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"Fox6 News"
CISA3 Center at UC San Diego

Lyn Stuart reports on the launch of a new center at UCSD to examine the history of works of art, architecture and archaeology, to be led by Maurizio Seracini, Class of '73. Length: 2:32

"Orange County Register"
The End of the Book?

Electronic publishing is replacing print, changing reading as well as society. Academic affiliate Ramesh Jain comments.


"Orange County Register"
UCI Has Robot that Helps Stroke Patients

A device developed at UC Irvine by a Calit2 academic affiliate helps stroke victims regain lost manual dexterity, a breakthrough in robotic medicine.

"Time Magazine"
Cracking a Real-Life Da Vinci Code

Rome correspondent Jeff Israely reports on the re-opening of the search for Da Vinci's Battle of Anghiari mural, with Calit2's Maurizio Seracini leading the effort.

"World News Australia"
Super-fast broadband links researchers

New OptIPortal at the University of Melbourne linked with Calit2 at UC San Diego at "250 times faster than a standard broadband connection... [and at] 50 times higher than the highest reesolution HD television commercially available."

Vision research yields improved driving experience

Computer vision researchers at the UCSD have demonstrated techniques to improve recognition of human activity by using cameras that operate at different wavelengths than those used in human vision. "The new systems we are developing are multi-perspective and multimodal," said Mohan Trivedi, professor of electrical and computer engineering in UCSD's Jacobs School of Engineering and an affiliate of Calit2 on the UCSD campus.

"This Week at UCSD"
New Center at Calit2 to Work on Da Vinci Masterpiece

Calit2 will create a new center in early 2007 to bring the benefits of science and technology to the analysis and restoration of great works of art and historic monuments. UCSD bioengineering alum Maurizio Seracini, Class of '73, joined the staff of Calit2 in October and is leading the effort to create a center of interdisciplinary studies for art, architecture and archaeology. Mentioned in "The Da Vinci Code," Seracini pioneered the use of multi-spectral imaging and other techniques to scan works of art and one of the new center's first projects will focus on a Da Vinci masterpiece. The center will also launch a project to study one of the most important structures of Renaissance Italy.

"HPC Wire"
Schwarzenegger Proposes $95 Million For Tech Initiative

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will propose nearly $95 million in the state budget to create the Governor's Research and Innovation Initiative. This initiative provides funding for major projects that will grow California's economic strength in key innovation sectors, including cleantech, biotech and nanotech. The proposal aims to reaffirm California's position as a world leader in advanced research and innovation that creates jobs while preserving the environment. The Governor's budget provides $19.8 million (General Fund) for the California Institutes for Science and Innovation (CISI). CISI is a multidisciplinary research effort by the University of California-working in partnership with private companies-in the areas of information technology, biomedical research and nanotechnology.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
In 'social cinema,' you have a role

Arts writer James Hebert interviews and profiles UCSD new-media artist Adriene Jenik and her SPECFLIC project launched at Calit2's dedication, and supported by Calit2 in a San Jose showing of SPECFLIC in the fall.

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