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"Wired Podcast"
Gadget Lab

The Wired blog Gadget Lab editor Dylan Tweeney talks with Calit2's Derek Lomas and other members of the Playpower team who are designing software for a $12 computer from China.

Kauffman Seminar Asks How Universities Can Improve Innovation

Calit2 is noted for its "best practices" in industry-university relations, according to an article in Xconomy.com by Bruce Bigelow. Larry Smarr opens the conference with a talk on the subject.

$12 Computer: Playpower Wants to Save the World 8 Bits at a Time

Priya Ganapati reports on the response to a presentation by Calit2-based researcher Derek Lomas, on the unique Playpower effort to design education learning games to run on a $12 computer already sold in the developing world.

Google Disrupts - Again

Calit2's Jerry Sheehan is quotes by Lee Gomes in the column 'Digital Tools', about the need to pay more attention to adding content than to the design of Web sites, because so many people now access sites via search engines.

"L'Expansion (France)"
Singularity University: A New MIT?

The French business magazine's Matthieu Dailly writes about a story about Singularity University, including a quote from Calit2 director Larry Smarr, who is on the advisory board.

"The Daily Mail"
Introducing the scarily realistic Einstein robot who can tell how you feel

With a big bushy moustache and a shock of white hair, scientists have modeled an ultra realistic robot on Albert Einstein.

Although it is unable to ponder complex theories such as general relativity, the robot has helped scientists develop their understanding of emotional intelligence.

"The Times of London"
Is Albert Einstein robot too human? Everything?s relative

Albert Einstein has been re-created as a robot, right down to the unruly hair and luxuriant moustache, but the electronic version is no genius by human standards.

While it would be no use at proving the physicist?s unified field theory, the robot Einstein is extraordinary in that it can recognise and respond to human emotions.

Data Travels Six Times Faster in the Cloud

The online service reports on a cloud-computing experiment that involved UC San Diego.

"The La Jolla Light"
Robots 'Emotions' Are Relative

Albert Einstein may have written his last scientific theory more than half a century ago, but he's still honing his emotional intelligence in a laboratory at UCSD.


"The Hindu (India)"
Some parallels between two great lives

The Indian daily carried a front-page report about talks at Calit2 by two grandsons of Mahatma Gandhi, and the parallels one of them drew between the lives of Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln.

"India West"
Gandhi Cousins Make Rare Appearance at San Diego Lecture

Michel Potts reports on the Gandhi Memorial Lecture at Calit2, where two of Mahatma Gandhi's grandsons gave talks on non-violence and Hindu-Muslim relations.

"The UCSD Guardian"
Researchers Develop Smirking, Speaking Einstein

Software developers at UCSD?s California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology have unveiled the latest in artificial intelligence: the Einstein Robot, a model head installed with specialized software that allows it to interact naturally with humans.

"Voice of San Diego"
New iPhone App Comes from UCSD

David Washburn reports on the launch of the California Traffic Report, a new tool for California commuters. It's available from Apple's App Store for the iPhone.

"Voice of San Diego"
Wireless' Next Big Innovation

David Washburn reports on a breakthrough in signal amplification for cellphone chips, and ECE chair Larry Larson credits recent wireless advances at UC San Diego to the state's investment in Calit2,

"Imperial Valley News"
It's All Relative

The news service picks up the Calit2 story about development of an "emotionally intelligent" robot modeled to look like Albert Einstein.

"New York Times"
Do We Need a New Internet?

John Markoff reports on efforts to redesign the Internet to fight various threats to cyber security, and he quotes Calit2 participant Stefan Savage, who runs an NSF-funded Cyber Security center at UC San Diego.

"Science Centric"
Engineering graduate student narrows gap between high-resolution video and virtual reality

Scientists at Calit2 make virtual reality more "real", in a project that has project scientist Jurgen Schulze mentoring CSE grad student Han Suk Kim.

University to Address Humanity's Grand Challenges

Calit2 director Larry Smarr is quoted in a news release announcing the establishment of Singularity University, to address grand challenges and groom tomorrow's leaders.

UCSD Grad Student Improves Virtual Reality Environments

Calit2 researcher Han Suk Kim, a UC San Diego computer science and engineering graduate student, optimizes VR environments for high-res video.

"Electronic Design"
Improved Lens Technology Makes Surgery Less Painful

Richard Gawel reports on Surgicam, the prototype of a new surgery instrument under development in the UCSD division of Calit2.

"New University"
Peer-to-Peer Technology Applied To Traffic Forecasting

The International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication systems recently published the research of four UC Irvine graduate students about a project capable of clearing Los Angeles traffic. Tentatively dubbed ?Autonet,? a portmanteau of ?automatic/automobile? and ?Internet,? the program is the brainchild of Trevor Harmon, James Marca, Pete Martini and Raymond Klefstad.


"SSC Pacific News Bulletin"
Center Personnel Tour Calit2

Personnel from SSC Pacific (fka SPAWAR) toured Calit2 UCSD's state-of-the-art research facilities last Fall. The 17 visitors enjoyed tours and demonstrations of many of Calit2's technologies. The virtual reality environment, StarCAVE, was a big hit with the aviators. SSC Pacific and Calit2 UCSD are engaged in a strategic partnership.

"The Times of London"
Is Albert Einstein robot too human? Everything?s relative

Albert Einstein has been re-created as a robot, right down to the unruly hair and luxuriant moustache, but the electronic version is no genius by human standards.

While it would be no use at proving the physicist?s unified field theory, the robot Einstein is extraordinary in that it can recognise and respond to human emotions.

"The Daily Mail"
Introducing the scarily realistic Einstein robot who can tell how you feel

With a big bushy moustache and a shock of white hair, scientists have modeled an ultra realistic robot on Albert Einstein.

Although it is unable to ponder complex theories such as general relativity, the robot has helped scientists develop their understanding of emotional intelligence.

"San Diego Union-Tribune"
H.M. recollected: Famous amnesic launches a bold, new brain project at UCSD

Feature on the UCSD Brain Observatory's attempt to create a new and unrivaled collection of human brains for scientific study, including the brain of a famed amnesiac.

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