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"La Jolla Light"
Seeding the Future

Lynne Friedmann reports on the effort in Calit2's Photonics Lab to develop Scalable Energy Efficient Data Centers (SEED) consisting of novel optical interconnection technologies.

"NPR Here and Now"
The MIT of the Middle East Opens

The daily newsmagazine on National Public Radio interviews Sandra Upson, a reporter for IEEE Spectrum, about the opening of KAUST in Saudi Arabia. Upson raves about the visualization facilities prototyped at Calit2. [Scroll down to read about and listen to the interview.]

KAUST: Visualization beyond the CAVE

Scott Merrill reports on the new visualization facilities at Saudi Arabia's newly inaugurated science and technology university -- including advanced systems developed at Calit2 UC San Diego. Includes video clips from YouTube.

"Display Daily"
StarCAVE Experience Gets Close to Star Trek

Senior analyst Steve Sechrist reports that KAUST's stunning visualization facilities were developed with international support from UC San Diego, Calit2 and partner companies... calling the KAUST StarCAVE "AWESOME!".

Visualization beyond the CAVE

Randall Hand notes that IEEE Spectrum has a report onsite at the inauguration of KAUST in Saudi Arabia, who reports back that the visualization facilities (jointly developed with Calit2) were a high point.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
UCSD to receive funding for ocean monitoring system

Technology writer Mike Lee reports on a $32 million award to Calit2 and other UCSD units to build the cyber infrastructure portion of the Ocean Observatories Initiative.

"Del Mar Times"
UCSD adds arts Ph.D.

UCSD's Visual Arts department announces a new Ph.D. program in 'art practice,' with support from Calit2.

"San Diego News Network"
UCSD, Scripps nab $32 million for ocean research project

Staff report on the award to the cyberinfrastructure effort of the Ocean Observatories Initiative, led by Calit2 and Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

"Carmel Valley News"
UCSD student Michael Nekrasov combines passion and expertise in summer study abroad program in Taiwan

Matt Liebowitz profiles an undergraduate student who is spending the summer doing cyberinfrastructure-related research as part of the Calit2-based Pacific Rim Experiences for Undergraduates program at UCSD.

"The Daily Transcript"
JPEO JTRS teams with UCSD on Project 25

The Joint Program Executive Office, Joint Tactical Radio Systems (JPEO JTRS) is working the UC San Diego division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) on Project 25 (P25), a project which will enable interoperable capability between military radios and emergency and first responder agencies.

"Del Mar Times"
Del Mar composer named UC's University Professor

Calit2 composer in residence Roger Reynolds is named a UC University Professor, UC's highest honor.

"India Journal"
Gandhi Inspired a Whole Generation of Americans: Shankar

The newspaper reports on the speech by the new Indian Ambassador to the U.S. at Calit2 UCSD recently, at an event organized by the San Diego Indian American Society.

"Media Newswire"
National Security Conference Seeks Partnerships in Advanced Autonomous Robotics, Cybersecurity

The news agency picks up the Calit2 article about a recent CONNECT workshop on San Diego as a locale for R&D into cybersecurity and autonomous vehicles.

"Popular Science"
Einstein Robot Teaches Itself to Smile

According to developmental psychologists, as infants, we learn to govern our bodies through a process of random experimentation and feedback. Now, computer scientists at UCSD are applying this same strategy to robotics research. Through the use of machine learning, they?ve made it possible for their robot?an Einstein lookalike?to teach itself to make realistic facial expressions.

UCSD Robot Learns Human Facial Expressions

Researchers at the University of California San Diego have created a life-like robot that can be taught to make facial expressions. KPBS reporter Katie Orr says the researchers believe their creation might one day help children with autism.

"Smithsonian Magazine"
Birth of a Robot

In this cover story, Abigail Tucker reports on Javier Movellan's Machine Perception Lab at Calit2, and its Project One -- which is developing a robot that approximates the learning and social intelligence of a one-year-old human child. (Includes a photo slideshow)

"EE Times"
Terahertz SiGe imager sees through clothes

Reporter Colin Johnson reports on the award-winning paper of Jason May and Gabriel Rebeiz at RFIC 2009, describing a chip "in low-cost silicon germanium process (that) enables 'X-ray vision' using harmless millimeter waves."

"Hamilton Spectator"
Call for fusion of art with science: New breed urged

Mark McNeil reports on the honorary Ph.D. awarded to CISA3 director Maurizio Seracini from McMaster University in Canada.

It's Time to Reinvent Knowledge Work

The blog for visualization and graphics news points out a reference to Calit2's HIPerSpace display wall in the Harvard Business Review, but quibbles with HBR's perception that no corporation is working on ways to improve large-scale data visualization and collaboration.

"Harvard Business Review"
It's Time to Reinvent Knowledge Work

"The Near Future" columnist John Sviokla hails innovators of knowledge work, specifically mentioning Larry Smarr and Calit2 for new tools that allow groups of researchers to visualize very large datasets jointly.

"The News-Gazette"
R Systems Supercomputer Meeting WolframAlpha's Demand

Article about R Systems supercomputing company refers to work on the R Smarr supercomputer, named after Calit2 director Larry Smarr.

Darkstrand, OSC Join Forces

The news service for high-performance computing notes Calit2's involvement with Darkstrand in a release about Darkstrand, in turn, partnering with the Ohio Supercomputing Center.

"PR Inside"
Darkstrand and Ohio Supercomputer Center Join Forces for Corporate Supercomputing Access

The online service picks up a news release from Business Wire, posted by Darkstrand, which refers to other Darkstrand partners, including Calit2 at the University of California, San Diego

"Science Daily"
Toward Cheap Underwater Sensor Nets

Science Daily picks up the news release from UCSD's Jacobs School of Engineering, which references collaborative work on underwater sensors at Calit2 UC San Diego.

"UCSD Guardian"
Art and Soul

Edwin Gonzalez reports on the upcoming presentations of this year's Visual Arts MFA projects, including two developed at Calit2 by Micha Cardenas and Kael Greco.

"Australian Business"
Cell, cell, cell... saviour Sol preaches his mobile makeover

For the weekend business edition of The Australian, Geoff Elliott expands on the problems facing Telstra, and the outgoing CEO Sol Trujillo's lobbying against the government's broadband plan. Calit2's Larry Smarr is quoted.

"The Australian"
Network's no bluff, Sol Trujillo: Government rebuke

Geoff Elliott reports from San Diego on the political backlash to the former CEO of Telstra, who derided Australia's broadband plan. Calit2's Larry Smarr advocated that plan, and is quoted in the article as saying, "We are at the end of the age of copper."

"The Australian"
US net pioneer hails Rudd's 'breathtaking' network

Washington, D.C. bureau chief Geoff Elliott reports on the role of Calit2 director Larry Smarr in pushing the new Australian government of Kevin Rudd to announce a $43 (Australian) dollar "national broadband plan".

"The Australian"
US net pioneer hails Rudd's 'breathtaking' network

Washington correspondent Geoff Elliott profiles Calit2 director Larry Smarr, and quotes him as saying that recent policies put Australia "at the forefront of government policy around the world embracing intelligent infrastructure."

"Del Mar Times"
Ocean Initiative Launched

The ocean is the planet's largest ecosystem. Thanks to a $400 million Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI), funded by the National Science Foundation, an array of more than 50 diverse sensor types and other scientific instruments will collect data and communicate through permanently installed seafloor cables and satellite telemetry.

"Campus Technology"
UC San Diego Institute Teams with Darkstrand to Connect Industry to Research

The online magazine reports on the agreement between Calit2 at UC San Diego and Darkstrand, which is commercializing high-speed networks previously only used by universities and national labs.

"Voice of San Diego"
Black Box Could Redefine the Search for Music

Science reporter David Washburn reports on the new type of music search engine, located at Calit2 and developed by a team led by Jacobs School ECE professor Gert Lanckriet.

Calit2 Network for Institutional Innovation

Bruce Bigelow's recap of the week in San Diego IT and biotech notes Larry Smarr's comments to the La Jolla Research and Innovation Summit about Calit2 being a 'persistent framework for collaboration.'

"The Sydney Morning Herald"
Cutting-edge and world-beating

IF IT is executed competently, Kevin Rudd's internet plan will equip Australia with the world's foremost tool for innovation and growth.

The Prime Minister's earlier plan promised a pedestrian system that was outmoded even before it was announced. The ambitious revised proposal is cutting-edge and allows for almost infinite upgrading as technology advances. "This puts Australia several years ahead of the US," one of the creators of the internet, Larry Smarr, said of the Government's announcement.

Former UC President Dynes Views Calit2 as a New Paradigm for Innovation

Bruce Bigelow reports on recent news out of Calit2 at UC San Diego and comments by director Larry Smarr and former UC President Bob Dynes about the institute's success and vision for what Smarr is quoted as calling "institutional innovation."

"San Diego Business Journal"
IBM Gives $2M Mainframe to UCSD Center

IBM and UC San Diego have teamed to launch the Center for Next-Generation Digital Media, which will explore technologies to power tomorrow?s virtual worlds. IBM donated an advanced $2 million mainframe computer to the effort. ?UCSD students can now tap into security features and specialty engines designed to handle a new generation of virtual world applications, where massive numbers of simultaneous users can share a single environment,? said Bernie Meyerson, vice president of IBM?s Systems and Technology Group ?

"La Jolla Light"
Understanding human response to design

In her Research Report column, Lynne Friedmann picks up the story of HMC Architects' donation to Calit2 for pursuing research on navigating built environments, using Calit2's StarCAVE virtual reality system.

Collaborative Research Pioneers at Calit2 Use LifeSize HD as Everday Video System

In a news release, LifeSize provides a case study of how Calit2 at UC San Diego is using the company's HD videoconferencing facilities to "connect researchers, increase productivity, and reduce travel."

"Voice of San Diego"
IBM Gives UCSD Screaming Computer

David Washburn reports on the $2.2 million mainframe gift from IBM to Sheldon Brown's group working on virtual worlds, multiplayer online games and digital cinema.

"Chronicle of Higher Education"
New Research Center to Design 'Next Generation' of Virtual Worlds

David Shieh reports on the IBM gift of a mainframe computer to Sheldon Brown's team working on virtual worlds, online games and digital cinema creation.

"Wired Podcast"
Gadget Lab

The Wired blog Gadget Lab editor Dylan Tweeney talks with Calit2's Derek Lomas and other members of the Playpower team who are designing software for a $12 computer from China.

Kauffman Seminar Asks How Universities Can Improve Innovation

Calit2 is noted for its "best practices" in industry-university relations, according to an article in Xconomy.com by Bruce Bigelow. Larry Smarr opens the conference with a talk on the subject.

$12 Computer: Playpower Wants to Save the World 8 Bits at a Time

Priya Ganapati reports on the response to a presentation by Calit2-based researcher Derek Lomas, on the unique Playpower effort to design education learning games to run on a $12 computer already sold in the developing world.

Google Disrupts - Again

Calit2's Jerry Sheehan is quotes by Lee Gomes in the column 'Digital Tools', about the need to pay more attention to adding content than to the design of Web sites, because so many people now access sites via search engines.

"L'Expansion (France)"
Singularity University: A New MIT?

The French business magazine's Matthieu Dailly writes about a story about Singularity University, including a quote from Calit2 director Larry Smarr, who is on the advisory board.

"The Daily Mail"
Introducing the scarily realistic Einstein robot who can tell how you feel

With a big bushy moustache and a shock of white hair, scientists have modeled an ultra realistic robot on Albert Einstein.

Although it is unable to ponder complex theories such as general relativity, the robot has helped scientists develop their understanding of emotional intelligence.

"The Times of London"
Is Albert Einstein robot too human? Everything?s relative

Albert Einstein has been re-created as a robot, right down to the unruly hair and luxuriant moustache, but the electronic version is no genius by human standards.

While it would be no use at proving the physicist?s unified field theory, the robot Einstein is extraordinary in that it can recognise and respond to human emotions.

Data Travels Six Times Faster in the Cloud

The online service reports on a cloud-computing experiment that involved UC San Diego.

"The La Jolla Light"
Robots 'Emotions' Are Relative

Albert Einstein may have written his last scientific theory more than half a century ago, but he's still honing his emotional intelligence in a laboratory at UCSD.


"The Hindu (India)"
Some parallels between two great lives

The Indian daily carried a front-page report about talks at Calit2 by two grandsons of Mahatma Gandhi, and the parallels one of them drew between the lives of Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln.

"India West"
Gandhi Cousins Make Rare Appearance at San Diego Lecture

Michel Potts reports on the Gandhi Memorial Lecture at Calit2, where two of Mahatma Gandhi's grandsons gave talks on non-violence and Hindu-Muslim relations.

"The UCSD Guardian"
Researchers Develop Smirking, Speaking Einstein

Software developers at UCSD?s California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology have unveiled the latest in artificial intelligence: the Einstein Robot, a model head installed with specialized software that allows it to interact naturally with humans.

"Voice of San Diego"
New iPhone App Comes from UCSD

David Washburn reports on the launch of the California Traffic Report, a new tool for California commuters. It's available from Apple's App Store for the iPhone.

"Voice of San Diego"
Wireless' Next Big Innovation

David Washburn reports on a breakthrough in signal amplification for cellphone chips, and ECE chair Larry Larson credits recent wireless advances at UC San Diego to the state's investment in Calit2,

"Imperial Valley News"
It's All Relative

The news service picks up the Calit2 story about development of an "emotionally intelligent" robot modeled to look like Albert Einstein.

"New York Times"
Do We Need a New Internet?

John Markoff reports on efforts to redesign the Internet to fight various threats to cyber security, and he quotes Calit2 participant Stefan Savage, who runs an NSF-funded Cyber Security center at UC San Diego.

"Science Centric"
Engineering graduate student narrows gap between high-resolution video and virtual reality

Scientists at Calit2 make virtual reality more "real", in a project that has project scientist Jurgen Schulze mentoring CSE grad student Han Suk Kim.

University to Address Humanity's Grand Challenges

Calit2 director Larry Smarr is quoted in a news release announcing the establishment of Singularity University, to address grand challenges and groom tomorrow's leaders.

UCSD Grad Student Improves Virtual Reality Environments

Calit2 researcher Han Suk Kim, a UC San Diego computer science and engineering graduate student, optimizes VR environments for high-res video.

"Electronic Design"
Improved Lens Technology Makes Surgery Less Painful

Richard Gawel reports on Surgicam, the prototype of a new surgery instrument under development in the UCSD division of Calit2.

"New University"
Peer-to-Peer Technology Applied To Traffic Forecasting

The International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication systems recently published the research of four UC Irvine graduate students about a project capable of clearing Los Angeles traffic. Tentatively dubbed ?Autonet,? a portmanteau of ?automatic/automobile? and ?Internet,? the program is the brainchild of Trevor Harmon, James Marca, Pete Martini and Raymond Klefstad.


"SSC Pacific News Bulletin"
Center Personnel Tour Calit2

Personnel from SSC Pacific (fka SPAWAR) toured Calit2 UCSD's state-of-the-art research facilities last Fall. The 17 visitors enjoyed tours and demonstrations of many of Calit2's technologies. The virtual reality environment, StarCAVE, was a big hit with the aviators. SSC Pacific and Calit2 UCSD are engaged in a strategic partnership.

"The Times of London"
Is Albert Einstein robot too human? Everything?s relative

Albert Einstein has been re-created as a robot, right down to the unruly hair and luxuriant moustache, but the electronic version is no genius by human standards.

While it would be no use at proving the physicist?s unified field theory, the robot Einstein is extraordinary in that it can recognise and respond to human emotions.

"The Daily Mail"
Introducing the scarily realistic Einstein robot who can tell how you feel

With a big bushy moustache and a shock of white hair, scientists have modeled an ultra realistic robot on Albert Einstein.

Although it is unable to ponder complex theories such as general relativity, the robot has helped scientists develop their understanding of emotional intelligence.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
H.M. recollected: Famous amnesic launches a bold, new brain project at UCSD

Feature on the UCSD Brain Observatory's attempt to create a new and unrivaled collection of human brains for scientific study, including the brain of a famed amnesiac.

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