit2, which is headquartered at Atkinson Hall.

"La Jolla Light"
Chancellor’s Medals Awarded to ‘Citizens of the Highest Order’ to Close 50th Anniversary Year

Richard Atkinson, a major donor to Calit2, is featured in a recap of the UCSD Chancellors Medal winners.

Digging deeper, seeing farther: Supercomputers alter science

Nigeria's "most widely read newspaper" runs a story about supercomputing efforts at Calit2 that originally appeared in the New York Times.

"The Guardian"
Activate New York: Benjamin H Bratton - video

Calit2-affiliated researcher Benjamin Bratton presents a talk on the ethics of technology at Activate New York.

"Press-Enterprise "
3D proteins -- getting the big picture

The Riverside County-based Press-Enterprise picks up a story on Calit2 researcher Jurgen Schulze's work to visualize proteins in 3D.

3D proteins - getting the big picture

Nanowerk reports on research by Calit2 Project Scientist Jurgen Schulze to visualize proteins in 3D.

Science Ages Jumped Thanks to Supercomputers (Google Translation)

The Turkish publication runs an excerpt of a New York Times article on Calit2's efforts to make supercomputers the next microscope.

"International Science Grid This Week"
Computing's role in science makes the New York Times

The online service applauds the New York Times for exploring the role of computing in science, but quibbles with the notion that the Times attributes to Calit2 director Larry Smarr, that visualization is the big bottleneck facing scientists today.

"Biologia na Rede"
Computing provides important tools for modern research (Google translation)

The Portuguese-language "Biology Network" reproduces a New York Times story on Calit2's efforts to use supercomputing and visualization to re-shape scientific research in many fields.

net.wars: Searching for reality

Writer Wendy Grossman mentions Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a retrospective on the University of Illionis at Champaign-Urbana's seminal work in supercomputing.

From Smartphones to Smart Spaces: SRI’s Vision of Computer Evolution

Xconomy writer Wade Roush interviews SRI International's Bill Mark, and mentions an upcoming event that will feature Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

"Tehran Times"
Digging deeper, seeing farther: Supercomputers alter science

The Tehran Times, Iran's leading international daily, picks up the New York Times story on Calit2's efforts to design scientific instruments for data visualization.

Supercomputers Are the New Microscope

Gizmodo blogger Sam Biddle comments on the New York Times' report on supercomputer research being led, in part, by research scientists at Calit2, including Director of Visualization Tom DeFanti.

Art of Data Spatialization

Architecture blog Archinect plugs the upcoming CRCA Exchange No. 8, The Art of Data Spatialization Featuring CRCA/Calit2 researchers Todd Margolis, Joachim Gossmann, and Rick Snow

"Scientific Computing"
Occupancy Sensors Curb Energy Consumption

Computer scientists affiliated with Calit2 have come up with a way to use real-time occupancy sensors and computer algorithms to create ‘smart’ heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems.

"Yon Hap News"
Computer science research methods led fundamental transformation

The Korean news agency picks up a New York Times report on supercomputing technology developed, in part, at Calit2.

Examine carefully, to see beyond: Supercomputers change science

The Russian publication runs a New York Times piece on supercomputing research being conducted, in part, by Calit2.

"SD Metro"
The Power is in the I.D.E.A.

Developer David Malmuth calls for Calit2, and its Center of Interdisciplinary Science for Art, Architecture and Archaeology, to be a part of a proposed Design School located in San Diego's new I.D.E.A. district.

"New York Times"
Digging Deeper, Seeing Farther: Supercomputers Alter Science

Larry Smarr, Tom DeFanti, KAUST, OptIPortables and of course Calit2 all feature prominently in John Markoff's overview of how computing and visualization are reshaping scientific research in many fields.

"The New York Times"
M.I.T. Media Lab Names a New Director

NYT reporter John Markoff quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in his report on the appointment of Joichi Ito as the new head of the Media Lab at M.I.T.

"San Diego Citybeat"
The language of invention: Miller Puckette's Pure Data is inspiring musicians, artists and inventors worldwide

A Pure Data project by Calit2-affiliated researchers Elle Mehrmand and Micha Cardenas is featured in a piece by Citybeat's Kinsee Morlan.

"Innovations Report"
Using Computers and Sensors to Curb Electricity Use in Buildings

An article on reducing energy consumption using real-time occupancy sensors and computer algorithms quotes researchers Yuvraj Agarwal and Rajesh Gupta, who are both affiliated with the UCSD division of Calit2.

"Innovations Report"
Using Computers and Sensors to Curb Electricity Use in Buildings

Innovations Report picks up an article about Calit2-led research to reduce the demand for energy use in buildings by using computer algorithms and real-time occupancy sensors.

"Xconomy San Francisco"
Beyond Mobile: Announcing Xconomy’s May 17 Forum on the 10-Year Future of Computing

Xconomy San Francisco's Wade Roush reports on the "BeyondMobile" forum, which will feature Calit2 Director Larry Smarr as one of its speakers.

Test of building smart sensors yields big energy savings

Calit2-affiliated computer scientists at UC San Diego have come up with a way to use real-time occupancy sensors and computer algorithms to create smart heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Computers, sensors to to curb electricity use in buildings

Calit-2 affiliated researchers are reducing energy consumption using real-time occupancy sensors and computer algorithms.

"Burrill Report"
Larry Smarr Talks Digital Health

In this video from the 2011 Burrill Digital Health Conference, Mindshare’s Fred Davis interviews Larry Smarr, founding director of Calit2.


Changing the Face of Scientific Visualization and Collaboration

TMC.net, a clearinghouse for news related to communications and technology, reports on Calit2 Director of Visualization Tom DeFanti's recent tour of Australia and Singapore, where he touted the merits of the Calit2-developed OptIPortable displays.

"The Guardian"
Interview with Benjamin H Bratton, director of the Center for Design and Geopolitics, Calit2 and University of California, San Diego

The UK-based Guardian interviews Benjamin H Bratton, director of the Center for Design and Geopolitics at Calit2 about 'designing a more harmonious world.'

"The Washington Post"
'Citizen scientists' help search for tomb of Genghis Khan via photos of Mongolia

Reporter Sindya N. Bhanoo reports on Calit2 research scientist Albert Lin's quest to find the lost tomb of Genghis Khan using crowdsourcing and satellite imagery.

New Cyber-Archaeology Research Lab Brings State-of-the-Art Technologies to Jordan

TMC.net, "the world's largest communications And technology community," runs a story about Calit2's new Cyber-archaeology lab in Jordan, which will serve as as a year-round state-of-the-art research and training facility for UCSD graduate students and other foreign scholars, as well as Jordanian archaeologists interested in digital archaeology tools.

"Indiana University Newsroom"
Geoffrey Fox -- Distinguished Professor

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is quoted in an article about Geoffrey Fox, who is a Distinguished Professor of Informatics, Computing, and Physics, and Director of the Digital Science Center, Pervasive Technology Institute.

"WXVT-15 Greeneville"
The Learning Worlds Institute Announces The Art of Science Learning Conferences 2011

The local Greeneville, Miss., news channel reports on The Learning Worlds Institute's "The Art of Science Learning: Shaping the 21st-Century Workforce," a National Science Foundation-funded initiative that explores how the arts can be engaged to strengthen science education and spark creativity in the 21st-Century American workforce. A conference pertaining to the initiative will take place at Calit2-UCSD in June.

"The Street"
The Learning Worlds Institute Announces The Art Of Science Learning Conferences 2011

TheStreet.com, a leading digital financial media company, picks up a story on The Learning Worlds Institute's "The Art of Science Learning: Shaping the 21st-Century Workforce," a National Science Foundation-funded initiative that explores how the arts can be engaged to strengthen science education and spark creativity in the 21st-Century American workforce. A conference pertaining to the initiative will take place at Calit2-UCSD in June.

"RCR Wireless"
San Diego County prepares for network overload during major events

RCR Wireless, which bills itself as "intelligence on all things wireless," eports on a collaboration between the High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN), Calit2 and the San Diego Supercomputing Center to build a scalable computer infrastructure to provide better access to camera feeds from rural areas when disaster hits part of San Diego county

Communicating uncertain climate risks

PhysOrg includes a photo of the Calit2 HIPerSpace display in a story about communicating the impacts of climate change to the public.

"Homeland Security Newswire"
Ensuring cyber infrastructure in rural areas meet demand in emergencies

HSNW picks up a Calit2 story on a collaboration between the High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN), Calit2 and the San Diego Supercomputing Center to build a scalable computer infrastructure to provide better access to camera feeds from rural areas when disaster hits part of San Diego county.

"Innovations Report"
Cyberinfrastructure to Meet Peak Demand for Emergency Data in Rural Areas

Innovations Report -- a forum for science, industry and busiiness -- carries a story about a partnership between the High-Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN), Calit2 and the San Diego Supercomputer Center to improve the cyberinfrastructure for wireless camera feeds from rural areas of San Diego county, which aid first responders in disaster scenarios.

"Bill St. Arnaud Blog"
Three leadership opportunities for R&E networks to Live in the Future

Canadian Internet guru Bill St. Arnaud praises Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's talk, “Three leadership opportunities for Washington State to Live in the Future,” as "compelling and succinct."


YubaNet.com reports on a collaboration between the High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN), Calit2 and the San Diego Supercomputing Center to build a scalable computer infrastructure to provide better access to camera feeds from rural areas when disaster hits part of San Diego county

"Occupational Health and Safety"
EH&S Apps for All Seasons

An article from OHS directs users to the California Traffic Report app, developed by scientists at Calit2 at UCSD.

"Scientific Computing"
Visualizing Vector Data using Glyph Shapes

Mentions research by Calit2's Jurgen Schulze and others to encode and display vector data that clearly shows magnitude and direction. This new visualization technique may help seismologists to accurately analyze ground movements for an earthquake, measure magnetic turbulence in deep space, or allow medical researchers to study areas, such as blood flow and nutrient absorption.

Four Advanced Network-Based Projects to Enable Research & Education Collaboration and Provide Broadband to Underserved Californians Win CENIC's 2011 Innovations in Networking Awards

Cinegrid, a project involving Calit2, is the winner of a prestigious award for Experimental/Developmental Applications in high-performance networking.

Four Advanced Network-Based Projects to Enable Research & Education Collaboration and Provide Broadband to Underserved Californians Win CENIC's 2011 Innovations in Networking Awards

An article from Cabling Networking Systems magazine reports on a CENIC award received by the international collaborative digital and rich media organization CineGrid, which involves Calit2.

"US Investor"
Four Advanced Network-Based Projects to Enable Research & Education Collaboration and Provide Broadband to Underserved Calif

Cinegrid, a collaboration with Calit2, is one of four groundbreaking projects that focus on the innovative use and
expansion of high-performance networking have been honored by CENIC as recipients of the 2011 Innovations in Networking Awards.

"Market Watch "
Four Advanced Network-Based Projects to Enable Research & Education Collaboration and Provide Broadband to Underserved Californians Win CENIC's 2011 Innovations in Networking Awards

Market Watch, a product of the Wall Street Journal Digital Network, reports on Cinegrid's CENIC award for Experimental/Developmental Applications in high-performance networking. Cinegrid involves Calit2.

"Digital Pro Sound"
Four Advanced Network-Based Projects to Enable Research & Education Collaboration and Provide Broadband to Underserved Californians Win CENIC’s 2011 Innovations in Networking Awards

Digital Pro Sound reports on Cinegrid's CENIC award for Experimental/Developmental Applications in high-performance networking. Cinegrid involves Calit2.


OptoIQ, the self-billed 'gateway to the application of light,' reports on the upcoming 50 Years of Science event on March 22, which will be held at Calit2.

"Cambio de Michoacan"
IFE Begins Program with Mexicans Living in California

In its political column, the Mexican news service reports on a trip to southern California for members of the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), to encourage Mexicans abroad to vote in future Mexican elections. The article notes that the IFE group also visited Calit2 following a meeting with faculty and students at IR/PS.

New Instruments Enter the Archaeological Toolbox

In the March-April issue of the journal Archaeology, writer Nikhil Swaminathan reports on the use of cyber-archaeology tools such as infrared spectrometers and X-ray fluorescence analyzers. The article quotes Tom Levy, associate director of CISA3.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Engineer-turned-composer Roger Reynolds is organized yet highly adventurous

Music critic James Chute interviews former Calit2 composer in residence Roger Reynolds, as part of a six-part series on world-famous composers on the UCSD faculty

"Indiana University Newsroom"
IU mathematician credited with solving one of combinatorial geometry's most challenging problems

Article mentions Calit2 chief scientist Ron Graham, who oversees a prize won by a mathematician who solved a 65-year-old math problem.

Mathematician Credited With Solving One of Combinatorial Geometry's Most Challenging Problems

Article mentions Calit2 Chief Scientist Ron Graham, who oversees a prize won by a mathematician who solved a 65-year-old math problem.

"San Diego Business Journal"
Pillars of the Community

Technology writer Brad Graves reports that recruiting star researchers such as Larry Smarr, director of Calit2, can attract funding to business clusters such as those in San Diego in biotech and wireless communications.

"La Jolla Light"
UCSD celebrates week of innovations with expo, symposia

The newspaper notes that Calit2's Maurizio Seracini will headline one of the symposia Feb. 22 as part of UCSD's ongoing celebration of its 50th anniversary.

GravityEight: A New Online Hub for Wellbeing and the “Quantified Self"

Xconomy reporter Wade Roush mentions Calit2 Director (and Quantified Self aficianado) Larry Smarr in his story on a new website devoted to wellbeing called gravityeight.com

Broadband Cringe and Envy: wireless v. wired

ABC.net reporter Rod Tucker quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in his comparative piece about broadband access in the United States and Australia.

Rand Steiger Among Composers Honored by American Academy of Arts and Letters

Union-Tribune reporter James Chute profiles Rand Steiger, the composer-in-residence at Calit2, who has received the received the Walter Hinrichsen Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

"The Times of India"
Cooperative Behavior is Contagious

The Times of India reports on a study co-led by James Fowler, associate professor at UC San Diego in the Department of Political Science and Calit2's Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems.


We Have Not Gotten to the Bottom of Speeding Toyotas

KPBS reporter Tom Fudge quotes Calit2 researchers Ingolf Krueger and Mohan Trivedi in his "On-Ramp" post about the U.S. government's investigation of Toyotas that inexplicably accelerated.

"Royal Society of Chemistry"
Swimming with sensors

RSC reports on a new technique developed by Calit2-affiliated researcher Joseph Wang that can print sensors onto the sleeves of wetsuits to alert the wearer to contaminated water or underwater explosives, such as mines.

"Hotel Interactive"
Commercial Satellite Audio Video Becomes Newest Hiperwall Authorized Reseller

San Diego-based Commercial Satellite Audio/Video is the newest authorized eseller of the Hiperwall video wall system, which was developed at Calit2.

Sparking 'IDEaS': UC San Diego Celebrates Innovation Feb. 22-25

Newswise distribution service picks up our story about Innovation Day Expo and Symposia (IDEaS) Feb. 22-25, which will feature Calit2-affiliated research scientist Maurizio Seracini.

"The Boston Globe"
MIT heading into home stretch of hunt for next Media Lab director

Boston Globe reporter Scott Kirsner speculates on who might be chosen to head up MIT's Media Lab, and suggests Calit2 Director Larry Smarr as an 'interesting candidate.'

"News Blaze"
Sparking 'IDEaS': UC San Diego Celebrates Innovation Feb. 22-25

News syndicate News Blaze reports on UCSD's Innovation Day Expo and Symposia (IDEaS), which will feature CISA3 Director Maurizio Seracini.

Calit2 Video Processing Lab: Bringing 3D to the Operating Room

TMC.net, the world’s leading business to business and integrated marketing media company, picks up our story on work being done at Calit2 to improve 3D technologies for laproscopic surgeries and beyond.

U-M scientists say fused genes trigger the development of prostate cancer

Scientists at the University of Michigan used cluster of 30 Intel Xeon processors provided by Calit2's National Science Foundation-funded OptIPuter project to analyze the DNA datasets.

Bringing 3D to the Operating Room

PhysOrg, a leading web-based science, research and technology news service, reports on research being conducted in Calit2's Video Processing Lab to enhance 3D capabilities and use them in laproscopic surgeries.

"San Diego News Room"
Climbing Into Calit2's Cutting-Edge StarCAVE

Lifestyle reporter Will Bowen's feature on Calit2's 3-D immersive virtual reality StarCAVE calls StarCAVE creators Dan Sandin and Tom DeFanti "the new media art equivalent of the DNA-discovering Watson and Crick."


"Imperial Valley News"
CineGrid Takes Digital Cinema Into Next Dimension

The Imperial Valley News picks up our story on the 5th annual Cinegrid conference, held in December at Calit2.

Key to the spread of the cloud, the main group chasing Standardization (EnterpriseZine)

Japan's InfoSeek mentions Calit2 in an article about trends in cloud computing.

"Voice of San Diego"
Arts Report: Painstaking Picture-Hanging

VOSD Arts reporter Kelly Bennett features gallery@calit2 exhibit "Synthesis: Processing and Collaboration" in her round-up of local arts news.

Todd Margolis of UCSD’s Calit2 demonstrates HUVR system

ImTech, a California-based nonprofit committed to supporting the development and adoption of immersive technology, posts a video featuring Calit2's Todd Margolis demonstrating the Heads-Up Virtual Reality System.

"San Diego CityBeat"
A Visual Revolution

Arts reporter Kinsee Morlan profiles Calit2 Director of Visualization and his long-time collaborator, Dan Sandin of the University of Illinois, Chicago. An exhibition of works by Sandin and DeFanti, "Synthesis: Processing and Collaboration," is currently on view at the gallery@calit2.

InterDigital and Calit2 Collaborate on Innovation Challenge

An article about Calit2and InterDigital's technology contest which aims to discover new wireless research technologies.

"Hindustan Times"
How cell phones may help in weight loss

The Indian newspaper reports on a study out of Calit2's Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems that will evaluate the use of cell phone text messages to remind participants to make wise nutritional choices throughout the day.

"The UCSD Guardian"
Calit2's Tenth Anniversary

The Guardian's Neda Salamat reports on Calit2's 10th anniversary celebration, which took place Dec. 7, 2010.

"Ranch & Coast"
Character Education for Today's Youth

AnnaMaria Stephens, writing for Ranch & Coast, compiles a list of enrichment activities for children, including the Calit2 MyLab, which is headed by Saura Naderi.

"National Center for Supercomputing Applications"
NCSA Marks 25th Anniversary

NCSA includes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a slideshow about its 25-year history.

"Occupational Health and Safety"
EH&S Apps for All Seasons

An article from OHS directs users to the California Traffic Report app, developed by scientists at Calit2 at UCSD.

Kansas City Wins Google Fiber

This independent blog about all forms of wireless communications mentions Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a round-up on the latest in wireless news, including a bit about the Ocean Observatories Intiative, a partnership of Calit2.

"WUPV CW Richmond"
SRI International to Host Xconomy Forum: Beyond Mobile - Computing in 2021

The Richmond, Va., cable channel advances the "Beyond Mobile" Xconomy forum on May 17, which will feature Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

'Food in the Fridge' hack wins top prize at Yahoo! competition

PhysOrg, a clearinghouse for news about science and technology, reports on the winning hack at the Yahoo! Hack U Hack Day competition at UCSD

UCSD program to focus on southeastern San Diego

An article by San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Nathan Max describes a pilot program that will offer classes to schoolchildren at the South Metro Career Center. The project is a partnership of the San Diego Workforce Partnership and the UCSD Center for Community Well-Being, which is affiliated with Calit2.

Computer scientists claim world data sorting record for second year

Three researchers at the Calit2-affiliated Center for Networked Systems recently broke two of their own world records for data sorting.

"Scientific Computing"
At the Feet of the Pharaohs: Capturing the Majesty of Luxor in 3D

Scientific Computing, which covers information technology for science, picks up our story on Calit2's Tom DeFanti and his proof-of-concept excursion to capture 3D images of Luxor.

"Digital Photography"
At the Feet of the Pharaohs: Capturing the Majesty of Luxor in 3-D

Digital Photography runs our piece on Calit2 research scientist Tom DeFanti's mission to capture 3D CAVEcam footage of the temples at Luxor.

"CENIC Today"

The Vol. 14, issue 16 newsletter Cenic Today mentions Calit2 Director of Visualization Tom DeFanti's quest to capture 3D imagery of Luxor, Egypt, as well the Calit2-affiliated Cyberinfrastructure for Comparative Effectiveness Research (CYCORE).

"Calit2 Uses 3D CAVEcam to Capture 3D Surround Images of the Temples at Luxor"
Calit2 Uses 3D CAVEcam to Capture 3D Surround Images of the Temples at Luxor

3D Roundabout, the online trade magazine for stereoscopic 3D content creation, delivery and display, reports on Calit2 Director of Visualization Tom DeFanti's excursion to Luxor to capture 3D CAVEcam imagery.

"La Jolla Light"
UCSD outreach program blends fashion, engineering

Writing for the La Jolla Light, Calit2's Chris Palmer describes a Calit2 outreach program that taught girls ages 7 to 16 how to build animatronic hats for the Opening Day of the Del Mar horse races.

"Wired UK"
Exploring the uncanny valley of how brains react to humanoids

Wired UK blogger Mark Brown reports on Calit2-affiliated researcher Ayse Saygin's work to pinpoint exactly what goes on inside the brain during the 'uncanny valley' phenomenon.

"KRHD College Station"
UC San Diego and The Atlantic Announce The Atlantic Meets the Pacific -- A Forum at the Horizon of Technology, Energy, and Health from October 17-19, 2011

The Texas news station reports on a new forum being hosted by UC San Diego and The Atlantic Magazine. "The Atlantic Meets the Pacific" conference takes place Oct. 17-19 at premier venues at UCSD, including Calit2's headquarters at Atkinson Hall.

"VoiceofSan Diego.org"
Local Prof's Da Vinci Mystery May Be Solved

Voice of San Diego reporter Kelly Bennett says she "can't stop exclaiming" about Calit2 researcher Maurizio Seracini's high-tech quest to find a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

San Diego Scene, 9.2011

San Diego Metro advances "The Atlantic Meets the Pacific" forum, which will take place in October at various premiere UCSD venues, including Calit2.

Events that seem futile often end up fruitful

San Diego Union-Tribune columnists Neil Senturia and Barbara Bry challenge readers to attend "The Atlantic Meets the Pacific" forum (to be held in part at Calit2).

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
Body of Work Could Lead to Healthcare Breakthrough

Columnists Neil Senturia and Barbara Bry report on Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's 10-year quest to study the inner workings of his own body using digital tools.

InterDigital and Calit2 Collaborate on Innovation Challenge

WhyITNow, which is supported by a consortia of IT industry professionals, publishers, educators, government agencies and groups, reports on a new $175K contest sponsored by InterDigital and Calit2 to develop innovations in wireless technology.

InterDigital, Inc. : InterDigital and Calit2 Collaborate on Innovation Challenge

An article about InterDigital's collaboration with Calit2 on a wireless research contest.

"Star New s Online"
Imagining 2076: Connect Your Brain to the Internet

The Star Times reprints an article that originally appeared in the New York Times and featured predictions about the future of computing from Calit2 Director Larry Smarr and other visionaries.

NYT On the Future of Computing

This online magazine for programmers includes a round-up of essays on the future of computing that recently appeared in the New York Times, including one by Calit2 Director Larry Smarr.

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Hosts Packed Career Fair With Nearly 2,600 Attendees at the Largest

A press release from Reuters about the Grace Hopper Women in Computing career fair, for which Calit2 was a major sponsor. The fair gave technical women opportunities to be exposed to nearly 100 companies.

"Deccan Herald"
Internet taking on real world troubles

Steve Lohr of International Herald Tribune talks about the future of internet technologies, and how they might be applied in a more physical way in upcoming years.

"The Union Tribune San Diego"
Recordings from three UCSD composers

An article profiling notable composers from UCSD, including Calit2 composer-in-residence Roger Reynolds and his piece, entitled "Sanctuary."

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