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Calit2 Director Honored with Golden Goose Award

TMC.net announces Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's Golden Goose Award.

UC San Diego Licenses Audio Beamforming Technology to Comhear

The University of California, San Diego's Qualcomm Institute and Comhear, Inc., a transformational, audio technology and wearables company, today announced that they are collaborating on the latest in audio conferencing technology.

"Virtual-Strategy Magazine"
Comhear and UC San Diego Collaborate on Breakthrough Audio Conferencing Technology

The Business Wire publication reports on a new collaboration between Comhear -- an audio technology and wearables company -- and the Qualcomm Institute.

"InfoTECH Spotlight"
Comhear and UC San Diego Collaborate on Breakthrough Audio Conferencing Technology

Comhear, Inc., a transformational audio technology and wearables company announces its collaboration with the Qualcomm Institute on the latest in audio conferencing technology.

"HPC Wire"
Founding NCSA Director Receives Golden Goose Award

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr, a physicist whose work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on calculating black hole collisions led him to champion a federal commitment to dramatically enhance U.S. computing power – which in turn led to the development of NCSA Mosaic, the precursor to web browsers – was named as the first 2014 recipient of the Golden Goose Award.

From black holes to the web browser

Astronews reporter Stefan Deiters features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in his story about Smarr's Golden Goose Award.

"Inside HPC"
Calit2 Director Larry Smarr Wins Golden Goose Award

Inside HPC reporter Rich Brueckner announces Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's Golden Goose Award.

First 2014 Golden Goose Award to physicist Larry Smarr

PhysOrg announces Calit2 Director Larry Smarr's Golden Goose Award. Smarr is a physicist whose work at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on calculating black hole collisions led him to champion a federal commitment to dramatically enhance U.S. computing power – which in turn led to the development of NCSA Mosaic, the precursor to web browsers.


"The News-Gazette"
Smarr to be honored for Web browser work

The East Central Illinois News-Gazette features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a story about his Golden Goose Award. Smarr was formerly a physicist and supercomputing expert at the University of Illinois.

"Science & Enterprise"
Golden Goose Highlights Bipartisan Support for Basic Science

Science & Enterprise features Director Larry Smarr and the announcement that he has received a Golden Goose Award.

First 2014 Golden Goose Award to Physicist Larry Smarr

News release from the Association of American Universities announced the decision to honor Calit2 Director Larry Smarr with a 2014 Golden Goose Award for his role in developing high-performance computing to serve the scientific community.

"National Center for Supercomputing Applications"
Smarr Wins Golden Goose

NCSA announces that its former director (and now Calit2 Director) Larry Smarr is honored for his work establishing supercomputing centers to support the work of scientists, including his own work calculating black-hole collisions.

Medicine gets up close and personal

Nature has featured Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in an article on the Hundred Person Wellness Project, a study out of the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) in Seattle, Washington, that will monitor 100 healthy individuals and offer them regular feedback and counseling on lifestyle changes such as shifts in their dietary or sleep habits. Smarr has long monitored his own health using biometric devices.

(translation) The computers are trying to emulate the brain

MetroGreece reproduces a story by John Markoff that was originally published in the New York Times and features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr among those quoted.

Larry Smarr Says Quantified Self is Awakening, Despite Zeo’s Failure

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is featured in an Xconomy story on the evolution of the Quantified Self movement into a global phenomenon with nearly 28,000 members.

"The Australian"
Digital platforms vital for nation's growth

In this Op-Ed article by Phil Scanlan, Calit2 director Larry Smarr is quoted as saying that Australian scientists must learn to compete as "engineering computing systems [transform] to something that has many of the characteristics of biological computing".

"EFY Times"
Now, A Chip That Mimics Human Brains

The chips can function much like the biological nervous system of humans, according to this article, which quotes Calit2 Director Larry Smarr from the original New York Times article.

"Fox News"
How smartphones have become a powerful Tuberculosis treatment tool

Rose Stuckey Kirk reports on Video Directly Observed Therapy via smartphone that is being tested by researchers in the Qualcomm Institute for use with TB patients.

"New York Times"
Brainlike Computers, Learning from Experience

"We’re moving from engineering computing systems to something that has many of the characteristics of biological computing," according to Larry Smarr, an astrophysicist who directs Calit2, one of "many research centers devoted to developing these new kinds of computer circuits." That, according to a report by John Markoff.

L'ordinateur de demain peut-il devenir intelligent?

The German online service picked up a French-language report that reads (translated into English) as: Larry Smarr, an astrophysicist at a California university, told the New York Times that there is work on making computers capable, like humans, of learning from their mistakes.

Larry Smarr Says Quantified Self is Awakening, Despite Zeo’s Failure

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is featured in an Xconomy story on the evolution of the Quantified Self movement into a global phenomenon with nearly 28,000 members.

"Supercomputing Online News"
Work at University of Illinois on black holes led to championing a US supercomputing revolution and to web browsers

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is featured in Supercomputing Online for his Golden Goose Award.

"9 News World"
Women found to tilt head more than men in selfies

Research by Calit2's Lev Manovich for the Selfie City project finds that Women who take selfies tilt their heads 150 percent more than men when they snap a photo for social media.

"UT San Diego"
Time to learn about your microbiome

UT San Diego Science Reporter Gary Robbins interviews Calit2 Director Larry Smarr about the human microbiome.

Connecting personal health data with privacy needs

Patrick Ouellette of Health IT Security analyzes Calit2's Health Data Exploration report, which finds that 57 percent of respondents will share personal health data as long as it is kept private, and more than 90 percent want the data to be anonymous.

"The Economic Times"
How much can technology substitute for labor

The Economic Times of India reprises an article that originally appeared in the New York Times and features Qualcomm Institute Director Ramesh Rao.

The man with the 'most monitored' world health

Argentina's Patagonico features Calit2 Director Larry Smarr in a feature piece on Smarr's quest to digitally quantify his body.

"UT San Diego"
Do happy people take happy photos?

UC San Diego will examine one million Twitter images to study the comparative happiness of people in dozens of cities -- an effort to broadly assess the mood and well-being of society. The university is one of six institutions worldwide that won a Twitter Data Grant, which gives scholars unusually deep access to the company's postings and databases, along with technical help.

"La Jolla Light"
Interactive Film Fest screens flicks of the future at UCSD, April 24-27

La Jolla Light reporter Lonnie Burstein Hewitt covers the Artpower! Filmatic Festival, which takes place at the Qualcomm Institute and elsewhere on campus from April 24-27.

"Health IT Outcomes"
$1.9 Million Grant Awarded For Furthering Of Sharing Of Health Data

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awards grant to Calit2 to help further partnerships in unlocking personal health information from wearables and health data streams.

"IT Industry Today "

Calit2 Director Larry Smarr is mentioned in a story about a longitudinal study abbounced at the 12th annual Future in Review Conference.

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